View Full Version : Entering BISS keys

13-08-2014, 11:10 PM
Can someone explain to me how and where to enter BISS keys in VU+ please?
Can it be done manually?

ps. I have VIX image installed.

14-08-2014, 07:23 AM
In CCcam BISS keys can be put in the /usr/keys/constant.cw file (location might vary depending on image being used) - the format will be similar to 2600:000000:0006:0258:1FFF::keys

Also might work in the /var/keys/SoftCam.Key file, but I have had problems getting this method to work in the past.

In both cases you need to use an FTP program to update the file, no way of doing it with the remote control.

14-08-2014, 08:51 AM
Thanks for reply Burnham. In both usr/keys and var/keys there is nothing, they are emply. So do I have to create a file (either "constant.cw" or "SoftCam Keys"?, and can you explain those numbers that come before the keys, or are the always that?

14-08-2014, 09:07 AM
Dreambox Keys are Here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?151428-DreamBox-Keys-By-Informed%AE&p=912623#post912623

Save and extract DreamBox Kèys_02-08-2014
browse through folders
DreamBox Kèys_02-08-2014

and ftp the contents to usr/keys

14-08-2014, 11:31 AM
OK. I download the 2.8.14 file, found the 2 files, dragged and dropped them into "keys" folder, and download the keys folder. Did I do that right?
I am trying to open espn (15w) but no luck.

14-08-2014, 12:43 PM
ftp the contents to usr/keys

all 13 files that are in the keys folder

you may need to restart your Cam

press blue
Softcam Manager ok
press yellow

PS. CCcam will open ESPN Caribbean 901
but wont open ESPN Syndication 902

Oscam ymod 18.34 opens both ESPN Caribbean 901 & ESPN Syndication 902

14-08-2014, 03:13 PM
"var(e1)_usr(e2)_keys" (13 files) and "var(e1)_usr(e2)_keysbtkcam biss" (1 file) dragged & dropped all 14 files to usr/keys and downloaded them, restarted cccam, but still no joy. I must be doing something wrong.

14-08-2014, 04:44 PM
Have you put the file paths in your cccam.cfg file. Should be something like

STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw


SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key (but as I said earlier, I've never got SoftCam.Key to work with BISS keys)

14-08-2014, 05:15 PM
Have you put the file paths in your cccam.cfg file. Should be something like

STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw


SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key (but as I said earlier, I've never got SoftCam.Key to work with BISS keys)

Thanks for trying to help Burnham, but I don't really understand what you are saying. Are you saying that I should type the above somewhere in cccam notepad?

14-08-2014, 05:16 PM
"var(e1)_usr(e2)_keys" (13 files) and "var(e1)_usr(e2)_keysbtkcam biss" (1 file) dragged & dropped all 14 files to usr/keys and downloaded them, restarted cccam, but still no joy. I must be doing something wrong.

Sounds like you have moved the "var(e1)_usr(e2)_keys" folder into usr/keys

ftp to usr/keys/ & add the contents only of var(e1)_usr(e2)_keys folder
should be 13 files only

not var(e1)_usr(e2)_keys folder

14-08-2014, 07:05 PM
Thanks Compass. That works... As you say it opens 901 but not 902, but I least now I know what to do.
Should I also be able to open Novasports (39E) with those keys, because I can't?

14-08-2014, 08:11 PM
Looks like you might have to update the keys, check if you have the latest installed:

simon 2003
14-08-2014, 08:14 PM
no it will be down to oscam ymod 18.34 i cant find one that works on my solo 2 either

14-08-2014, 09:01 PM
Pleased to here your opening ESPN Caribbean 901

I have uploaded Oscam ymod 18.34
download it from Here

simon 2003
14-08-2014, 09:13 PM
thanks hope you dont mind me jumping in your thread satcat,i guess were all after the same result =902

thanks compass will that work with BH and do i need anything else installed

14-08-2014, 10:04 PM
thanks hope you dont mind me jumping in your thread satcat,i guess were all after the same result =902

thanks compass will that work with BH and do i need anything else installed

I found this one Simon https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?168456-Oscam-y-mod-18-T34-DVBAPI-for-BH-Image

15-08-2014, 08:41 AM
Pleased to here your opening ESPN Caribbean 901

I have uploaded Oscam ymod 18.34
download it from Here

Thanks Compass, but what do I do with it?

15-08-2014, 09:01 AM
Anyone managed to get 902 open on BH yet?

