View Full Version : just got my vu+ duo2 +1tb hdd

08-08-2014, 01:35 PM
Hi all

just got my vu+ duo2 +1tb hdd,when i ordered it i asked the man will it come with an image he said he would load one on and asked me which one i wanted

i said vix or something sounding like that,my question is please how do i know the image is on the stb and if it is on the machine what do i do next eg how to load cccam and channel list

i have been reading the dummies guide and trying to understand , i dont want to damage the machine.
my previous stbs were spideboxes 9000/9900 and 6000hd

please forgive me for not being able to understand i have never dealt with linux machines and am very nervous

thank you



08-08-2014, 01:44 PM
check the menu and the image should be in some sort of ABOUT section

this should tell you the image type and version

the dummies guide and other posts deal with the rest

bear in mind that because images are customised by the owner, no 2 images will be alike, unlike the bespoke boxes you have mentioned, so you need to take some time installing plugins etc

the biggest mistake you can make is assume that there is one process for these things, unlike a spiderbox or similar , especially as a spiderbox has a bespoke image so cccam etc are all built into the patch, where generally they ARENT on the vu box images

think of a VU like a PC, it comes with an OS (or you install one) and then you install programs onto it, same as apps on an android phone or tablet, in this case plugins etc on the VU (and on other linux boxes too)

hence the dummies guide and other threads in the various VU discussion forums here

also think of it like buying a car, they dont teach you to drive it or maintain it , or even put petrol in it , you buy it, then its your problem after that as far as using it is concerned

take it slow and step by step

08-08-2014, 01:48 PM
a huge jump from plug and play spiders to the vu, got rid of mine, a nightmare, unless your computer savvy, or young,.

08-08-2014, 01:59 PM
Well I will shortly be drawing my OAP, (no wonder the country is struggling) and if I can manage it then so can anybody else. You may even get to enjoy the learning process and will feel really good once you have everything running as you need it.
There is lots of setup information on here and people are willing to help anyone, especially if they have already tried themselves.
Flashing an image and getting the basics working is really straightforward, how much further you go is up to you.

08-08-2014, 02:13 PM
this solo 2 tutorial in post #9 may also help you (even though you have a duo 2, procedures are the same or similar to all VU boxes)


08-08-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi echelon

is it the same procedure for a ViX image ? because it may all ready be installed on my Vu as said in my first post

many thanks

08-08-2014, 02:52 PM
I havent used a vix image in nigh on 2 years m8, thats why I said each box will have differences due to image and plugins being different in many cases, each one is tailored by the owner

even images of the same name vary according to version number, same as the spiderbox images

hence why you need to start slowly and learn bit by bit

I have never seen or owned or used a DUO 2, never mind the various images for it

08-08-2014, 05:00 PM
I know that there is a thanks button but please thank you for you immense help

08-08-2014, 05:01 PM
Sorry to trouble you again will it be easier to use black hole image

08-08-2014, 05:21 PM
As Echelon said, think of it like a PC, running Linux software, each image is slightly different, and requires patience, to learn how to set it up, and use it.
When I got mine, from Lee, at Glodwafers, I quickly fitted a hard drive, and loaded Black Hole, using the guides, by Lee:
and quickly added/edited bouquets (Favourites), to suit my needs.

I would advise you to start a word do***ent, on your PC, and note how to setup, and use, the VU+ Duo2, as you go, like an instruction manual, you will find it helpful, in the future.

08-08-2014, 05:22 PM
you will probably find that most owners on this site use b/h so help might be more accesible.

09-08-2014, 11:36 AM
BH image has lots of plugins and options and in my opinion is not good for a beginner. I have been using linux boxes for many years and I have tried all the images and would very strongly recommend the VTI image because it includes everything you will need within the image and also gives you the option to update everything online. I have sent you a PM in case you would like some direct IM help.

09-08-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi echelon

is it the same procedure for a ViX image ? because it may all ready be installed on my Vu as said in my first post

many thanks

There is a full blown and quite comprehensive ViX manual that goes into great detail on how to setup your receiver, although out of courtesy for the staff and their sponsor I will not upload it to the forum, a quick search should get it for you though.

