View Full Version : problems with new BH image

29-07-2014, 02:06 PM
I have flashed my vu solo to the latest BH image. This did not keep my cccam and cfg details so I had to install a new cccam and re input the cfg details.
Nothoing will work. I have reflashed, changed cccam version to 2.3 full e2 bh tgz from this site and still no light. Server still active as i have another service in another household which is OK.
Blue button is started on 2.3 etc,
I am using also a new pc running windows 8.1
Any suggestions will be extremely welcome (I already have complaints from my other half....)

Dark Cloud
29-07-2014, 03:11 PM
I had similar issues. Tried every USB pen I had, including the one I have used before.
So fed up I installed OpenVIX and it looks good.

29-07-2014, 03:41 PM
I had no issues flashing and knew that some back ups cannot be done on this image as we were warned about this by BH.
I have never tried Vix and do not really want to change over.

29-07-2014, 03:43 PM
Is it that CCcam does not read your card or C lines or both ?

29-07-2014, 04:26 PM
@ sonic1
I only have c lines all from same server

29-07-2014, 05:05 PM
Have you tried the IPK version of CCcam ?

I tested them at the weekend and I know they work fine, other than that could you have corrupted your cfg ?

29-07-2014, 05:12 PM
I have always experienced problems with Black Hole, and CCcam 2.30, after loading it nothing worked, I had to reflash the image, load CCcam 2.21, and earlier versions, and it worked perfectly.

The latest Black Hole image has new drivers, compared to the earlier versions, so you cannot use any backups, that you might have, you need to start fresh, which is why I haven't tried it yet, as I would need to sort out all my V-BoxII settings.
Might try it this weekend.

29-07-2014, 06:30 PM
The motor settings/channels/bouquets/ fav can be saved but not any 3rd party files.
I have tried today 2.14, 2.21 and finally 2.3 and none of these worked.

29-07-2014, 06:36 PM
Can you please direct me to the ipk file and how to as I have never done this.
The cfg file I used is the one that loads up with the cccam of which i tried 3 versions today and non of them worked. I even flashed image evertime spo as to make sure that there will be no conflicting files left in system.
To be honest I am a bit p....d up now!
I hope patience will finally prevail.

29-07-2014, 06:51 PM
I have always experienced problems with Black Hole, and CCcam 2.30, after loading it nothing worked, I had to reflash the image, load CCcam 2.21, and earlier versions, and it worked perfectly.

The latest Black Hole image has new drivers, compared to the earlier versions, so you cannot use any backups, that you might have, you need to start fresh, which is why I haven't tried it yet, as I would need to sort out all my V-BoxII settings.
Might try it this weekend.
once you have loaded the new image goto addons settings and download the settings and all the sats are back. you only have to configure the sats again

29-07-2014, 07:03 PM
Can you please direct me to the ipk file and how to as I have never done this.
The cfg file I used is the one that loads up with the cccam of which i tried 3 versions today and non of them worked. I even flashed image evertime spo as to make sure that there will be no conflicting files left in system.
To be honest I am a bit p....d up now!
I hope patience will finally prevail.


All in this thread.

29-07-2014, 07:23 PM
upgrade of 2.1.1 how to do back up systems setting
present installed image 2.0. choose Menu / setup / system / customize / set up to expert
then back to menu / setup / software management / advanced options / Choose backup location / set hdd
Go back to previous menu and click on backup system settings.
Flash your box with Black Hole 2.1.1 image file and answer yes when the box will ask you if you want to restore your settings during wizard set up.

29-07-2014, 07:25 PM
once you have loaded the new image goto addons settings and download the settings and all the sats are back. you only have to configure the sats again
I'm hoping to use my bouquets, that I have stored on my PC, and to set the motor settings using the easy method, in the excelllent VU+ guide. Should only take a minute, as I have the V Box II positions, for each satellite, jotted down, it's just a matter of assigning the numbers, to the satellite, in the turner menu.
I haven't risked it before as I had to record the darts, for my parents, and the receiver is working perfectly so no need to rush, next weekend will do.

