View Full Version : Please help me with ixuss zero!!!

07-08-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi guys
Please help me with ixuss zero!!!
So If I wont to update it ,for example with openATV
Do i need to update cfe.bin first and what version,we have CFE_Bootloader_06.06.2013 and cfe_1.02?
Please Explain me cfe.bin update procedure...
Do i need to add cfe.bin in ATV image folder and update them together with other ATV image files??
Оr we have otherwise to upload cfe.bin?
Many thanks for your help

09-08-2014, 06:21 AM
These are basically rebadged Technomate receivers for the Scandinavian market, so I would presume it needs a bootloader update to run the very latest images properly.

you flash the bootloader (cfe) exactly the same way as you do a image via USB stick, DO NOT place the bootloader file into the image folder without first removing all the image files, if you try to flash them at the same time you run the very real risk of corrupting the bootsector, which on these receivers is fatal and none recoverable.

09-08-2014, 06:48 AM
A Medialink Ixuss Zero is not a rebadged Technomate and most surely not aimed the Scandinavian market, Western Europe in general though yes, very nice receiver actually...

Anyway apart from where they are aimed at the rest of the advice is correct regarding the bootloader update, they can be a little fussy about USB sticks, well worth using something like HP Tool to format it before loading the bootloader or new firmware.

09-08-2014, 07:00 AM
A Medialink Ixuss Zero is not a rebadged Technomate and most surely not aimed the Scandinavian market, Western Europe in general though yes, very nice receiver actually...

Anyway apart from where they are aimed at the rest of the advice is correct regarding the bootloader update, they can be a little fussy about USB sticks, well worth using something like HP Tool to format it before loading the bootloader or new firmware.

In that case I apologize, I was thinking of the iqoniosxxxhd series receivers, which I know are rebadged Technomate receivers intended for the Scandinavian markets, the same as the optimuss osx receivers are rebadged Technomate receivers for the German market. or more accurately Technomate, Optimuss OSx and Iqonios are all redabged DAGS receivers.

But back to the point It is not recommended to flash a bootloader at the same time as a image, a bootloader is akin to a bios update and when it goes wrong there is often no coming back, unless you happen to have the appropriate j-tag hardware and software etc, ALWAYS flash the bootloader separately to the image.

09-08-2014, 07:47 AM
Yep Iqonios is a different thing, they are the brand name and just like you say similar to all those others mentioned, the Ixuss Zero is different and actually the model number here with Medialink being the brand name. That said though they are very similar in respect of flashing a new bootloader so make sure you take the advice pheonix has given regarding updating it!

I've attached what I believe to be the latest bootloader update for the Ixuss Zero in case this helps any, it may be the same as you already have anyway. Just as with flashing a new firmware make sure the cfe.bin file is in a directory structure of /medialink/ixusszero and also have a file named force in there, when the receiver boots up make sure you press the up arrow on the front panel and it will flash the update. A bootloader update takes a second or two at most so don't be suprised how quick it happens, that's perfectly normal.

09-08-2014, 06:03 PM
Thank you guys for your reply!!!!

15-02-2015, 10:00 PM
I bought 2 boxes for 2 mates.i loaded with openvix, one works fine, other just wont boot will attached file above work for me?

16-02-2015, 12:21 AM
It will work but it will need a few other files adding to force it to load.

I have recently created a bootloader for the Ixuss One which I believe uses the same bootloader as the Zero, it's with the above and the extra required files which will give you the opinion of pressing the up arrow to flash just after boot and as it's only a bootloader will flash in seconds.

I am unfortunately not near the right machine right now so can't attach it for you but will do so first thing in the morning along with a brief guide for the Ixuss One on flashing including what USB port to use and what key to press on the remote control to start the flashing process.

16-02-2015, 10:55 AM
When I was reading this on my phone last night it was showing the category title Ixuss One as prominent but I now realise it's probably the Ixuss Zero bootloader you'd like, if you can confirm which model it is you need I will make sure I upload the correct one with the correct files inside.

16-02-2015, 06:19 PM
When I was reading this on my phone last night it was showing the category title Ixuss One as prominent but I now realise it's probably the Ixuss Zero bootloader you'd like, if you can confirm which model it is you need I will make sure I upload the correct one with the correct files inside.

yes its the zero I need it for, thanks for the help

17-02-2015, 08:45 PM
When I was reading this on my phone last night it was showing the category title Ixuss One as prominent but I now realise it's probably the Ixuss Zero bootloader you'd like, if you can confirm which model it is you need I will make sure I upload the correct one with the correct files inside.

any luck with right bootloader for me on zero m8?

17-02-2015, 09:53 PM
Attached is the original one I made for the Ixuss One but modified with the Zero bootloader and file structure. I have no way of testing this right now but see no reason it won't work. Flash just as you would an image, a couple of seconds after it boots up and asks if you want to upgrade press the up arrow and it should begin to flash. As this is only a bootloader it should take seconds to complete.

Once the bootloader has been flashed then re-flash the receiver with your chosen image again and if it was a bootloader issue to begin with it should fingers crossed boot the image to the usual setup wizard this time round.

18-02-2015, 08:28 PM
thanks m8. now I have another problem. when I download the file it downloads as a php file not a rar, any ideas why?

19-02-2015, 12:40 AM
thanks m8. now I have another problem. when I download the file it downloads as a php file not a rar, any ideas why?

Have a read of this Sticky in General chat "Attachments are php instead of the correct suffix"

Direct Link https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?167478-Attachments-are-php-instead-of-the-correct-suffix

20-07-2015, 09:46 AM
Attached is the original one I made for the Ixuss One but modified with the Zero bootloader and file structure. I have no way of testing this right now but see no reason it won't work. Flash just as you would an image, a couple of seconds after it boots up and asks if you want to upgrade press the up arrow and it should begin to flash. As this is only a bootloader it should take seconds to complete.

Once the bootloader has been flashed then re-flash the receiver with your chosen image again and if it was a bootloader issue to begin with it should fingers crossed boot the image to the usual setup wizard this time round.

Hello, i used this bootloader that is fixed but after flashing i reboot, and now the box is unprogrammable, i must send it to factory for repair.
so dont use this bootloader.
regards Preker

20-11-2016, 01:08 PM
Is there a bootloader / Firmware available for the Ixuss One? Mine has had an error and I removed the files in etc to stop it loading broken bouquettes.... Not realizing that it needed these files to allow network access.