View Full Version : help please

18-03-2014, 04:32 PM
today I recieved my vu solo 2 from your sponsor gold wafer, I had black hole put on by them and they seemed to have set up the lat. and long. and put in a channel list for astra, however I have a multi satellite system and dont seem to be able to use the positioner, I have tried all the options but nothing seems to work. shows that it cant find dish and positioner does not move dish so I dont know what else to try, can anyone help me with this please, thank you for any advise Carmine

18-03-2014, 05:03 PM
have you tried the other tuner ?

18-03-2014, 05:07 PM
Firstly, I would set up the tuner configuration: menu > setup > service searching > tuner configuration to ensure that the tuner you are using is configured as "positioner". Then I would download a settings file (eg catseyes) that contains all of the satellites in your arc. Then take it from there.

18-03-2014, 05:28 PM
and I would have a good read here


18-03-2014, 06:17 PM
I have followed the above but when I get to goto and red button nothing happens ,the channel lists have already been put in by gold wafers . thanks for the advice but still no luck,

I have tried to make the second tuner also positioner but still not working, its as though it cant find a satellite or positioner

I really dont know what to try next, on a couple of occasions it has message software problem and restart so dont know if its me or if there really is a problem any help gratefully received carmine

18-03-2014, 06:44 PM
I managed to get the positioner to work by using the red button on goto and got an error on the positioner as we cant go round to 1 deg. west but now we can move the dish but still cant pull in any satellite's is there a way to pull them in manually thanks

19-03-2014, 02:16 PM
sorry just noticed on the how to do set up that if you have a motorised set up already with a reciever, the set up is different, unfortunately I have lost the positions now having tried the other way, I have tried manually but now my positioner has gone into error and and is not turning properly just goes into error so before I managed to get 28 dec east now I get nothing again, begining to wish I had never got this reciever, I didnt know it would be so complicated to set up, used to the old way set limits and then pull in the sats, doing this manually is a nightmare especially when you dont know where they are, any ideahs anybody looks like Im totaly out of my League here. Hope I havnt killed my positioner now. So dissapointed Carmine

19-03-2014, 06:16 PM
start from scratch load a img your self and get a manual for your reciever regards jovie

19-03-2014, 06:19 PM
You mention a positioner, is this a V-Box II type positioner, for a 36v motor?
Can you please post more details, of your set up.

19-03-2014, 08:11 PM
If you have a V-Box II type positioner you use this to move your dish and store your sats.

What receiver did you have before, if your dish has not changed you sats would have been stored in the vbox

20-03-2014, 11:27 AM
thanks for the reply I had a technomate 6800 and used a motech v box II to move the dish which has an old type motor, I moved to Italy 11 years ago and didnt do much more than just watch what was available on my sat. As my tech. started playing up I had to factory reset and lost all the sat settings it seemed even in my v box, then I tried to set up the solo2 for a motorised setting and that is when everything went wrong, I firstly used the quick set up guide and this told me to put the cable from the lnb into the second position but the reciever did not recognise the dish, when I downloaded the user manual it said to put the lnb in the first and this worked, I managed to use the channel list and set up astra 28 deg. but after memorising this in position one could not move to any other sats, my pos.keeps giving error and I seemed to have lost the other sat lists so dont know what I have done wrong, had a lot of probs setting tuner to positioner still not sure wether it is set or not as keep getting error on tuner configuration but I followed the guid from your site just doesnt seem to have worked for I tried pulling in hotbird but it keeps tellin me to check tuner configuration service not available, when trying to configure tuner under advance it used to give you several options of sats now just shows 28.2 and when you try to change sat just says all sat 1 all sat 2 up to 4 then back to 28.2 I think the problem is that I havnt managed to set the tuner to a motorised setting or I have lost all the other sats, is there anything I can do to get the sats back and is there any help with configuring the tuner I have followed the instuctions on the site and the user manual doesnt tell you how to set up motorised dish. would be very grateful for any help or advice you can give im afraid I seem to be at a complete loss dont know of any sat people here in Italy to help if I was still in England I would have called in someone to help thanks in anticipation of any advice do appreciate all the help that this site gives and have given me in the past Carmine

20-03-2014, 01:14 PM
The problem was that you didn't mention that you are using a V-Box II positioner, in your original posts. This changes everything as all your satellite positions are already stored, in your V-Box II, and now need to be reset, which should be quite easy.
It also helps that you have now stated you are using your dish in Italy, not in the UK.
Do you know your correct latitude, and longitude?
Your longitude reading will provide your True South position, positive readings = East, which you should get in Italy.
Personally I would reset my V-Box !!, afeter using it to manually move your dish to your true south satellite, then use the Diseqc 1.2 option, in your new receiver, to move the dish east, then west, and assign your new positions accordingly.

20-03-2014, 01:47 PM
Don't reset your VBOX II as it already has all your current satellites positions stored in it's memory.

Longitude & Latitude is used for USALS only. Vbox II does not support USALS.

I've copied and pasted the following from the dummies guide below which you should follow exactly.

How to setup Vu+ (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Vu-Vuplus/) with VBox II DiSEqC 1.2 Positioner.
If your VBox II already has the satellite positions stored and your changing from an old receiver to Vu+ (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Vu-Vuplus/) then follow this procedure.

