View Full Version : Recomendations for a 1.2 dish please.

31-07-2014, 02:10 PM
I was looking at getting a 1.5 mtr dish to replace my Triax 1.1 dish, but the cost is going to be too high for me to do that anytime soon.
Perhaps when I retire, I will consider it again.

So, I am considering replacing my Triax 1.1 with a good 1.2. This will allow me to use (hopefully) the same setup I have now.
I realise that 1.2 is not much bigger than 1.1, but I would hope that if it was a quality dish, I would see enough benefit to make it worth the change.

So, what are the outstanding 1.2 mtr dishes available?

Gilbertini comes to mind, but I am not clued up on any others.

31-07-2014, 04:29 PM
channel master / andrews / raven , they are still available new but stupid money .

can be found cheep second hand .

31-07-2014, 05:08 PM
IMHO its not worth the upgrade if your using a TD110 now even a Gibby or Channel master will only give you a marginal improvement, Your first choice would be the obvious upgrade straight to a 1.5m or a 1.8m.

Out of all the 1.2's available then a secondhand Fibo 1.2 will outperform both the Gibby and CM/Raven. But you cant beat getting that next size up :-)

31-07-2014, 05:13 PM
Maybe I should start doing the lottery! :(

31-07-2014, 05:25 PM
yeah you may have a better chance than finding a fibo 1.2 , think ive only seen 3 in the last 18 month , and one of them got destroyed before the ******* ended.

31-07-2014, 05:27 PM
I think perhaps I should wait until I can afford a 1.5 mtr dish complete with motor and stand.

31-07-2014, 05:52 PM
If your prepared to import from Germany then a Gibby 1.5m delivered is something like £300 compared to the near £430 for a UK supplier

31-07-2014, 07:40 PM
If your prepared to import from Germany then a Gibby 1.5m delivered is something like £300 compared to the near £430 for a UK supplier

That is interesting.

I shall probably be visiting Germany next year.

Could you PM me the details of the store?

simon 2003
31-07-2014, 07:47 PM
fibo 1.2 rare as hens teeth

31-07-2014, 08:50 PM
I was visiting the Indonesian islands back in January, local shops were selling 1.6mtr mesh petal dishes and mounts for $30.

I was already hovering just below my maximum luggage weight so there was no way I could get one, it was tempting though.

01-08-2014, 01:45 AM
i gotta agree with Digicon here on his above post he makes a very valid point for sure ,
go bigger much bigger and have no regrets .

i gt a 1.6 Meter Fortec Star offset Solid Dish i have laying in my garage in near mint condition with matching polar mount
much as id like to be using it i just got too many motorised dishes already ,lol's
And like an idiot i sold one exactly the same few years ago ..and with inverto black ultra LNB i was able to lock on quite a few TP's on Nilesat with that dish
i ended up selling it for €200 with the matching polar mount ..[ what a complete stupid decision ] i didnt realize then that right now those particular polar mounts would be as rare as hens teeth , lol's

Great dish no doubt whatsoever , but probably slightly better would be Andrews/Raven 1.8m offset dish or whats suggested 1.5m Gibertini ...but as mentioned Andrews/Raven set up cost an absolute fortune well over £1,000 with matching polar mount and actuator etc..etc...

i use my 1.2 meter Andrews Channel master offset dish now which finds every feed on 10 East so i rarely need to move this dish anywhere
my 2 meter prime focus dish i use mostly now and is really good for feedhunting not many feeds i cant find with solid signals on that dish with likely exception of 7 west which is always gonna be too weak for me anyhow .

Good luck dog-man my advice would be a reasonably priced solid steel 1.6 meter 2nd hand Fortec star offset with matching mount [ stay away from petal dishes & fiber glass dishes = nightmare .. i speak from 1st hand experience ]
in reality Ground mounted 1.6M Offset solid dish shouldnt really cost the earth ..its a shame i dont live nearby i'd happily donate my 1.6m dish to you which im sure would be perfect for your needs .
Good luck : )


01-08-2014, 07:29 PM
Great dish no doubt whatsoever , but probably slightly better would be Andrews/Raven 1.8m offset dish or whats suggested 1.5m Gibertini ...but as mentioned Andrews/Raven set up cost an absolute fortune well over £1,000 with matching polar mount and actuator etc..etc...


only wish i had the room to try out my 1.8 cm, sat in the garage with polar mount and ground stand ,picked it up for just over a ton , its really surprising the difference in size between 1.2 and 1.8 .6 of a meter sounds nothing .

so dog-man be sure you have the room to upsize as well.

i got pictures somewhere of them side by side will see if i can find them.

photos added , its also a lot thicker.

01-08-2014, 08:50 PM
Yes, I have the room. It would go on a non penetrating stand on my kitchen roof.

When it was last resurfaced with that stuff that is guaranteed for 50 years, I had it done with extra strong wood.

I have been on it often and it does seem very strong and stable.

01-08-2014, 09:12 PM
Take into account the wind factor for that barn door sized dish.


01-08-2014, 09:17 PM
definitely skip a cm 1.8 on that roof , maybe ok with a gibby not as heavy , but not as strong either .

non penetrating ? do you get high winds ?

surly what ever you mount on there will need drilling through to fix to the beams , and im guessing invalidate youre warranty.

01-08-2014, 09:33 PM
I won't go over 1.5 mtr.

I will make sure that there is plenty of weight spread across as wide an area as possible.
I will also be using a long scaffold pole going across the flat roof which will be fixed to short poles on either side of the roof and to the patio mount stand.
There will be no way it could take off and end up in Belgium or France. :)

01-08-2014, 09:53 PM
what size beams have been used , on the roof.

01-08-2014, 10:16 PM
No idea, but at some point I have to replace the existing lighting in the kitchen so will need to break into the ceiling. I can look then.

01-08-2014, 10:24 PM
once you get the beam size , then the roof span , im sure there will be a online calc to work out what it can support then you will have to work in the wind factor.

if you are unsure get it checked out first , :respect-048:

01-08-2014, 10:29 PM
I am not bothered about the wind factor as the pole across the roof fixed to a short upright pole each side of the roof will help deal with the wind factor.

The load on the ceiling could be an issue, but I will do all I can to spread the load rather than have it all in one small area.

There will be an element of risk, but I think it will be low enough to chance it.

I will check the beams when I do the lighting later this year. I am no hurry to get the 1.5 dish as I need to find the funds first.

01-08-2014, 10:39 PM
only you will know what the winds are like in youre area.

im only a few miles from the cost so can reach 100mph + every year or two.