View Full Version : How to Load E2 Images into the Icecrypt S3700

27-06-2014, 03:28 PM
This is not my own work it has been copied from another Forum.


Items required:
USB Stick Formatted to FAT32 – Use HP Format Tool for formatting if you have any problems with the USB not being seen by the Icecrypt S3700 after formatting using Windows.

The latest Icecrypt S3700 2 Plugin bundle file – This will be something that will constantly be updated from time to time but the latest version will always be available to download. Once the plugin bundle has been installed you can update it online using the plugin server plugin.

Icecrypt 3700 – This guide is created for the Icecrypt S3700 digital receiver (will be available with various tuner configurations).
1) Download latest Icecrypt S3700 Plugin Pack file and save this file to your computer.
2) Insert a USB stick into your computer, open the Plugin bundle file you just downloaded and extract the complete plugin directory from the .zip or .rar file to the root of the USB stick (which must have been pre-formatted to FAT 32).
3) Now remove the USB stick from your computer and with your Icecrypt S3700 receiver powered on and connected to your TV insert the USB stick into a USB port on Icecrypt S3700 receiver (either front or rear USB port will work).
4) Within a few seconds the S3700 will read the USB stick and then automatically prompt you on screen saying ‘Confirm Do you want to upgrade plug in?’ – Select YES using the remote control arrow keys and then press OK on the remote control.
This will now display the ‘Upgrade from USB’ menu and the update will start automatically which will only take a few seconds and once complete will automatically reboot your receiver. At the point of reboot you can now remove the USB stick from the S3700 (if you don’t then the receiver will keep prompting to update after each reboot).
5) When your Icecrypt S3700 receiver has finished booting back up you should now be back to the usual Spark firmware but there will now be a whole host of extra plugins that have been installed which can all be found by selecting MENU > Plug in using the remote control.
At this point you are now half way there, we have all the tools require to install Enigma2 firmware via Spark so we just need to get the Enigma2 firmware itself.
6) Download and save your required Enigma2 firmware for the Icecrypt S3700 to your computer.
7) Insert a USB stick into your computer, open the Enigma2 firmware file you just downloaded and extract the two files from the .zip or .rar file to the root of the USB stick (which must have been pre-formatted to FAT 32). These files will be named uImage and e2jffs2.img.
8) Now remove the USB stick from your computer and with your Icecrypt S3700 receiver powered on and connected to your TV insert the USB stick into a USB port on Icecrypt S3700 receiver (either front or rear USB port will work).
9) Within a few seconds the Icecrypt S3700 receiver will read the USB stick. After a few seconds using the remote control go to MENU > Plug in > plugin_e2upgrade.s and while this is highlighted press the OK button which should take you straight to the Enigma2 Update menu.
10) Make sure the Update path is showing as /storage/c/ (providing the two files where save to the root of your USB stick) and then press RED (Enigma2 Update).
You should see a pop up on-screen explaining about the updating Enigma2 and warning you not to power off the receiver (this is all automated functions and messages – you don’t need press and keys at this point).
After a short while the message will disappear and you will be returned back to the Enigma2 Update menu – at this point you are actually finished and Enigma2 is now flashed,
so you can exit all menus and you could if you wish reboot the receiver yourself and using the FORCE function on boot up make the receiver boot into Enigma2 mode (by pressing and holding the OK button on the front of the receiver until FORCE is on the front screen, then pressings the down arrow (Enigma2) on the front of the receiver and then pressing OK on the front of the receiver) – or you can get the receiver to reboot itself into Enigma2 mode via the Spark interface if you prefer, here is the quick and easy procesdure for doing this:
1) Assuming you are now back at the main TV screen and have exited all Spark menus then using the remote control go to MENU > System > Basic Setting > Factory Default > Boot to E2
2) With Boot to E2 highlighted press the OK button which should display a Confirmation alter message asking you if you are sure you already have E2 installed (which if you followed the previous guide you have now) so highlight YES and press the OK button on the remote control.
The on screen menu will now show a message about saving data for a few seconds (don’t worry no data will be lost or reset from Spark by using this feature) and then the Icecrypt S3700 will reboot itself and automatically boot into Enigma2 mode.
Your Icecrypt is now in Enigma2 mode and so will boot to this mode each time as default, if you wish to change this back to Spark as the default it’s very easy to do, it’s basically using the FORCE function on boot up make the receiver boot into Spark mode which is done by pressing and holding the OK button on the front of the receiver until FORCE is on the front screen, then pressings the up arrow (Spark) on the front of the receiver and then pressing OK on the front of the receiver. That’s it, your Icecrypt S3700 will now reboot and boot into Spark firmware as the default.

16-07-2014, 09:00 PM
Hi ColdAsICE.

I have the icecrypt s3700 and as you advised i am using the Spark for my multi satellite side of things.

I have since downloaded the Enigma 2 as you advised .

I am not quite sure if it is the correct software because it constantly crashes.

I see you have explained how to load the image i can follow that thank you.

Could you please tell me where to download the correct software and do i have to delete the image i have on at the moment?.

Many thanks Dejay

29-07-2014, 03:32 PM
Hi Dejay,

There are many E2 Images for the Icecrypt S3700.
The E2 Images have many different configurations and none are perfect. All E2 Images for all machines have issues somewhere.
The most common cause for S3700 with UK E2 images crashing is that they are normally configured to use an external memory device(usb stick) for storage of the auto download of the crossepg data.
If the image you have installed has this set up and you dont use an external memory device then it will be storing the EPG downloads into the internal flash. This will quickly buffer up and crash the receiver.
You will need to either set up the USB storage for the epg data or disable the auto downloading on the crossepg.

I've never found a perfect E2 Image for any Linux receiver no matter what chipset or manufacturer.
Some Images on some models are very good but none perfect and all become unstable if the wrong addon, plugin is installed, or an incorrect configuration is used.
That is why E2 images are constantly changing and developing, not always for the better either.
You need to find the one that does the job for you, or you like the extra features it has pre-loaded or the way it does them.
Better still is to learn how to modify the stock generic image release from the coding team such as HDMU, Openpli, PKteam and make your your own version with your own addon's. The S3700 is known as ST7162 triple tuner when looking for E2 images.