15-08-2014, 09:27 AM
Thanks Compass, but what do I do with it?

unzip the enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-ymod-vix_18.34_all.zip

Then FTP enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-ymod-vix_18.34_all.ipk to tmp
1. Press Blue
2. VIX
3. Install local extension
4. Green
5. Yes
6. Yes to Restart Gui

In Softcam Manager you can stop CCcam & start Oscam-Ymod

15-08-2014, 12:17 PM
Thanks again Compass, opening both 901 and 902 now.:applause-003:
When keys change do I have to delete all 13 previous files and ftp new ones? or just the BISS one?
And want's the story on Novasport(39E)?

15-08-2014, 01:07 PM
I posted that information earlier in the thread, you need to update the Irdeto key, which you can do manually.
Check post 12.

15-08-2014, 01:43 PM
Cheers Mickha, Yea I see what you mean now, I'm getting there s l o w l y,
I've done it but still not opening. I changed keys "Softcam Key Format" line starting:- I 060400 04. Is that correct?

15-08-2014, 01:47 PM
I posted that information earlier in the thread, you need to update the Irdeto key, which you can do manually.
Check post 12.

and also change the ident for bulsat from 0604 to 060400


I 060400 02 73*************************BD ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I 060400 03 EA*************************4B ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I 060400 04 73*************************BD ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I 060400 06 EA*************************4B ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I 060400 M1 98*************************47 ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I 060400 M2 AE*************************3E ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)

15-08-2014, 02:06 PM
My Irdeto file looks like this now, is that right?

I: { 06 04 00 02 02 { DF**************** C4 }} ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I: { 06 04 00 02 04 { 73**************** BD }} ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E) - this is the line I changed.
I: { 06 04 00 02 06 { DB**************** 6B }} ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I: { 06 04 00 91 02 { AE**************** 3E }} ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)
I: { 06 04 00 91 03 { 98**************** 47 }} ;Bulsatcom (39.0°E)

15-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Only you could answer that,
does it clear the available channels on Bulsat 39e

If not i have attached the Softcam im using
unzip and ftp SoftCam.Key to usr/keys

and restart oscam ymod

15-08-2014, 04:41 PM
Thanks Compass, but no luck with nova....
I'm not particularly bothered about that channel, it's just the "thrill of the chase"

15-08-2014, 09:46 PM
did you stop CCcam2.3.0 before starting Oscam ymod ?

16-08-2014, 11:59 AM
Finally got Novasport working after loading your softcam keys and following your advice (post #27)
Should I delete the other 12 files in keys/, or just leave them?

simon 2003
16-08-2014, 03:02 PM
@ satcat can you clear 9e fox sport feed im on same set up as you cant clear it ,

16-08-2014, 03:22 PM
Thanks for all the information above about getting the ESPN 15°west to work with BISS keys.

Got 901 to work straight away, but 902 would not open until I changed the ID from 1FFF to 1FFD.

16-08-2014, 03:47 PM
@ satcat can you clear 9e fox sport feed im on same set up as you cant clear it ,
I've just tried simon, and the answer is NO, I can't.

simon 2003
16-08-2014, 04:12 PM
ok thanks mate not just me then ,might try another oscam ,you using mgcamd at all i had vers 138 c for blackhole but cant find for vix,ive always been a blackhole man & finding vix a bit hard to navigate round but is growing on me

16-08-2014, 05:49 PM
My box came with Mgcamd 1.38 in Softcam Setup, but when I try to start it I get this message.


Any Ideas?

16-08-2014, 05:56 PM
ok thanks mate not just me then ,might try another oscam ,you using mgcamd at all i had vers 138 c for blackhole but cant find for vix,ive always been a blackhole man & finding vix a bit hard to navigate round but is growing on me

Simon I have just uploaded: MGcamd 1.38C for Open Vix.

Here : https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?168494-MGcamd-1-38C-for-Open-Vix

simon 2003
16-08-2014, 08:12 PM
thanks very much compass for your contribution to this thread ,much appreciated ,,,that works well as is clearing espn 901 15w but wont clear 9e fox sport feed

all i want is to clear 901 and 902 on 15w and fox sports on 9e lol,could only clear 901 and fox with bh image on solo 2 so went to vix now i can clear 901 and 902 and no fox,, i love this hobby


16-08-2014, 08:34 PM
make sure you haven't got another biss line starting...
if you have comment it out (or remove)
I didn't have to do this but Ian did...
worth a try

simon 2003
16-08-2014, 09:10 PM
ok thanks in constant.cw i presume mate

17-08-2014, 07:37 AM
Yes in constant.cw

simon 2003
17-08-2014, 12:26 PM
tried that mate no joy thanks anyway ,

anyone with solo2 latest vix appollo image got this working ?

