View Full Version : Mag 250

03-07-2014, 12:51 PM
Anybody use a mag 250 box for iptv

03-07-2014, 03:01 PM
Thanks manic

03-07-2014, 05:57 PM
I haven’t bought one yet but am considering one that’s why i wanted to know about them. Why the luck are they very difficult to set up or something

26-08-2014, 01:47 PM
Think geoffh is interested, but cant pm him back as his inbox is full!
Sorry but hadnt seen this thread - @ taffylad:- yes my MAG250 works fine, very useful on a Saturday afternoon!! lol!!

26-08-2014, 04:56 PM
Hi M8 thx, now cleared my post box

01-09-2014, 01:16 PM
Had a look at the MAG 250 plus servers and it seems very good.
Have discovered that there is a newer upgraded version (MAG254) which is faster and has more memory but currently dificult to obtain (out of stock), so going to hang on untill I can get one of these.
Servers look interesting in what they offer, I'm told the PQ is just below the comparable sat HD and SD.
Would like to hear what other members views are on this.
But all very tempting!

03-09-2014, 12:22 PM
Well done mate, I'm sure you wont regret trying out a 'MAG' IPTV receiver, my only current gripe is that last week we had all 15 Bein Sports channels, this week the provider has stated he's so fed up with their demands etc that he's not providing it any more, but there are plenty of other options now added!

03-09-2014, 05:19 PM
Hi holmroad,
Keep me posted on your experience with servers.
I have just done a deal with a fellow pimp on a second hand MAG 254.
So will be busting a gut to get up and running
Cheers Geoff

03-09-2014, 06:45 PM
So you pay for a service, and he cant be bothered with the hassle?
Am I reading this correct?

I'm sure YOU know how mega difficult Bein Sports are being, allegedly protecting their silly interests?
Plus I got it for the occasionsl Forest matches - or so I'd hoped - so I've already told him what a pain it all is with Bein - but only HE can decide what he is prepared to do about it - and at the moment he's opting out!

03-09-2014, 08:07 PM
Oh no! a Forest fan.
If only I had known said the cunning old Fox.
I think you will do well this season

03-09-2014, 11:34 PM
Oh no! a Forest fan.
If only I had known said the cunning old Fox.
I think you will do well this season

Hope so Geoff - but failed miserably LAST season in the last ten games or so after being in ALL the promotion spots earlier!

04-09-2014, 03:24 PM
Interesting little box. I was searching it on the web, and I see that there are various of websites providing tv channels from the UK and other countries via Mag 250. If I get the receiver, do I have to pay extra fees to one of these companies to watch the UK channels in my country?

04-09-2014, 03:53 PM
Interesting little box. I was searching it on the web, and I see that there are various of websites providing tv channels from the UK and other countries via Mag 250. If I get the receiver, do I have to pay extra fees to one of these companies to watch the UK channels in my country?
it looks like you have been looking at iptv servers info mate if you have then there will be a subscription to the services they are advertising, and if you go that way you will get a script/line
you add to the portal section in the box menu to connect to the service i had a mag250 given to me awhile ago but after a quick look in the menu's
and updating the software, i never tested it so i can give you any info on the box.

04-09-2014, 05:47 PM
As you may have read from the previous posts on this thread, I'm in the process of aquireing a MAG 254.
I will go for a pay server for the sport but you have to realise these servers are not the official suppliers of certain channels (esp UK pay TV) so you have all the inherent risks associated with pay servers like sat C/S.
So could be there one minute and gone the next or changes to channels that you thought you had access too.
If you know what you are getting into then great but you should also expect the unexpected.

04-09-2014, 11:54 PM
I actually subscribe and get Entertainment channels, as well as my main objective of Sports channels!

07-09-2014, 10:42 AM
Actually got myself a MAG 254. Got it secondhand from a fellow pimp and it has some time left on a sub package.
I have to say I'm pleasantly suprised by whats on offer and the quality of the pictures. True its not quite as good as Sat SD & HD but not far off and channels do vary but overall a very good experience.
A big bonus for me is that now I get HD- coverage of the footy via iptv which is much better than Sat SD.
Not sure yet whether I can get 3.00 pm KO will find that out next weekend.

Special thx to holmroad and kmc

07-09-2014, 06:45 PM
Actually got myself a MAG 254. Got it secondhand from a fellow pimp and it has some time left on a sub package.
I have to say I'm pleasantly suprised by whats on offer and the quality of the pictures. True its not quite as good as Sat SD & HD but not far off and channels do vary but overall a very good experience.
A big bonus for me is that now I get HD- coverage of the footy via iptv which is much better than Sat SD.
Not sure yet whether I can get 3.00 pm KO will find that out next weekend.

Special thx to holmroad and kmc

hope you're enjoying it mate.

08-09-2014, 12:05 AM
My MAG250 (think its the one before Geoff's MAG254) has been a real godsend - especially for pulling in extra channels we could never hope for in the UK!
So glad yours is going so well for you too Geoff!!

30-11-2021, 01:04 PM
@holmroad i have a mag 500a, do you know if there is a ftp program so i can ftp into the box. just had it a week got it of fookface. didnt get anything free with it gave him £20 because he didnt like it.

30-11-2021, 06:26 PM
@holmroad i have a mag 500a, do you know if there is a ftp program so i can ftp into the box. just had it a week got it of fookface. didnt get anything free with it gave him £20 because he didnt like it.

Sorry mate, no idea & not really familiar with that model - maybe dm Infomir?