View Full Version : spiderbox wont register me to internet

25-04-2014, 05:33 PM
i bought a spiderbox HD6000 receiver two months ago and have tried lots of times to connect and register to the internet without success.
my friends that installed it said the problem was probably with my internet provider ( TALK TALK) as everytime that we tried to register and connect it said ' UNABLE TO CONNECT ' ???
i know absoloutly nothing about any of this and i am left with a receiver that just gets the free to air channels like bbc 1 2 etc and itv .
they installed some sort of software via a usb stick ,i think thay said it was the pach to make receiver decode or receive channels so as i can watch sport on the receiver,,they said that i should join this forum and hopefully somebody would be able to help me with any suggestions as to what i should or need to do ??
If anybody can help me i would be very grateful ????
thank you for reading this
from Paul Upton

25-04-2014, 06:26 PM
those are uk channels on 28.2e so even if you install the latest patch (posted on here a few days ago) using a usb stick you still wont decode the scrambled channels from that satellite anyway

anything decoded by the "gift" is not on that satellite (the one at 28.2e)

I would patch it, then try to log it onto your router, then try youtube or whatever internet programs are on it

but dont expect to open any sly channels from 28.2e with it

25-04-2014, 07:08 PM
i bought a spiderbox HD6000 receiver two months ago and have tried lots of times to connect and register to the internet without success.
my friends that installed it said the problem was probably with my internet provider ( TALK TALK) as everytime that we tried to register and connect it said ' UNABLE TO CONNECT ' ???
i know absoloutly nothing about any of this and i am left with a receiver that just gets the free to air channels like bbc 1 2 etc and itv .
they installed some sort of software via a usb stick ,i think thay said it was the pach to make receiver decode or receive channels so as i can watch sport on the receiver,,they said that i should join this forum and hopefully somebody would be able to help me with any suggestions as to what i should or need to do ??
If anybody can help me i would be very grateful ????
thank you for reading this
from Paul Upton
I feel and think that like all newbies you are probable are connected but since your friends have bought something on top of what they are telling you, and may have the opportunity to see other satellites? I feel you should take it up with them? I also think sly is rubbish and I don't pay extra lol I think this or someone should get something into the sticky s about this subject? (in a round about way of course) Spiderbox 6000 hd does not give you any pay per view or subscription channels on the UK sat, so don't buy on a friend's advice if the label on the box say's different? Here endeth the lesson. lol (untouchable's quote):sifone:

25-04-2014, 08:18 PM
as i set this box up for paulupton123.hes on about 19 east and others with i**. yes he can watch youtube . but as he said will not connect to i**

25-04-2014, 08:31 PM
as i set this box up for paulupton123.hes on about 19 east and others with i**. yes he can watch youtube . but as he said will not connect to i**

these are not on 19 east. they are on 28.2 east

and he actually said it wont connect to the internet !

and have tried lots of times to connect and register to the internet without success.

i am left with a receiver that just gets the free to air channels like bbc 1 2 etc and itv

as for i*s , make sure the latest patch is installed as I said earlier - posted 4 days ago


25-04-2014, 08:42 PM
yes latest patch is loaded.and yes it will connect to internet.but not connect to i**.

25-04-2014, 08:43 PM
thank you for that echelon ,,i will show my friends that understand it more and il hope that it helps ,thanks again

25-04-2014, 08:45 PM
yes latest patch is loaded.and yes it will connect to internet.but not connect to i**.

ok, in that case take it up with the supplier (after testing it at your house first)

25-04-2014, 08:49 PM
is this you jason?? and do any of the comments help to solve the problem and did i word it correctly ??

25-04-2014, 08:53 PM
yes paul it me.were just wait

25-04-2014, 09:14 PM
ok jason,,a few people have kindly given advice ,,do any of them make sense to you ??

25-04-2014, 09:26 PM
try it at my house one day

25-04-2014, 09:37 PM
ok u can collect it anytime and try it jason thnx,hopefully someone will know wat we have to do?

