View Full Version : Vu+ Solo2 what makes it work?

11-07-2014, 03:15 PM

I have read all I found here and other sites, but I still feel myself complete stupid. I've bought a Vu+ Solo2 device with some "extras" already set up, so now I can watch many channels. But I don't know how it is working, and I want to get in the secrets of the device I'm using. So I'll let you know all I know, and I ask you to please guide me a bit.

So, I know that:

I have the Vu+Solo2
Blackhole logon screen
there is a xxxxxxx.dyndns.tv address in the down-left corner when I change channel (I guess this is why I pay that really small money)
no net = no picture
I live in Hungary
My dish points to Thor (??)
I can show channels that are presented by DigiTV, and UPC Direct here
I pay for this "service" a very little monthly

I need to know that:
- can i make firmware update, or all i have will be lost?
- how to know why is it working now?
- what files contains the "unlock" data?

I' would be really appreciated for sy's help.

11-07-2014, 03:36 PM
I don't off help to people who use pay servers! Payservers are a big no no on this forum. They destroy this hobby.

11-07-2014, 05:13 PM
Lee, from Gold Wafers, the sponsor, and where I bought my VU+ Duo2, has done some excellent guides, that give you step by step instructions, so should help you understand it:

Think of your VU+ Solo2 like a computer, running Linux software, so you can use it as an entertainment centre. The PC can do a little, with the pre-installed software, but you can load other operating systems, Images, and software, plugins, to get more out of it, you also need to network it, to your PC, to use a FTP, File Transfer Protocol, program, like FileZilla, to add files, change your CCcam.cfg file, and do a lot of other things.

I would also try out the VU+ CC, Control Centre:

Another very useful tool posted by Lee.

12-07-2014, 11:26 AM
Thanks, I've read both. But I still don't know what should be operated at that dyndns.tv address that my Vu+Solo2 connected to? What he has there? And what he has installed on my device?

12-07-2014, 12:43 PM
Check the CCcam.cfg file, on your receiver, by using your PC.
First download FileZilla, a free FTP program.Next find your receivers IP address. Go into the receivers menu, then:
Network, select Wlan, or Lan, depending if you are using a wireless connection, or a wire, press the green button, then OK, on Adapter settings, and make a note of the IP address.

Now go to your PC, start up FileZilla, enter your receivers IP Address, in Host, type root, in username, leave password and port blank and click connect.

At the top right click on the + sign, next to the / folder icon, scroll to the var folder, at the bottom, click on it, then click on the + sign, and click on the etc folder.

Now in the bottom right hand pane find the CCcam.cfg file, right click on it, and click on View/Edit.

If you want to save it, so that you can switch servers, or if you ever need to update it, then In the top left pane click on Desktop, so you know where to find the file you're about to download can be found. Right click on CCcam.cfg, in the bottom left pane, then click download.
Once you find it, on your desktop, open it with notepad and check your servers information.

13-07-2014, 03:38 PM
I've checked, there is 2 lines in the cccam.cfg correspontds to that dyndns address. What is she operating there? I suggest some "not so legal" thing, but what is that?

13-07-2014, 04:16 PM
I've checked, there is 2 lines in the cccam.cfg correspontds to that dyndns address. What is she operating there? I suggest some "not so legal" thing, but what is that?

cannot discuss that on these forums, only the actual technical side

all we can say is that you are using it to access illegal services using the emu cccam and the internet