29-07-2014, 09:04 PM
I upgraded using a backup with no personal backup option selected other than just motor settings and network worked ok
had to add cams add cfg worked ok
I find a easy method to setup from scratch is to set up network motor Then vucc to install TS-PANEL I then use this to install my plugins cams etc

30-07-2014, 06:38 AM
I have re installed all (including flashing new image again) and have used the 2.14 cccam ipk you indicated to me. Unfortunately still no light.
All the rest works including 3rd party things such as 1 channel etc.
i will keep trying out other things i come across and if I find solution, will let you know.
thanks for your assistance as always

30-07-2014, 08:06 AM

Navigate to /etc/enigma2/ in your old image,here you will find a file called settings.

FTP this to your desktop.

Open this file using Notepad++ and copy all of the lines starting with config.NIMS and then paste them into the same settings file on your new image,overwiting the new ones contained there.
Reboot and you will have all of your stored Vbox II satellite positions back.(jotting them down and adding them back manually is a pain lol)

The rest of this file contains other settings for plugins ect and for general image settings,these can be added later too,if you are going to install the same plugin again into your new image.

Always keep a backup of this file on your pc as its really helpfull to have one.A backup of your fstab file is also a good idea too as this contains all of your mount info,including internal and external hdd UUID's and all swap file info.Adding your old fstab file back to any new image stops the need for having to create new mounts and swap files.This file is located in /etc

This info applies to all images and its always a great idea to have these two files backed up as it makes flashing new images so much easier.

there are plugins that save these files,including the advanced settings in most images,but i find it so much easier and better to have them manually saved on my pc.

This will do for now,but be aware there are other important files that are worth saving as well,such as all your network settings,but i dont want to make this post too long and containing to much info as it may then confuse people.


30-07-2014, 08:14 AM
I have re installed all (including flashing new image again) and have used the 2.14 cccam ipk you indicated to me. Unfortunately still no light.
All the rest works including 3rd party things such as 1 channel etc.
i will keep trying out other things i come across and if I find solution, will let you know.
thanks for your assistance as always

Is CCcam running ? Can you start it via telnet and see what is going on ?

30-07-2014, 08:28 AM
As Sonic says,is CCcam running ?

Telnet into your box and type ps and hit enter

it will then display a list of things currently running,there should be a number of CCcam entries displayed.

if not,type cd /usr/bin and hit enter

then type ./CCcam and hit enter to start CCcam (the name you type here has to be what your CCcam binary is called in /usr/bin

so if its called CCcam_2.3.0 for example,you would type ./CCcam_2.3.0 and then hit enter.

make a note of any errors displayed after doing this and then fix them.


30-07-2014, 10:12 PM
@ sonic1 & Ian
thanks for your answers/suggestions.
cccam is showing when I press blue button. I was under the impression that since it shows here it is then running.
I will do Ian's instructions and then see from there. This I can only do on Sunday or Monday as am presently not at home.
thanks again

03-08-2014, 11:25 AM
@ian & sonic1
I have tried to telnet but ccam is not being found in bin or else I get permission denied

When FTP I go to usr - bin and CCcam 2.1.4 is there, even the cfg file with details is there.
Any further suggestions please or maybe i am missing some thing when i telnet such as a spce or something (?)

03-08-2014, 11:30 AM
Blue button >Yellow button > Green button

How much free space do you have in the flash ?

03-08-2014, 12:37 PM
it is 80%. if need be I can always uninstall my XBMC.

thanks for your support ..... again....

03-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Have you checked your CCcam.cfg file has the correct details?
Start up FTP and go into the var folder and the etc sub folder, to locate CCcam.cfg.
The file has to match the name of the old one, CCcam.cfg, an easy way to do this is to transfer the CCcam.cfg file, from your receiver, to your desktop, using Filezilla, or other FTP program, change the details, then copy it back across, at which point you will be asked if you want to overwrite the old file.
An easier method is to right click, on the CCcam.cfg, select View/Edit, and paste your server details into it, then save the changes.

03-08-2014, 02:04 PM
This is what i always do to put CCcam details and also re done to be 1005 sure and still same situation.