25-04-2014, 10:06 PM
Check System Info.
Did you use a saved channel list ?
If it doesn't show the correct date you don't actually have saved a channel list & you download wrong data after patching your receiver.

25-04-2014, 10:15 PM
hw version 01.00
sw version 01.14
date 9 apr 2014
and he had a saved channel list

25-04-2014, 10:18 PM
incorrect date then , I did say earlier to use the latest patch from 4 days ago and I linked it too , shame people dont LISTEN !

post #6 says its the latest patch , clearly , it isnt the latest patch !

25-04-2014, 10:25 PM
thank you for that black devil ,,i hope jason will use ur advice thnx again from paul

25-04-2014, 10:25 PM
thank you echelon ,,very kind of you for your time ,,hope jason will try this for me

25-04-2014, 10:40 PM
ok ill use patch from 21apr. i use patch from 9apr and i have no problems.

25-04-2014, 10:45 PM
maybe not , but anyone with problems should be using the latest patch as I clearly stated earlier , plus you clearly replied saying it had the latest patch when actually it didnt !

as for the extra , I believe it uses your mac code or some other embedded code to login to the server , so I would check the mac code shown in the menu matches whatever was on the box or on any label affixed to the spiderbox

there have been instances about 6 months ago of this embedded code being incorrect or all zeroes or whatever , preventing registration , any problems like that and you should contact the retailer asap

25-04-2014, 10:47 PM
ok ill use patch from 21apr. i use patch from 9apr and i have no problems.

You are only using that patch because you do not read the forum, and as echelon has said, it would appear that you are not reading all
of the info being given to you.

25-04-2014, 10:57 PM
ok thanks point taken.but in my case if its not broke dont fix it.

25-04-2014, 11:00 PM
ok thanks point taken.but in my case if its not broke dont fix it.
I think you have done the same thing to paulupton123 that you did to yourself in the thread below by loading a full data save instead of channel data save which overwrites any previous patch loaded.

25-04-2014, 11:25 PM
i allways save as user database

25-04-2014, 11:55 PM
I dont think either of you have checked the mac code on the box against its supplied code, or checked its not an invalid i*s key listed in the network menu (the faulty one should look similar to the working one)

check the key on the working one against its user mac code, to get an idea of any similarities

also, as I said earlier, try try the "faulty" one at the exact same place as the "working" one , that way you eliminate any broadband issues

26-04-2014, 07:48 AM
maybe not , but anyone with problems should be using the latest patch as I clearly stated earlier , plus you clearly replied saying it had the latest patch when actually it didnt !

as for the extra , I believe it uses your mac code or some other embedded code to login to the server , so I would check the mac code shown in the menu matches whatever was on the box or on any label affixed to the spiderbox

there have been instances about 6 months ago of this embedded code being incorrect or all zeroes or whatever , preventing registration , any problems like that and you should contact the retailer asap

thanks echelon ,
,i have read what u have said ,,i wish id known all this earlier ,,i bought this spiderbox about 2 months ago roughly ,well i gave money to my 2 friends to get it ,at the time they said it wouldnt connect to the internet simply because i used talk talk as my provider and there was nothing wrong with my spiderbox and that i could not get my money back as the box was fine ,,but having read what you have written then maybe they were wrong and i should have contacted wherever they bought the spiderbox from ?? is this correct in what im saying or not ?? and is it too late to contact the people they bought the spiderbox from on the internet ,im not sure of the exact date as they have the receipt still ??but im pretty sure it was around the 15th march because i remember spurs were playing arsenal and i wanted to watch the game via the sat receiver ,so if im right then it was less than 2 months ??

26-04-2014, 09:26 AM
Good morning chaps. Interesting read but Could I just ask a few q's?

