View Full Version : Sky Sports News gets Star Trek style studio revamp

23-07-2014, 12:29 AM
Mike Wedderburn and Jeff Stelling look like they've gone into warp speed in futuristic new studio


23-07-2014, 12:45 AM
Multi million pound studio ... that still looks like a really tired old joke ,
why ? what relevance has star trek got to do with football ??
i guess Mr.Murdock has more money than sense and he's quite willing to abuse that fact too .
What a total waste of time & money but i guess they can afford to waste plenty since they know subscribers are still going to pay for it with yet another hefty price rise before EPL Season begins .
Same old boring Skytv same old stupid adverts aswell i bet .
some things never really do change : )

23-07-2014, 10:52 AM
The one thing that tv producers and executives never learn is the more glitz and flash bang wallops along with visual and audio clutter you chuck at a programme the worse it looks, this approach comes from the USA where nothing is ever over the top ! just add more more more !

The one thing that that visitors to the USA all agree on is how poor the tv is over there, celebs rule and programmes are content lite and the one or two word sound bite is the norm.

Consequently their programme style looks vulgar crude and totally lacking in finesse or subtlety, a low brow dogs dinner comes to mind.

23-07-2014, 11:34 AM
I do agree with most of what is said on Pimps about rip-off Rupie and all that, but unfortunately in the 'real' world he will simply rampage on no matter how many of us choose to unsubscribe from his American orientated etc productions!