03-08-2014, 02:42 PM
You might want to start from scratch.
Load the latest Black Hole image again.
Load Echelons BH Cams, all 4 of them, in var. tmp folder:
Activate them, and select 2.21.
Then load your CCcam.cfg file.
Scan in a few channels, manually, before attempting to load your channel list, and see if these work.

03-08-2014, 06:10 PM
upgrade of 2.1.1 how to do back up systems setting
present installed image 2.0. choose Menu / setup / system / customize / set up to expert
then back to menu / setup / software management / advanced options / Choose backup location / set hdd
Go back to previous menu and click on backup system settings.
Flash your box with Black Hole 2.1.1 image file and answer yes when the box will ask you if you want to restore your settings during wizard set up.

Thanks vamas, but you can also just use the VU+ Control Centre, for a quick backup, and restore, from your PC. I have already used your described methoed, in the past, as I installed a hard drive, from my PC, when I first got my VU+ Duo2.

11-09-2014, 10:03 AM
vamas, did you have any success? i'm having the same issues :(
I've re installed from scratch twice, first time I FTP'd my existing CCcam 2.2.1 activated the cam as usual on my Uno and nothing working... Re flashed the receiver and tried the IPK file as linked in this thread the CAM installed on the receiver, I FTP'd my existing CCcam.config which overwrote the one in the receiver. When on a FTA channel if I press the blue button I get information regarding CAID, ECM etc, when on a encrypted channel all I get is ECM not available...
Can someone confirm if the permissions for the CCcam,config need to be set to anything in particular? The IPK file was at 644 (I am not using any cards)

11-09-2014, 11:28 AM
Just checked, on my receiver, by deleting all the information in the CCcam.cfg file, and that's the same message I get.
You don't need to do anything, to the CCcam.cfg file, regarding permissions, so long as cccam 2.21, or other version, is activated, and working, and the CCcam.cfg file is correct, then it should work.

Which notepad program are you using to create your CCcam.cfg file?
The easiest method is to use the one already in the Var folder, etc sub folder, and just edit it.
Right click, on the CCCam.cfg file, then click on View/Edit option.
Delete everything in it then copy, and paste, your lines, C: xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
go to file and save, and it should work.

Also tested it with lines that no longer work, with the same ecm message, please check that your lines are correct and are still working.

11-09-2014, 11:44 AM
I had sorted all out with the help from Sonic1.
In the end it seems that line was not working but did start to work after contacting supplier.

12-09-2014, 09:38 AM
Just checked, on my receiver, by deleting all the information in the CCcam.cfg file, and that's the same message I get.
You don't need to do anything, to the CCcam.cfg file, regarding permissions, so long as cccam 2.21, or other version, is activated, and working, and the CCcam.cfg file is correct, then it should work.

Which notepad program are you using to create your CCcam.cfg file?
The easiest method is to use the one already in the Var folder, etc sub folder, and just edit it.
Right click, on the CCCam.cfg file, then click on View/Edit option.
Delete everything in it then copy, and paste, your lines, C: xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
go to file and save, and it should work.

Also tested it with lines that no longer work, with the same ecm message, please check that your lines are correct and are still working.

Mickha, I've been using MS notepad installed on win7 haven't had a any issues previously. I'm leaning towards a problem with my lines as I still couldn't get any joy even when rolling back, I'll check with my lines supplier tomorrow and report back. Thank you for your pointers

12-09-2014, 09:40 AM
I had sorted all out with the help from Sonic1.
In the end it seems that line was not working but did start to work after contacting supplier.

I think I've got a similar issue, I'm seeing my line supplier tomorrow lunch time

12-09-2014, 09:45 AM
try notepad plus, it will show you any errors or characters not seen in ms notepad

12-09-2014, 01:01 PM
try notepad plus, it will show you any errors or characters not seen in ms notepad

Can't see anything obvious after downloading notepad++
In the past whenever I've reflashed the receiver I've just FTP'd my existing CCcam.config overwriting the default and everything has just worked, I'm seeing my lines man tomorrow. I'll report back

13-09-2014, 12:34 PM
All sorted... The lines were no longer valid, running with a new line.
Thank you for your assistance