View Full Version : advise.

07-07-2014, 09:36 PM
hey guys just getting used to moving about on here reading different threads, came across this one, I'm in the uk north west region, I have a TM 5400 CI+ USB SUPER +, I was using it on a regular basis for some time a few years ago, and thought it was now defunct, I have a motorised 1mtr dish, does this info here apply to my box here in the uk, if so what is available and is it worth getting down from the toptop shelf, or should I leave it there. I am going to have a look about on here, in threads regarding this box. but don't want to get too excited just yet. :respect-050:

07-07-2014, 10:27 PM
ive moved youre post .

please keep the keys/software sections free from chat , thanks.

if you want the title changing just ask .

08-07-2014, 06:30 AM
Whether you dust off the box depends on what you might be looking for. There's a lot less out there than when I first started 20+ years ago. I was just interested in the challenge of receiving as many channels as possible and unlocking the encrypted ones. Now most people seem to have gone CS, mainly for football. I haven't as I'm not a fan. There are very few clear channels left now which might be deemed "interesting" but I still get all I want from my 5402 M2.

08-07-2014, 08:42 AM
I agree with YOU TheBadger, all the fun seems to have gone out of this satellite 'game' eh mate - now its all this 'serious' stuff invilving Cs (not supposed to talk about!!!), IPTV, etc etc!!
I still enjoy it when EMPB gives us a new Dragon file best cam ever in my opinion - and I can programme it via my trusty Dynamite!!!:respect-055:

08-07-2014, 09:58 AM
from what I remember, this box is a usb version of the tm1500 , still only SD and can take biss keys and the tmsoftcam once patched but it has no ethernet capabilities (so no cccam or newcamd or iptv)

so it can operate diseqc switches and motors

it can open SD biss channels and SD packages like irdeto bulsat on 39e (nova sport and diema etc)

the tm softcams are usually here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?146673-Latest-TM-Softcams-keys

the biss keys are usually here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160657-biss-keys-from-53e-to30w4

as its SD then the chances of finding up to date channel lists is rare but you never know, somebody may actually use them and upload a list , in which case search this techno forum for SD channel lists for these boxes, or scan your own lists and back them up

the main use for boxes like these are for SD fta channels on freesat on 28.2e and fta on other satellites, plus 39e bulsat and maybe a few biss key channels as well

it is what it is, old hat , SD and no modern additions (the dm500s would give far more options than this box)

even the eagle HD , although quirky, would give more than this tm