As the story started.....
i bought a spiderbox HD6000 receiver two months ago and have tried lots of times to connect and register to the internet without success.
i know absoloutly nothing about any of this and i am left with a receiver that just gets the free to air channels like bbc 1 2 etc and itv .

as i set this box up for paulupton123.hes on about 19 east and others with i**. yes he can watch youtube . but as he said will not connect to i**

So? Since everyone has ruled out his dish? ( It could be still looking at 28 east?) (whats the dish setup?)
Have you tried to connect the box with a cable instead of wifi? If you have the passwords and that of your network connect by cable and if that works go back to the wifi and set that up again? (sorry just woke up lol if you get utube then your connected to internet so connection is not the problem)

So now my real question? Is the box brand new?
Depending on the supplier it may be second hand and have used it's freebie all ready?

26-04-2014, 09:34 AM
Talktalk is not the problem, I use their broadband, first with a Spiderbox 9000 HD and now with a VU+ Duo2.

The problem could be your friends, and how they've set it up.
Not owning a 6000HD, or having access to one, I'm unsure if it is the same as other, earlier, Spiderboxes, like the 7000, or 9000.
Did your friends install the channel list?
Did anyone copy all the data off their machine onto yours?
Have you tried doing a factory reset, loading the latest patch, but not loading any channel list, or data on your USB, instead just scanning in a few channels and checking if it connects?

26-04-2014, 10:22 AM
lets get something straight here

under the uk sale of goods act a box has to have a design fault and not working for the purposes it was sold for to have any comeback on the retailer

basically it has to be in the same state it was supplied in and work in the manner it was designed to work , so in this case has to pick up and decode free to air channels from the dish it is connected to and connect to the internet (like youtube etc) using the same firmware it was supplied with

clearly it hasnt got that same factory fresh firmware it was supplied with as its been altered (patched) by a third party, using third party software, so its no longer in the factory state it was when it was supplied, so a retailer can refuse it on that basis (that the customer has interfered with it , same as vodaphone or apple wouldnt take back an Iphone that had been jailbroken by the customers friends)

a retailer also cannot guarantee that it will work for any illegal services , which rules out the reasons set out in the opening post (failure to connect to i*s) - this would never form part of the sales contract for any box , never mind the spiderbox !

frankly, as far as I am aware , a spiderbox (or any box) will work using any broadband network and so this idea that it fails due to talk talk being used is rubbish in my opinion , especially as its been stated it works using youtube

it all comes back to the unique box code used by i*s needing to be registered by the server , we had one case here 6 months ago where this code was completely wrong for some reason and had to be changed by the retailer, or the box may have been given its own identity back , I dont know as it was all a big secret

the whole reason for testing this "faulty" box at a site that works is to rule out the broadband question completely

ie:- if it fails at evens house then it cannot be the BB as his own box works fine

the internet connection doesnt even need a sat dish connected to make it register and show as "connected" , just an internet connection via a router

so you patch it with the LATEST patch , connect to the internet on a known to be working BB , and test it , checking it registers

any failures on i*s are down to the internal ID not being accepted by the server , meaning one or the other has an issue

any failures due to reprogramming the box are down to the owner and his friends , and saying its the broadband at fault is ridiculous in my opinion

the retailer will only accept it as faulty if a genuine fault exists, i*s would not qualify under the sale of goods act as its not a part of the original sale

any contract with the retailer is with the actual customer who bought it, so if the picture or sound failed or the power supply failed, it would be covered under the SOGA , but no retailer is going to accept failure to connect to i*s as grounds for a return

26-04-2014, 11:05 AM
well said echelon . I agree with everything you said but also would ask is the box brand new?
eg.... Spiderbox 600hd for sale £40 ono. reason of sale- bought it but don't need it any more as i got a bigger box.

Sounds like a bargain if you are not aware you would have to also buy a line or renew freebie?