17-08-2014, 04:59 PM
I decided to have a play around with the Softcam key file
To get Fox Sports to play i deleted all biss keys apart from the following
now fox sports works
when i have more time i will look at it further to find out which ident is conflicting with Fox Sports key

F 00041FFF 00 FOX Sports Feed (10.0°E)
F 00041FFF 01 FOX Sports Feed (10.0°E)
F 03851FFF 00 ESPN Caribbean 901 (15W)
F 03851FFF 01 ESPN Caribbean 901 (15W)
F 03861FFF 00 ESPN Syndication 902 (15W)
F 03861FFF 01 ESPN Syndication 902 (15W)

17-08-2014, 05:33 PM
Yea. I can comfirm working for me. You're the man.

simon 2003
17-08-2014, 07:26 PM
yea working great thanks compass,,obviously a conflict somewhere

11-01-2015, 02:03 PM
unzip the enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-ymod-vix_18.34_all.zip

Then FTP enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-ymod-vix_18.34_all.ipk to tmp
1. Press Blue
2. VIX
3. Install local extension
4. Green
5. Yes
6. Yes to Restart Gui

In Softcam Manager you can stop CCcam & start Oscam-Ymod

Ive get an identical box and image to Satcat

Ive done the above and stopped CCcam and Started Oscam.

Do I copy and paste this, once unziped https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=62211&d=1420841657 into usr, softcam, oscam_ymod?

I'm reading various posts but not getting very far...

11-01-2015, 02:08 PM
no , that is a text file with the keys in various formats

11-01-2015, 02:13 PM
no , that is a text file with the keys in various formats

So do I need to edit this?

Do I just need the two lines of 16 digits for 15 west?

11-01-2015, 02:22 PM
nope, you use either a softcam file or a constantcw file (or similar) depending on the emu being used

that latest biss key file can be used to alter the softcam or constantcw files (by amending the info in them and saving)

sometimes there are other infos like idents that need altering too , so yes it can be confusing

start with a recent softcam file and check it has the latest keys in it from the latest biss key text file

have a good read of all the pages of this thread, start with one emu and work on the info for using biss with that emu

so either oscam, or cccam, or mgcamd , then install and amend the correct files with the correct infos , ideally using notepad ++ to amend them on your pc

yes its complicated, never too sure in my own mind what the score is, shame its not one size fits all, but on E1 and E2 boxes there are a lot of variables

11-01-2015, 02:32 PM
nope, you use either a softcam file or a constantcw file (or similar) depending on the emu being used

that latest biss key file can be used to alter the softcam or constantcw files (by amending the info in them and saving)

sometimes there are other infos like idents that need altering too , so yes it can be confusing

start with a recent softcam file and check it has the latest keys in it from the latest biss key text file

have a good read of all the pages of this thread, start with one emu and work on the info for using biss with that emu

so either oscam, or cccam, or mgcamd , then install and amend the correct files with the correct infos , ideally using notepad ++ to amend them on your pc

yes its complicated, never too sure in my own mind what the score is, shame its not one size fits all, but on E1 and E2 boxes there are a lot of variables

Lots more reading I think.

11-01-2015, 02:33 PM
yep, plenty of reading to do, especially in the BISS forum here on pimps

try this thread too, plenty of good info in it


11-01-2015, 03:01 PM
I think I'm getting somewhere. I'm following this,

make a file called oscam.keys
put that with all the other oscam files


then edit oscam.keys by pasting the text below
replacing the xxx with the current keys

restart oscam-ymod

F 03851FFF 00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;ESPN Caribbean 901 (15W)
F 03851FFF 01 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;ESPN Caribbean 901 (15W)
F 03861FFD 00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;ESPN Syndication 902 (15W)
F 03861FFD 01 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;ESPN Syndication 902 (15W)

no need to set a path to the keys as oscam-ymod will auto look in oscam.keys

I'm making a new file and saving it, but after I've edited the file its not there with the others :eek:

11-01-2015, 06:20 PM
if your using oscam-ymod

just download the oscam.keys in 27 west guide
if any keys are out of date just edit them

as for making new files
you make a new file via telnet with the touch command

touch /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.keys

chmod 644 /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.keys

then fill it with your keys
for the channels you want

11-01-2015, 07:40 PM
Here is the oscam.keys file ozzsurf is refering to. It's up to date.


11-01-2015, 10:26 PM
Here is the oscam.keys file ozzsurf is refering to. It's up to date.


Thank you but I still can't get it to work using the above.

I've put the keys in somewhere and it's opening ESPN on 15w. I can't for life of me find them again :frown:

27-02-2015, 10:26 PM
I have read a lot of about ESPN Syndication 902 (15W) but i cant get that works with newnigma2 on dm8000 with oscam +cccam can anyone help me thanks

28-02-2015, 04:07 PM
Anyone could help me thanks

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