View Full Version : help please

04-04-2014, 01:34 PM
Thanks for all the advice and help that I have been given, as I am new to Linux I have experienced a lot of probs just setting it up . I have managed to set it up and have been experimenting with downloads , all seemed well untill this morning when the reciever screen went green and the message is ( sorry your stb encountered a software problem and needs to be restarted please send the logfile in hdd to crashlog), it shows this message over and over again and I have tried restarting the reciever to no avail, can someone help me please, dont no what I have done wrong I am gratefulll for any advice Carmine

04-04-2014, 04:42 PM
are you switching off the box from the switch at the back? what was the last thing you attempted before youre box crashed?

04-04-2014, 05:41 PM
Hi, yes I used the switch at the back, I had previously downloaded files that were working but when I went into the same position today and chose movies thats when the reciever started this Mes****ng and the black hole seems to have crashed. I have downloaded a blackhole backup file and I believe I need to flash this on via usb, is there any info on the correct procedure for doing this, dont want to do anything else wrong thanks for any advice, much appreciated carmine

04-04-2014, 05:48 PM
There is a guide on the forum:

05-04-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi Mickha thanks for the info I managed to flash the backup image and all is now well for a mo, I am wondering wether I was trying to do too much without internal hard drive , which is on order and should arrive shortly, so I wont do anything more untill I fit it, I appreciate all the help you and Others have given me I dont think I would ever have got it up and running without, if there is any files that you think would be good for me to download would be gratefull for any advice, thanks again Carmine

07-04-2014, 02:15 PM

This may sound like stating the obvious but one tip I would give is to do a full backup before you make any changes. Get it as you want it i.e. channel lists, config tweaks etc then fully back it up. You can then ftp that backup (instructions on where to find it are on here) onto a USB stick. Then if you add an addon and you find things like green screening (which I have had on several occasions) then it's easy to restore your backup which now will include any changes you have made up to that point. Saves a lot of time having to re-configure it.

07-04-2014, 04:04 PM
I agree with the above , backup your image and settings BEFORE adding any plugins etc as you will get GSOD `s at times and not be able to fix it , meaning you can restore a backup , PROVIDING you have made one

dont try running before you can walk , dont make any changes without having backed up first

good luck