View Full Version : TivuSat card on Vu+ Duo

14-06-2014, 08:36 PM
Hi all.

I have a VU+Duo, running OpenPLI (I think it is a build from 15/3/2014).

I also have a TivuSat box (Italian freesat) with an official registered card.

I don't really know how the VU+ works much, but I wondered if it was possible to take the card from the TivuSat temporarily (my wife uses the TivuSat box as it is easy to use) and put the card into the Vu+ and copy it into memory somehow (as I said - I don't know how things work much) and then return it to its own box, so we can receive the Italian channels on both boxes. The reason we want to do this is that the TivuSat box is very basic - no HD and no recording facility, but it is easy to use for my wife - she tried and can't manage the Vu+. The Vu+ is much more powerful with HD and a HDD to record programmes.

The Vu+ has the standard card and cam slots with nothing in them as we only use it for FTA normally.

Any suggestions? Can this be done?



15-06-2014, 06:30 AM
Have you tried setting up a channel bouguet for her? This way if she tries to change channels she'll only see the ones she wants. If she ignores all the other buttons the Duo becomes very easy.

15-06-2014, 06:51 PM
We do have a bouquet set up on the Vu for Italy. She doesn't want to use the Vu - she feels intimidated by it, especially if I have left it on a completely different bouquet - also it is in the other room on the other TV. I would also still have to get the card to work in it, and I don't know how to do that - as I say, I am a total noob at this.

