View Full Version : AZ Box Premium Handyman needed

24-03-2014, 08:42 PM

I was wondering if there is anyone who can help me out. My AZBox (the first version of the Premium) is currently running a version of Spaze...which I gather is now obsolete.

I read great things about OpenRSI and OpenATV (or words to that effect) I'd be quite willing to have my box updated to one of these modern firmware versions, and also to have plugins for IPTV and if possible DLNA (does such a plugin exist?) to be installed as well. Is there anyone I can bring my box round to that can help with the installation, as to be frank, I'm not that confident of my abilities to do it myself, and I don't want to risk a dead box on my hands.

I'm in Birmingham and am willing to travel a reasonable distance, if it will result in the job getting done.

