View Full Version : Viewing recommendations required

04-03-2014, 10:25 PM
Hi Satellite Soul Mates
I have the following equipment:
1M motorised dish and an old dish connected that points to 28.2 East with a VU+ Solo2 box with a Blackhole image ( with Catseye E2 75 East - 45 West satellite settings.

I haven't spent much time exploring what channels are available because I've just been watching the 3pm kick offs using http://liveonsat.com/quickindex.html, literally find out what channel the match is on and changing channels just before kick off. If anyone could provide any information about what channels are available on which satellites (links, websites or useful channel info). I'm interested in drama, sports or comedy or if you can supply any viewing recommendations that would be greatly appreciated. Until then I'll keep channel surfing
Thanks in advance

05-03-2014, 12:02 AM
welcome to the forum