View Full Version : Clones ?? A friendly warning

Dig Deep
16-05-2014, 07:42 PM
Beware if You are running a solo2 clone, donīt use any upgrades after dec 12 2013

Of course we all should buy and use only genuin stuff but, like in the real world, there is clones to buy.


this could be fatal - upgrading could be the death for clones. So far there is no cure.

We here, at the Satpimps, donīt like the clones but still - beeing the Number One in satnews - I must post this warning.
For some it is a lot of money to burn

17-05-2014, 06:35 AM
Apparently there's a V3 fix that allows updating without bricking the box. I don't have a clone, just saying .

17-05-2014, 08:30 AM
I suppose it must be tempting to buy something cheap and I must admit I did have a couple of DM 800se clones but soon got fed up with worrying about what software could be loaded.
I didn't even realise there were VU+ clones available, I thought that VU+ had pulled a master stroke by pricing their boxes at a reasonable level thus dealing a blow to both DMM and clones.
It has always amazed me that satellite boxes are illegal to own in China yet they seem happy to copy and export them.
You can't blame the original manufacturers for protecting their product so my advice would be always buy genuine and avoid all this hassle.

ekko star
21-05-2014, 09:15 AM
Always best to buy genuine but unfortunately not everyone can afford them and clones existence can come about for purely those economic reasons.

In some strange ways they help to shake up the market and drive the market price of the original down. The Genuine Solo 2 is quite reasonably priced at the moment.

I suspect there may also be be some changes coming along in the satellite scene/direction this year.

21-05-2014, 09:48 AM
Brick one twice and you've paid for a genuine box that comes with a genuine warranty and the piece of mind of being able to use any image and update things without pooping yourself.

ekko star
21-05-2014, 10:25 AM
Always better to buy original but chinese manufacturers will always make clones and people still buy them. Simply because the initial outlay is cheap and many people do not think beyond that.

The prices of the genuine models are however now finally coming down due to all sorts of market pressure. I expect there will be more later in the year.

21-05-2014, 10:28 AM
Although I reckon many know what they are buying I suspect there are plenty out there who have purchased a clone fully expecting that they have purchased the real thing and not knowing otherwise they merrily upgrade with dire consequencies

ekko star
21-05-2014, 10:40 AM
I suspect there will always be people who knowingly/unknowingly buy a clone. As always it's a case of caveat emptor.

After Dreambox the Chinese manufacturers have now turned en masse towards cloning VU products. I very much suspect it's going to get worse from now on.

There's a number of changes going on. It's definitely game on at the moment.


Galaxy Innnovation products are as listed here:
