View Full Version : usb stick issues saving ch list etc ?

25-05-2014, 02:35 PM
hi guys, i want to save my channel list, i put memo stick into sb 6000 hd saved user data and backed up all, but when i put memo stick into laptop it says the files are there but with 0mb in file?? what am i doing wrong i need to save list as its one i made myself just for 28.2e (fixed dish) on sly ie, fav1 entertainment fav2 sports etc so please help if you can

thank you and hope your all well


25-05-2014, 03:11 PM
when backing up your data select your backup type,,,,,,,,,,,
1: add new file
2: name the file,,,,,goto save icon and save file name
3: now select the filename you created,,,,,,,,you will be asked " are you sure to backup to the file " ,,,, press ok,,,,,,,your data will be backed up to usb.

25-05-2014, 03:31 PM
ok cool, thank you seems it was the last bit i wasn't doing, thanks mate

25-05-2014, 03:37 PM
?? saying back up failed, im having to exit just to get under "add new file"??

25-05-2014, 05:51 PM
have you formated your usb storge device to fat 32 ????
after you select user database go down to usb root,,,,,then right arrow key ,,,, <add new file>,,,,,,,,,,,then follow the steps in post #2

15-06-2014, 11:12 AM
hi guys im trying to load new patch, im still having problems saving my channel list!! i wiped my memory still, reformatted to fat 32, i put memo into sb 6000 goto s/w/back up, user database, go down to usb0 (root) then go over to add new file i save it under (channel list which i typed in) then go to the save icon (floppy disc icon) but the file name doesnt come up to save?? so i cant
ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO SAVE....the only way i get file name is to exit go back into s/w back up and file name comes up but when i save it says BACK UP FAILED! am i doing this wrong? or maybe memo stick is faulty even though i can record on it plus save other stuff on it ie from laptop etc.

please help as i need to update also i saw this morning that all the films on iptv have gone and now theres a new list after updating the iptv list, is that the end of the films?

kind regards


15-06-2014, 11:19 AM
i mean i can still download the latest patch onto memo stick so i guessing the memo stick is still working


15-06-2014, 12:39 PM
i mean i can still download the latest patch onto memo stick so i guessing the memo stick is still working


Did you create the channel list with the channel editor, if so it would be named User Database with the date you created the list, ? and it would be in the channel editor folder, that would then have to be extracted and loaded into the USB Stick to put onto the receiver, so when you come to do a channel list backup, you would just have to highlight the User Database file then backup to it, any modifications that you may have made will then be stored in your backup list, you can then load your channel list onto your desk top, open it with the channel editor and see your channel list with any changes that you have made, you can also delete any channels that you do not use, in readiness for the next time you need to install your channel list.

15-06-2014, 02:03 PM
thanks for reply Aldo, i did use channel editor on sb 6000 but never been able to save to memo stick, so do i look under channel editor on sb 6000? very confusing! probably simple but im not all that with computers.


15-06-2014, 02:21 PM
the last time i put a patch on i had to do the whole channel list again cos after update and factory reset i lost everything!! but some how i cant save channel list, it looks like im going to have to start from scratch again load new patch and maunualy put all channels back on into there favs


15-06-2014, 02:59 PM
what would happen if i was to load the new patch straight onto spiderbox without doing a factory reset?


15-06-2014, 03:11 PM
@ Aldo, yes there is user database in the s/w dl section but cant get it so save on usb

15-06-2014, 03:30 PM
I think you need to try another or a new good quality USB Stick? some makes are rubbish, keep to a well known branded name.

15-06-2014, 03:37 PM
did you create your channel list on the latest spiderbox channel editor??.i had issues with saving my edited channel list onto usb with the latest version ....im back to using the old version ,it,s working fine.i would do a factory reset and go through the whole process again,remember to factory reset after in stalling the latest patch,,

15-06-2014, 05:09 PM
@ Aldo, yes there is user database in the s/w dl section but cant get it so save on usb

Is there not a user database file in the folder containing the channel editor, it could be that the channel list in your s/w dl section may have a different suffix to that required by the spiderbox 6000, your database file should be something like this User Database 05-06-14.SSU, check that against the info your s/w dl section file, and if the last 3 letters are different change them to .ssu, and see if you can now load it to your usb stick.

15-06-2014, 06:09 PM
I think you need to try another or a new good quality USB Stick? some makes are rubbish, keep to a well known branded name.

you can buy some good quality but cheap usb sticks from s v p and e buyer , (kingston , hp etc) , all kinds of decent sizes and makes

15-06-2014, 07:36 PM
E-buyer are good i buy 8 and 16 gig lexar from them my missus put a 16gig in the washing machine which was in my shorts and it stiill works.

And the 16 gig works fine with the 6000

15-06-2014, 07:48 PM
Try the advice given in post 13 and try re-formatting it first, I have had this problem with poor USB sticks.

16-06-2014, 01:47 AM

The info in this thread may also have some bearing on your current situation:


16-06-2014, 05:15 PM
I'd just like to thank everyone who replied to me on this subject. Thank you all for you info, looks like i have a dud usb.

Cheers all


19-06-2014, 01:38 PM
Borrowed a friends usb and finally i have save my ch list YAY!

thanks to all for your assistance


19-06-2014, 03:41 PM
Borrowed a friends usb and finally i have save my ch list YAY!

thanks to all for your assistance


I am pleased to see that you have finally managed to sort out your problem. and been able to save your channel list, hopefully a new USB Stick will be on the shopping list in time for next patch etc.:respect-067:

19-06-2014, 05:28 PM
I'm just not giving him his usb back lol im keeping it. i'll give him my dodgy one LOL.

cheers Aldo


21-06-2014, 08:57 AM
For other members information could you tell us the make and size of the stick that would not save your channels.
Also did it come from **** where a lot of fake sticks are sold?
You can use this programme to test sticks and SD cards it's slow but does a good job.

23-06-2014, 12:14 PM
hi jimmyhendrix, yes i got the usb from e*ay, the usb has no name??? and was classed as 16gb. i won't be making the same mistake. i just like to say thanks again to you jimmy and all the other menbers who took time to help me out.


Kind Regards