26-04-2014, 11:31 AM
thanks for all your help i hope that jason reads this and he can do something about it ,thanks again and il keep u posted if we can get it working properly

26-04-2014, 11:33 AM
thanks for all your help echelon ,you seem to know what you are talking about ,,u have been kind with your help;;

i hope that jason reads this and he can do something about it ,thanks again and il keep u posted if we can get it working properly

26-04-2014, 11:34 AM
thank you mickha for this ,,i will let you know how i get on when i see jason

26-04-2014, 11:47 AM
hi hinta ,,thank u for your advice ,,as soon as i see jason hopefully all what you have said along with the other kind people we may resolve this situation ,as soon as i find out i will let you know ,,thanks again for your time from paul

26-04-2014, 11:54 AM
Check under your receiver and you will see the mac address be written there.
Go Menu - Network Settings - Select Wired Network and under it in Auto press OK
You will also see there the mac address.
Check if it is the same.

26-04-2014, 12:46 PM
hi jason ,,hope ur ok ,,do all these comments help ?? a lot of kind people have put forward a lot of suggestions ,as you know im not clued up on all this but judging from what everyone has said ,the internet isnt the problem ( as talk talk is fine with everyone else plus the you tube works as well),and that it may have something to do with either the registration or the patch(not being upto date ) or the satelite setting not being correct pointing at 28 east i think somebody mentioned or the spiderbox itself,,anyway i hope this will help you and hope to see you during the week mate ,,thnx for your help

26-04-2014, 01:05 PM
ok when ever your ready we will do everything we have been told to do.check mac address. load latest patch.scan own channels.and as said try box round mine.

26-04-2014, 01:55 PM
i think the box was brand new ,,but i will have to check with my mates as they have the receipt etc but il let u know ,,thnx for this help though

26-04-2014, 02:17 PM
thanks jason,yes they have been realy helpful mate ,so i guess wenever u have all the new software ,,channel listings etc etc new patch upto date etc u can come round wen ur not busy thnx again

26-04-2014, 02:35 PM
thnx jbvid il tell jason ,and let u know how we get on thnx again

26-04-2014, 06:22 PM
i am not sure if i can do it but is it possible for somebody to talk me how i could load the patch on to a usb stick then load it onto my sat receiver spiderbox ??? if it is too dificult then i will wait for jason to do it ??

26-04-2014, 06:32 PM
It's not difficult, in fact it's easy, and explained in the sticky threads.
The most difficult part is ensuring you have winzip, winrar or utility like 7-zip, on your PC, to uncompress the file.

Latest patch:

26-04-2014, 07:09 PM
thnx mickha,,i havent got anything to unzip the file so il have to wait for my mates to do it,,though not heard from them as yet ,,but thnx anyway mickha ,,il let u know how i get on when they turn up to do it ,,probably in the next couple of days hopefully

26-04-2014, 07:13 PM
Try any of the top 3 files here:


26-04-2014, 07:26 PM
i am not sure if i can do it but is it possible for somebody to talk me how i could load the patch on to a usb stick then load it onto my sat receiver spiderbox ??? if it is too dificult then i will wait for jason to do it ??

Check under your receiver and you will see the mac address be written there.
Go Menu - Network Settings - Select Wired Network and under it in Auto press OK
You will also see there the mac address.
Check if it is the same.

This is the most simple to do.
If you have this problem, then loading latest patch will not fix your problem.

26-04-2014, 07:37 PM
thnx black devil i will show this to jason ,he probably be here tomorrow with any luck and il let u know if it works ,cheers again

26-04-2014, 09:22 PM
I now think this is simon 123 and thread should be closed no info is cxoming forth and I now think It's a wind up?

26-04-2014, 09:27 PM
no wind up. as i know this guy. i will get to his house to do wot you guys have said.

26-04-2014, 09:35 PM
no wind up. as i know this guy. i will get to his house to do wot you guys have said.

no wind up??? You may be posting as the same person ? If not give him the money back and he can buy from sponsors payment one day get the next day (lee ty) AND THERE IS NEVER A F'ING PROBLEM.................... sorry to the site I do apologize..

