View Full Version : Box Only picking up selected satellites

28-06-2014, 09:28 PM
Hi Folks
New here but looking for a little help. I have just bought a HD6000 on a motorised dish and managed to kn*cker it straight away by doing a factory reset in frustration. I have managed to reload the channel list and reset the long & lat for the satellites but now find it will only detect signals from 3 satellites namely Hotbird 13 Eutelsat 16 and Intelsat 10-0 .8. and moves between them fine but will not get a signal from any of the Astra Satellites.

I presume I have done something in my settings but what I just do not know as the all look fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

28-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Try reading the setup procedure here, especially Satellite Setup.


You can also make your own Channel list using the Channel Editor, using the instructions in the following link:


29-06-2014, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the prompt reply, I followed the instructions to the letter selecting all sats and somehow managed to delete all the managed to delete all the satellites!! However I persevered and scanned each satellite individually and lo and behold it worked thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

29-06-2014, 09:49 AM
just a note to say that a factory reset does not "knacker" anything up on the box, it puts it back to the factory fresh state it arrived in , unless an owner has "patched" the box with 3rd party firmware, in which case it is similar to the factory fresh state but no longer has the original firmware installed due to being patched

all this emans is personal settings and channel lists are lost, so its start again time unless the owner has backed up their data

the same would be true of a mobile phone , tablet or laptop and a myriad of other devices

hitting them with a hammer or dropping them in water will cause you to "knacker it up" , lol ;)