View Full Version : Uno hooked up to an rf modulator but lost sound on RF channel 39?

05-03-2014, 10:25 PM
I have the uno going a blast with BH 2.0.7 and use an rf modulator to send round house but for some reason I have lost sound on the RF channel, there is actual sound but its drowned out by what I can only describe as hissing/static. I have done a lot of the usual, re boots, changed rf channel, checked leads etc but no joy. I have changed digital downmix as required. It could be an image glitch but I dont want to do a re flash yet as if it aint broke etc. Otherwise box is perfect.

Any ideas?

05-03-2014, 10:46 PM
if the modulator can be altered, make sure its on PAL I for the uk

there may be a clash on 39 so try different channels too

17-09-2014, 10:55 PM
A little update, it was the modulator, got a new one and bingo no problems. Apparently its a well known fault with labgear modulator, lasts for about a year and then looses sound. There after care is non existent. Needless to say I bought a different make.