View Full Version : Hello folks

01-04-2014, 09:40 PM
I'm not new here, but haven't posted anything until recently.

Been playing around with satellite TV from the early days of analogue firstly with a NEC 2022 system, then a Discus Elipse. Designed some analogue decoders for these simple signals and then went over to digital D2MAC using a converted DMAC BSB receiver and squarial. Lost interest after everything became compact and impossible to play around with so messed about with weather satellite equipment and other home-brew stuff. Now interested a bit again, but so much has changed and it is hard to work on the hardware so I guess it's mainly software folk out there now. Still having fun trying to decrypt the Russian weather satellites as PCs are now fast enough to do the job.

01-04-2014, 09:42 PM
Welcome! Hope you find what your looking for!