12-08-2014, 11:29 AM
Good morning all
i have managed to set up my box now using vti image and with the tremendous help from Jimdefruit who spent over 2 and half hours on skype with me yesterday many thanks to him and all you guys. the only problem which i have now is how to configure the c lines once i am shown in layman terms i will be ok its just knowing how to do it

this is what Jim told me to do ,i really do not have a clue what to do a big jump for me from the spider box

You download the sat lists via the blue button>blue button
Once you have downloaded cccam you need to edit the cccam.cfg file to add the c lines
If you can download flashfxp or filezilla to your pc then you use that to edit the Duo2 files
you dont use the usb stick except to load an image
cccam.cfg is located in /var/etc/ on the Duo2
Download the prog DCC from Satpimps, that will give you ftp and telnet options on your pc
The base prog is German but you can change to English if needed
Download the latest version of DCC

please forgive for my incompetence any simplier method will be most gratefully appreciated

many thanks to you all for your great help and patience


12-08-2014, 12:20 PM
That is the simple method, once you do it you will soon see how easy it is.

First you need to download a FTP program, I use FileZilla, it's free and easy to set up.

You will also need to find your VU+ Duo 2's IP address, as this is what you use to connect to it, you can do this via the VU+ menu options, look for Network and the properties of your LAN, or WLAN, connection. Username is root, and leave the password empty.

Once you have downloaded FileZilla, on your PC, and connected to your VU+. look at the top right pane, click the + sign, on the folder icon, to expand it. Scroll down to the bottom and click the + sign on the var folder, now click on the etc folder, and in the bottom right hand pane scroll down and right click on the CCcam.cfg file and click on View/Edit.
Copy, and paste, your C Lines in herwe, after deleting it's other content, click on File and Save, and that's it.

You might want to read the excellent dummies guide, by Lee, from Goldwafers:

and try the VU+ Control Centre:

12-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Thank You Mickha

i am beginning to understand how do i connect my pc to the vu,i know my pc is wireless and i know the box is aswell.
at the moment it is connected to a lan line and how will i know to two are connected

sorry bit off a dummy

12-08-2014, 04:36 PM
either connect by ethernet or wireless (not both) , if it has wifi connection that is

my duo 1 is connected by land to my router, so thats the best method

then in the menu you will sort out the networking in one of the menu options, in my case its using the network over lan settings , so as with any box or laptop or tablet etc its all down to menus and settings

if you have or can use wifi on the duo2, then you would select it and use it (but mine doesnt as it cant)

as long as both are connected to the router (and therefore the net too) then you are good to go

use an ftp program to connect to the vu , like filezilla etc (in the VuCC tool)

or use any other FTP program , like flash fxp , cute ftp , dcc , etc

12-08-2014, 05:27 PM
Thank You Mickha

i am beginning to understand how do i connect my pc to the vu,i know my pc is wireless and i know the box is aswell.
at the moment it is connected to a lan line and how will i know to two are connected

sorry bit off a dummy

Once you download, and run, FileZilla, you'll know instantly, as it will tell you and show you the files on the VU+. All you need to do is find your receivers IP address, in the VU+ menu, usually it's something like

13-08-2014, 09:16 AM
Hi M8, I am away for a couple of days and using someone else's laptop. If your Duo2 IP is still as it was, open a ftp prog on your PC and and connect to that address. You will need to enter the login and password to connect. Login is root and the password is left empty since there is no password on a new image. You will see all the folders and files on the DUo2 and if you navigate to /var/etc/ folder you will see the file cccam.cfg. Right click on that file and select edit. If you already have a c line then enter it in the text file, save the file and exit. simples!!!

As you are now connected to the wide world, you need to enter a password for the Duo2. Open a command prompt window on your PC and type telnet and you will be asked to enter login. type root and press the enter button and if there is no password you will be into the duo2 To enter or change a password type passwd and press enter. You will be asked to enter the new password twice. You will not see anything entered on the screen but if it works ok you will get the message that the new password is accepted. DONT FORGET IT.
Good luck

