View Full Version : Help with 5402 M3

15-06-2014, 05:09 PM
I have read Moulin's previous thread on updating the patches which helped quite a bit but I'm still confused . I have uploaded the patch with the USB stick and am left with a .stb file. On the menus I can see every command apart from download. When the patch is loaded do I then do a factory reset and then reload the channels ? Thank you all in advance.:confused:

15-06-2014, 06:20 PM
Thanks Manic I' ll give it a go. Where are the softcams?

15-06-2014, 09:48 PM
What confused me was that having located the .stb file I was looking for the right command to actually get it to load into the receiver. And the answer was that you just select it and press OK. This causes it to be written over the existing software and you can see a progress display - I think it took about a minute in my case. I was confused by the upload/download terminology but for actually installing a patch you don't have to worry - as long as the file is on the stick and you can choose it you just hit OK.

In my case I was only interested in specific channels so I didn't worry too much about saving the channel list that came with the box - and so I was able to clear out a lot of dead wood. But probably safer to save them.

You can tell whether the patch has loaded correctly by powering off and then on and then checking the System Information data. Mine now says S/W version 1.16p (Apr 30 2014)

15-06-2014, 09:55 PM

16-06-2014, 05:34 PM
Thanks Moulin for your feedback. Used Manic's above info. Have just tried it again, the receiver goes through the motions and the prompts say the file was successfully updated and reboots. But no change in software version.
The channel list seems to load Ok though. The files are Channel list .cndf and firmware .stb

16-06-2014, 06:29 PM

lloeren has now got both latest patch 117P from manic01 and also latest softcam from Moulin - so do we now assume he's got it all working?
Please let us all know mate(lloeren!

20-06-2014, 01:40 PM
I wonder if there's any news as to if or when we'll get TNTsat back on the 5402 M3. I entirely understand that it's because of the skill and generosity of expert(s) that we have it at all, but we've been without it now for best part of a week.

In hopeful and grateful anticipation......

20-06-2014, 04:04 PM
Thanks manic01. I don't doubt the problem is being worked on....

20-06-2014, 06:06 PM
Thank you all for your assistance. Problem now resolved. When I download from this forum the winzipped patch opens itself and I was left with an attachment .php file. Downloading the patch from another forum it did not unzip and when I unzipped the patch it read phantompatch TM5402M3_117p 10_6_2014stb. So now up and running.

20-06-2014, 06:28 PM
Glad you're sorted now. Well done!

27-06-2014, 02:04 PM
I see there's a new patch (118p) out today. I had hoped it would get TNTsat back but it doesn't seem to have done - or do I need some more softcam keys.....?

Do we know what changes have been made since the last patch...?

If anyone is succeeding with TNTsat please let us know.

28-06-2014, 08:51 AM
The new patch is now on here but still no one has commented on it....

28-06-2014, 10:48 AM
The new patch is now on here but still no one has commented on it....

On the 117p in OSD Settings there was a Quality Option either % or db was available. With this 118p this Quality Option has now gone, and on my M3 it was set to db. As i prefer % i've re-installed 117p. For me less is not more.

28-06-2014, 11:11 AM
Well I didn't try 117 p so hadn't realised that on 118 p the option for dB/% switching had been taken out. How odd! Unless there's something advantageous on 118 p that we don't know about I think you've done the right thing.

28-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Well I didn't try 117 p so hadn't realised that on 118 p the option for dB/% switching had been taken out. How odd! Unless there's something advantageous on 118 p that we don't know about I think you've done the right thing.

You may have noticed too that in the 'Menu' / 'Installation' / most of the following options now show both the dB and the % Quality as:-


28-06-2014, 07:20 PM
On the 117p in OSD Settings there was a Quality Option either % or db was available. With this 118p this Quality Option has now gone, and on my M3 it was set to db. As i prefer % i've re-installed 117p. For me less is not more.

Even though I haven't yet personally had chance to try out 118P, I have read on the Community Forum that the choice between Db & % is still there in Advanced Search, or rather it shows BOTH, yet for some reason removed from the 'Settings' menu, so lets hope it gets put back to the 117P way of doing it!!

29-06-2014, 01:03 PM
re the new 118 p patch:

One thing I have noticed, and it's pretty catastrophic....

I loaded 118 p yesterday, and today I tried to watch on our secondary TV which is linked by RF (ie uses the UHF coax out).

Nothing - except some wavy lines. Tried retuning the TV - no result.

Went into the Technomate AV settings and quickly noticed that IT IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE TO ADJUST THE RF SETTINGS, the cursor jumps over them - so you can't adjust the UHF channel number or the TV system (I, B/G etc).

And it would appear that either the RF out has been disabled or it's been set to something that isn't compatible with a PAL I (British) TV.

Frankly that's a disaster, I've rolled back to 116 p to check and it all works there.

I don't want to sound ungrateful but frankly this isn't progress!!!

