View Full Version : Black Hole Newbie Tips

12-04-2014, 11:48 AM
Being a relatively new owner of a VU+ Duo 2, bought from Lee last week, I thought it might be helpful, to other newbies, if owners could publish some useful tips, to get the receiver working how they want.

The first problem, I encountered, after setting up the receiver, was with the Infobar, this seemed to have a setting for popping up during some programs, especially on Discovery Italy, one of my most viewed channels. I think I have now stopped this, via the menu settings, and found a lot of other options that can be altered.

For anyone else, experiencing this problem, go into the Menu and select the following:
Now press the left/right arrows, while on Setup Mode, on your remote, to bring up Expert. Scroll all the way down to Show Infobar on Event Change and set to no. Press the Green Button, for OK, and the option is saved.

If anyone else has other tips, for Black Hole, please add to the thread, and perhaps start a new thread, for other images, for us newbies.
many thanks