View Full Version : prioritise C/N in config on VU+ solo2

15-08-2014, 05:59 PM
I have a C: and a N: on my solo2 (vix) on cccam2.3.0.
My question is, is it possible to prioritise the N? as it seems to be the C that runs all the time. If not is there an easy way of switching the C off? rather than deleting it.

15-08-2014, 06:44 PM
Make the following config files ftp them to etc/

save as CCcam_0.cfg
C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
N: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

save as CCcam_1.cfg
C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1

save as CCcam_2.cfg
N: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

How to switch

press blue> CCcam info press menu to switch config scroll to config you wish to activate press ok

15-08-2014, 07:49 PM
I have made three files up as you say. I have done them in Notepad. Is that ok? and ftp to etc/. but nothing is showing up in Config switcher. What am I doing wrong? something silly no doubt.

15-08-2014, 08:11 PM
note pad is fine but check that they are saved as .cfg and not .cfg.txt

15-08-2014, 11:54 PM
They are saved as .cfg but show up in fz at text do***ents, what am I going wrong?

16-08-2014, 07:37 AM
When saving the file use 'Save As' , click on 'Save As Type' and select 'All Files' from the dropdown menu

16-08-2014, 08:58 AM
That's where I was going wrong. Cheers Saintomer. It's working fine now. Thanks again to Compass.