13-08-2014, 11:00 AM
and remember that the VuCC tool by LEE has filezilla in it for using as an ftp program
I prefer to use flash fxp myself but I am used to it after many years

as mentioned above, once you have accessed the duo from your laptop or pc using an ftp program, you can navigate around the folders and files just like you would on your pc using windows explorer (its like having 2 windows explorer windows open, side by side)

one windows is your pc or laptop, the other being the duo

you can access the hdd or usb by looking in the MEDIA folder

var/etc folder (folder in a folder) is where the cfg file is, which you edit as above and then save as above (just like using notepad on a pc)

copy and paste works, as does editing too , so copy and paste the line or lines and save and exit

then , importantly, restart the cccam in the menu, ideally press menu , restart enigma 2 (restart E2) to enable the changes and run them so they take effect

at worst, restart the box using the menu - shutdown - restart option, the object being to restart E2 and the cccam
so if in doubt , restart the box, same as you would on a pc after altering or installing programs

the trick here is to realise you treat the duo as another hdd like on your pc, but over the lan which they are both connected to

think of it as being like a NAS on your lan system , with the usb and hdd as storage devices and the os having all the files and folders

you can ftp mp3 , mp4 , mkv , avi and other files to and from the device , usually the stick or the hdd

I use the stick for epg storage and picons etc (instant access) - the stick I used is in a rear usb slot and stays there
my duo 1 has an internal hdd like yours, so is used for recording, playback and file storage like films and music and pictures (I would recommend you buy a good quality 16gb or 32gb stick for the rear panel, mounted and formatted according to the tutorials in the VU section like duo 1 , duo 2 etc , using the duo menus to do this work)

the duo (or any vu) will play these films like mkv and mp4 and avi, music like mp3 etc using the mediaplayer, which I use a lot with my internal hdd in my duo 1 being the store for these files

channel editors and loaders etc ? - I tend to prefer dreamboxedit for that , but there is also VuCC and dreamset too

so hopefully that is some basic background into the workings of this new box, anyone familiar with a pc or laptop and file management and hdd storage etc will soon get comfortable with the remote access from a laptop or pc by an ftp program like filezilla or flash fxp

18-08-2014, 10:45 AM
Hi guys

Thanks for all the help you have given me,managed to connect the stb to my pc using filezilla saw all the files on the stb but could not find the ccam cfg file
dont know what i am doing wrong,sorry if i am wasting peoples time

best regards

from the one who just cannot fathom this

18-08-2014, 10:54 AM
if you can see the root directory of the stb in filezilla its a good start

double click on var to open it (open the var folder)

then the same with etc (open the etc folder)

scroll down until you see CCcam.cfg and click right mouse and select edit to edit it , paste in sea lion and save it


or copy and paste it (transfer) it to your pc or laptop , then make a backup of it in a backup folder on your pc

now use notepad plus - free download so google it (so not notepad) to add your sea lion and save it ensuring it remains CCcam.cfg as the filename

transfer it back OVER WRITING the one in there already


restart E2 (OR REBOOT THE BOX) to test

its really very simple to do , almost as simple as editing a txt file in notepad on your pc that is located in a folder inside another folder

18-08-2014, 10:59 AM
You're not wasting anyones time, we've all had to learn, and I'm still new to this.
If you can't see the CCcam.cfg file, in the Var folder, /etc sub folder, then it just means you haven't loaded, and activated, the CCcam.
In Black Hole you FTP them to the temp folder then activate them using the menu options, I think in other images you can add them via the menu, without needing to FTP them.
I'm unsure of the shortcuts, using VIX, with Black Hole you just need to press the Blue button, to view, and alter, your cam selection.

As usual, Echelon is a lot faster:respect-050:

19-08-2014, 10:22 AM
Did you get sorted?
On my image there wasn't a blank cccam.cfg waiting there for me so I had to create one using notepad. It was easy to do. Or you may be able to download one and edit it with your details.

19-08-2014, 10:52 AM
Which image do you have loaded McrRed?
When I loaded Black Hole I didn't have a CCcam.cfg file, until I manually installed, and then activated, the Black Hole CCcam software, then it appeared.

19-08-2014, 11:46 AM
Hi gents/ladies

i havent sorted out cccam.cfg file yet due to the fact the only day i get off is sunday so will let you all know how i get on at the weekend

many thanks for your kind thoughts and help



19-08-2014, 01:08 PM
Hi, if you have not installed CCcam yet, just press blue button, then blue button again and then select the emus list and select the cccam version you want and then yellow/green button to install it. You can install several emus at the same time by using the yellow button and then the green button to install all those you have selected.