Write down your VBox II satellite position numbers. These are the numbers displayed on the front of the VBox II when moving to a
specific satellite position. These position numbers can also be found in your old receivers motor (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Motors-and-Positioners/) setup menu.

Example lets say...
Position 1 on VBox II = Astra 19e
Position 2 on VBox II = Eutelsat W2 16e
Position 3 on VBox II = Hotbird 13e

You get the idea...

First send the dish to Astra 19e using Vbox II.

On Vu+ (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Vu-Vuplus/) Remote Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Now set Configuration Mode to Advanced. Use Left or Right keys on remote to select.

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Astra 19e
LNB (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/LNB-s/): 1
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 001

Press OK to store.

OK that's Astra 19e setup now to setup Eutelsat W2 16e

Now send the dish to Eutelsat 16E using Vbox II.

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Eutelsat W2 16e
LNB (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/LNB-s/): 2
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 002

Press OK to store.

OK that's Eutelsat W2 16e setup now to setup Hotbird 13e

Now send dish to Hotbird using Vbox II

Select Setup Press OK
Select Service Searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configuration Mode: Advanced
Satellite: Hotbird 13e
LNB (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/LNB-s/): 3
DiSEqC mode: 1.2

Scroll down to botton of the page with the down arrow on remote.

Use USALS for this sat: No
Stored position: 003

Press OK to store.

You get the idea, now repeat for the rest of the satellites and your done.

20-03-2014, 02:00 PM
Thank you hda5,

I mentioned Latitude, and Longitude, only to get the original posters True South position, as a method of checking the satellite arc.

I suspect that there might be more to this problem than not managing to get the receiver to navigate to the correct satellite, as a V-Box II should be capable of being used as a stand alone positioner, and allow the user to move the dish to locate a specific satellite.

In fact, seeing as it is already set up, he should be able to move the dish using this alone, unless the positions have now been changed.

If you can please post the make/model of the V-Box II a fellow owner, or someone with access to the instruction manual, should be able to assist you, if hda5's guide doesn't fix the problem.

Please post back if you manage to get it working.

20-03-2014, 05:08 PM
thanks to all but I dont think I have explained properly my problem, I followed this how to set up reciever more than once but cant get it to work, I manually got 28.2 and then manually pulled in 13.east but the reciever would not move the dish between the two sats even though I had memorised them, then I found that i again memorised 28.2 east but lost all the other sats from configuration mode in advanceed ,only 28.2 deg. shows cannot change to any other sat therefore cant pull in any other sat, dont know what has happened but my prob. has been not memorising properly the solo2 and not managing to program it to control the v box so could only save one sat and watch one no multi sat positioning ,have had a couple of error messages stating that i need to configure tuner so i believe it is the tuner configeratiopn that i seem to not be able to achieve thanks for any help

20-03-2014, 05:22 PM
perhaps if I gave you a simple explanation of how this system work , both before and now ?

the vbox is sent to each sat in turn , and the position is stored by a number , so the vbox moves the dish , not the sat box (not any sat box for that matter)

the fact is you never mentioned using a vbox positioner which made your problem worse

so the first thing to do is ensure that the vbox is sending the motor to the correct satellite, and channels can be seen and heard , this can be done with any box, even the old one, the positioner numbers should be written down as well, so you know which number is which satellite

ok , once this has been done , the advanced positioner mentioned by hda 5 should be used in order to tell the box (any box , not just the solo 2) which position the vbox should go to , this is done in diseqc v1.2 mode (forget usals)

so let us assume you start at 42e and this is say position 1 , 39e may be position 2 , etc , stepping round and adding 1 to each position at the same time - gettit ?

now when you tell the solo 2 to go to 42e , you send the vbox to position 1 942e) using the vbox remote and select 42e on the solo 2 and an fta channel, you then store this under position 1 on the solo 2 , so the vbox is on 1 and the solo 2 is on 1 and on 42e

then you send the vbox to 39e on position 2 , select 39e fta channel on the solo 2 and see pictures and sound , then store that position 2 to 2 on the solo 2 , so now 39e is on 2

you repeat all this until the vbox numbers and solo2 numbers in diseqc v1.2 tally all the way to say 30w

as long as the vbox has this system stored and can make the dish go to each position in tun then the vbox is setup correctly, then its just a case of making the solo 2 use the same numbers in advanced diseqc v1.2 mode

it sounds complicated , but basically you are making 42e position 1 on the vbox and on the solo 2 , 39e is 2 on both boxes , 36e is 3 on both boxes , etc

22-03-2014, 03:49 PM
Hi everyone thanks so much for all your help, Lee at goldwafers helped out, it seemed that he programmed the box to use usals which is why the vbox didnt work, also he told me how to put cateseye on again and now I have all the sats back and have managed to pull in 19 deg. east and 13deg. east as well as 28deg east these were the important ones for me. Lee was very patient and helpfull real good bloke. Now anybody give me any info of what I can download for this reciever, as I have no idea what is available or how to go about it. thanks again everyone so pleased that I have it up and running was worried I would never achieve it, now its just a matter of Learning how to use it .