26-04-2014, 09:50 PM
my name is evens not simon123 or paulupton123.also never got box of me

26-04-2014, 10:12 PM
either way, I dont want any more posts UNTIL the mac code underneath the spiderbox has been double checked as being the same as on the box in the settings as mentioned by black devil earlier

until that has been checked its pointless talking or writing about it

so please, no more posts from anyone until that mac code is checked, otherwise this thread will be closed

please note, I have already checked the user signins and there doesnt seem to be any underhandedness going on (yet)

26-04-2014, 10:24 PM
This is just a suggestion, it could be that someone has deleted/or over written the MAC Code on the receiver concerned, I believe there was a similar post/thread about this some time ago.

27-04-2014, 10:18 AM
just to let everyone know this is not a wind up,,
i bought the box off of my mate micky coventry
jason is related to micky coventry
they both came round to install the sp[iderbox and satelite dish
they tried on a number of occasions but told me that it wont connect and give me sport channels because of talk talk (thats my internet provider)
jason suggested that i join this forum so as hopefully somebody may know as to wwhy my spiderbox wont work properly
luckily their has been some kind people on here that have taken their time to suggest the reasons as to why it wont work
and lastly jason is supposed to be coming here to my house sometime this morning to try to fix it
as soon as he does i will let everyone know the result
hope this has cleared all this up
from paul upton

27-04-2014, 10:37 AM
ok il put up mac code wen jason gets here ok ,,hopefully soon

27-04-2014, 11:22 AM
jason is here
we have found mac address in network settings
but there is no mac address on the spiderbox either oln the box itself or in or on the cardboard box it came in
so where is this mac address??

27-04-2014, 11:28 AM
just to let everyone know this is not a wind up,,
i bought the box off of my mate micky coventry
jason is related to micky coventry
they both came round to install the sp[iderbox and satelite dish
they tried on a number of occasions but told me that it wont connect and give me sport channels because of talk talk (thats my internet provider)
jason suggested that i join this forum so as hopefully somebody may know as to wwhy my spiderbox wont work properly
luckily their has been some kind people on here that have taken their time to suggest the reasons as to why it wont work
and lastly jason is supposed to be coming here to my house sometime this morning to try to fix it
as soon as he does i will let everyone know the result
hope this has cleared all this up
from paul upton

Just to say i was attacking the idea that it could be a wind up and not you. This is the best site for help and you should never be afraid of asking anything.
In the past we have seen some members post question after question and not reply to any of the suggestions that have been put to him/ her.
I think you are on the right track to solving the problem and hope it will not be much longer.
And as stated before until you find out If its brand new box and the mac there is not a lot we can do? good luck and don't give up.. we are all here for you..

27-04-2014, 11:34 AM
jason is here
we have found mac address in network settings
but there is no mac address on the spiderbox either oln the box itself or in or on the cardboard box it came in
so where is this mac address??
Should be a number written on the bottom of the box on a label? If its not there then?? I need to go out so hope someone helps you further ...

27-04-2014, 11:36 AM
jason here now ,,there is no mac address anywhere on the spiderbox ,,we are folowing the instructions step by step ;;we have encountered a problem straight away
quoteImprovements :
1)Cardreader updated
2)Mgcamd emu supported via Newcamd

Instructions :
First save your channel list
Go to Network settings & select wired option
Go to Network & turn CCcam, Newcamd to off
Load patch
Factory Settings
Load your channel list
thats the list of instructions

we have gone to network and we cannot see ccam (so we cant turn off??)
and cant see and newcammd (so we cant turn off)???
wat we can see in network
IKS ,,, is OK

can help as tpo wat we do ??
or can i call someone to talk us through it ,,i can call u on my mobile phone???
hes here til midday then said be back at about six

27-04-2014, 11:40 AM
On the Spiderbox 9000HD, and earlier models, the MAC address is on a sticker, inside the spiderbox itself, you can usually see it through the vents, if not try removing the top cover, after unplugging it from the mains.
Have you pressed 1 1 1 1, on your remote, to reveal the hidden menu options?

