View Full Version : Trying out Vix image but having a few issues

06-08-2014, 08:11 AM
I have had Blackhole installed on my Vu+ Uno for several months now but fancied a changed so I installed OpenVix. No problem with the installation but unlike BH where you put the image on, do the minimum configuration (including declining the scan option), upload a Catseye image and install and configure ccam and your clines and all the channels present themselves with OpenVix if I do this there are no channels listed in Bouquets just a n/a.

So I ran a scan in the setup on Openvix (well I am still running it after 16 hours!!). Is this the way to do this or is there a much quicker way?

Apologies if this is a daft question but maybe I have been spoon fed with the Blackhole image.

06-08-2014, 02:26 PM
Try installing again from scratch. That means setting up your dish & satellites in the tuning menus.

A simple single satellite scan should take five minutes.

06-08-2014, 03:02 PM
I prefer to use Isettings plugin which gives you a choice of Channel settings
and i also use the in built AutoBoquetsMaker for 28e & 13e

07-08-2014, 08:12 AM
Sorted it - reflashed and download Catseye image directly from plugins download.

had a play with Autobouquet as well - very nice.

09-08-2014, 06:27 AM
without meaning to dismiss the excellent work catseye does with his settings, they are known to use a none standard satellites.xml which does not work well in ViX, you can as advised try ABM (AutoBouquetsMaker) to generate and automate the process of building and maintaining your sky uk bouquets or download a new satellites.xml file from here
http://satellites-xml.org/ to match your setup properly.

Sorted it - reflashed and download Catseye image directly from plugins download.

had a play with Autobouquet as well - very nice.

yes that would also work as we by default remove the standard satellites.xml file included by catseye and replace it with a working one our selves.