29-06-2014, 01:47 PM
ditto to that elsewhere - thanks for the possible explanation manic01.

However, given that I can get TF1 HD on 9 deg E and France 2/3/5 on 5 deg W I'll stick with 116p until we get TNTsat back. The loss of the UHF feed caused great gastronomic upset this lunchtime and disrupted the calm consumption of my lunch with the lovely Claire Chazel on TF1.

Incidentally, do you know what HAS changed on 118 p in comparison with previous patches...?


29-06-2014, 02:29 PM
Well maybe I'll give it a go when I'm not trying to actually watch something! At least you've confirmed it's possible.

When you do all those factory resets does it wipe out the BISS codes that I might *cough* have inserted for a certain transponder on a satellite not far from Hispasat....

29-06-2014, 02:47 PM
Well maybe I'll give it a go when I'm not trying to actually watch something! At least you've confirmed it's possible.

When you do all those factory resets does it wipe out the BISS codes that I might *cough* have inserted for a certain transponder on a satellite not far from Hispasat....

Shouldn't do mate!

29-06-2014, 03:03 PM
Well in which case I'll have another go with 118p tomorrow. Thanks both.

29-06-2014, 08:11 PM
No everything stays as is.

Like your new avater mate!! Poor old Trig eh? lol!!
(I'm about to try 118P too now I'm home again - but having reservations at mo!!)

30-06-2014, 04:23 PM
Factory reset does not wipe out Biss codes in 8280 menu
Factory reset does not wipe out anything in 8281 menu either .
Factory reset does wipe out your channel list so back it up before doing a factory reset .

30-06-2014, 10:56 PM
I have decided to leave my M3 on 117P patch - which has been pretty good all round anyway - and wait till the NEXT patch 119P?, when hopefully the quality readings will be back to the 117P ones and maybe Tnt Sat is sorted out - etc!!!

01-07-2014, 07:35 AM
Ditto for me holmroad (except I'm back on 116p)..

01-07-2014, 09:39 AM
Ditto for me holmroad (except I'm back on 116p)..

But why 116P mate, dont quite understand why, when in MY opinion 117P is currently the best all round?

01-07-2014, 01:12 PM
Just because it was still on the stick and I was in a hurry!

01-07-2014, 10:27 PM
Ahh - maybe a man after my own heart!! lol!!!

03-07-2014, 06:06 PM
Well we've got a new patch, but so far I'm not succeeding in getting TNTsat (described as 19E fixed, I was hoping that referred to TNTsat....).

However, I haven't loaded a new Softcam - has anyone any information?

Thanks to those who keep us up to date - notably Phantom of course!

07-07-2014, 10:30 AM
Latest patch 120P is supposed to open '19E' according to Phantom - but STILL doesn't open Tnt Sat!!

07-07-2014, 11:58 AM
Same Here too i hope the next patch will resolve the weak Tuner issues [ db and % ]
ive gone back to patch 117p as this has been the most stable and proper patch all the rest are just rubbish in my opinion
with no real Fixes added and nothing usefull for Feedhunting with weak signal readings its not worthwhile making any upgrades as yet .
Another issue ive come accross is when recording Biss Encrypt HD feeds there is no AUDIO
this issue is with all patches ive tested 117p,118p,119p,120p
i wonder if its possible to resolve this problem ?

07-07-2014, 06:04 PM
Thanks Barney. I won't waste time on 120p for the moment then.

But that is not to diminish gratitude to Phantom for keeping trying!!

07-07-2014, 07:02 PM
Tried todays patch on my TM5402 M3 HD
same issues Weak Tuner db and % again still not fixed
recording Biss HD Feed Channels still giving No Audio
TNT SD Worked but HD did not .
went back to 117p patch again untill these issues are addressed and resolved properly .
cheers .

07-07-2014, 08:47 PM
Ah - well that's interesting that TNT SD works.

I'll give it a whirl when I get a moment.....

07-07-2014, 08:54 PM
The moment came sooner than I had anticipated and yes BINGO! TNTsat (at least in SD) is back!

A big thank you to Phantom - it would be nice to have the HD too but you've done BRILLIANT!!

08-07-2014, 08:31 AM
Ah - well that's interesting that TNT SD works.

I'll give it a whirl when I get a moment.....

Yes but TNT Sat SD only opens ok with LATEST patch 121P mate!!! lol!!
Supposed to help with the tuning issues repoerted elsewhere too, but overall not bad now - in MY humble opinion!!

15-07-2014, 09:33 AM
I see there's a new patch 122p (14th July) which claims to have sorted out the tuner problem. As it isn't an issue for me I'll probably not rush to install it.

15-07-2014, 10:42 AM
Just tried 122P and tuner prob still not improved on channels I tried/compared - may go back to 115P as advised by William-1 until Phantom sorts it as I'm not really over-bothered about TNT Sat anyway!