27-04-2014, 11:44 AM
once a spider box is patched you have to switch the patch on, using 1111 I believe (as mickha says above)

not got a 6000 myself and never seen one so not sure where the actual label is with the mac code

DO NOT POST YOUR MAC CODE ON HERE or it will be removed

your mac code has to be unique and the one allocated to your box , otherwise it will NOT connect to i*s

so there should be a label either inside the box on the motherboard, concealed behind the card flap , or on the back or underneath the box itself

so check for the label for the missing mac code, and make sure the patch is turned on in network , using 1111

27-04-2014, 12:02 PM
hi hianta
we have tried post 28
Talktalk is not the problem, I use their broadband, first with a Spiderbox 9000 HD and now with a VU+ Duo2.

The problem could be your friends, and how they've set it up.
Not owning a 6000HD, or having access to one, I'm unsure if it is the same as other, earlier, Spiderboxes, like the 7000, or 9000.
Did your friends install the channel list?
Did anyone copy all the data off their machine onto yours?
Have you tried doing a factory reset, loading the latest patch, but not loading any channel list, or data on your USB, instead just scanning in a few channels and checking if it connects?

it did not connect

type was set to on
key was 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
connection said connecting then it said login failed
expiry date was blank
register said ok

again we cannot find a label or anything that resembles a mac address on the box

i have a had a thought do i need to find the invoice off my mate who bought it ,,micky coventry ,,contact the spiderbox supplier and find out the mac address ??(as there is no mac address on the box i have here )?

27-04-2014, 12:07 PM
The MAC Code on a Spiderbox 6000 is on a White Patch on the underside of the receiver.

27-04-2014, 12:08 PM
not anywhere but i will look on motherboard later ?if its the same wat does this mean??and if not the same wat does this mean also??

27-04-2014, 12:21 PM
hi hianta
we have tried post 28
Talktalk is not the problem, I use their broadband, first with a Spiderbox 9000 HD and now with a VU+ Duo2.

The problem could be your friends, and how they've set it up.
Not owning a 6000HD, or having access to one, I'm unsure if it is the same as other, earlier, Spiderboxes, like the 7000, or 9000.
Did your friends install the channel list?
Did anyone copy all the data off their machine onto yours?
Have you tried doing a factory reset, loading the latest patch, but not loading any channel list, or data on your USB, instead just scanning in a few channels and checking if it connects?

it did not connect

type was set to on
key was 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
connection said connecting then it said login failed
expiry date was blank
register said ok

again we cannot find a label or anything that resembles a mac address on the box

i have a had a thought do i need to find the invoice off my mate who bought it ,,micky coventry ,,contact the spiderbox supplier and find out the mac address ??(as there is no mac address on the box i have here )?

That's not my quote lol BUT anyway I ask again? Is the box brand knew? If someone has taken the mac off the box then probably not? If the box is not new and has already been registered the freebie may have been used and this would explain why you can not log on or register the box.
I do own and use this box and the mac is on white sticker on the bottom of the box and matches the mac address in the menu. oh well I'll catch up tonight good luck..

27-04-2014, 12:55 PM
All boxes have Mac address written down them, like you see in picture.
Contact your dealer.

27-04-2014, 01:09 PM
I think the one I referred to that the member here joemaddisson had also had all zeros on the mac code (in his threads from late last year)

clearly that code of all zeros is incorrect, so only the actual retailer or dealer can rectify this

it is also why i*s fails , and we have been telling both of you this all the way through this thread

so the mac code needs fixing, by the actual dealer, so contact them

the only dealer allowed on here is our sponsor goldwafers, they would never supply a box without a valid mac code or without a label containing the code , maybe some dealers are more unscrupulous

thread closed