View Full Version : Could a firmware change effect anything

11-05-2014, 03:59 PM
I have been using the latest Black Hole image on my Vu+ Uno for a while now without any issues. However I decided to reflash with OpenPli so I could have a look at the excellent Sky skin that is available for it. Anyway despite it looking great I decided to revert back to Black Hole mainly because any attempt to update my channel list made the device lock (and anyway I like Black Hole).

I had done a full backup of the Black Hole image before I started so I was happy it would revert back.

However since flashing it back I firstly found my Technomate motor (3 months old) would not move at all. Only got around it by disconnecting the cable and leaving it a while. Managed to get 28.2 back by usng manual selection but daren't try selecting another satellite. The other thing that isn't working is my clines. CCam Info shows them all off line. I know that is a possibility but they have been rock solid before. I also know we don't discuss clines but I am just demonstrating the problems I'm having.

Are these just coincidental or could a firmware change cause issues?

Update: I have just swapped my Vu+ Uno for my Spiderbox 6000HD and that is happily driving the satellite t when I revert back to the Vu+ Uno I am unable to move around satellites - get a flashing satellite icon for several seconds then blank. That now includes 28.2 which did work until I tried another satellite and then tried Goto 0 command

11-05-2014, 06:02 PM
You could try backing up you channel bouquets, re-flashing the latest Black Hole, and starting again.
Have you tried going into the Setup menu, selecting the Tuner, you have your motor set up on, and imput the motor settings again?

11-05-2014, 08:10 PM
Cheers Mickha - just reflashed using a base BH image, reinstalled ccam plus uploaded the latest Catseye channel lists and thinsg seem to be working a bit better at the moment. Until that is I uploaded my own channel list and then I got the green screen of death!!!.

Will do some more investigating and maybe restore an earlier channel list I made.