View Full Version : a few android app questions

20-08-2014, 06:38 PM

a few android app questions if I may ?

1) email apps

in email programs on a laptop like yahoo mail and outlook.com mail (hotmail) you have signout options to log out etc

on my android tablet or phone I dont have any sign out or log off options that seem obvious so once you have put in your name and password into the app there doesnt seem any way of reversing it or logging out of gmail or yahoo mail or outlook mail - am I missing something or have they actually omitted signout options ? (or do they automatically sign you out ? )

2) square boxes on do***ents and in museums or exhibitions

there are square boxes with different pictograms in them on various do***ents now, also in exhibitions where it seems you point your device at the pictogram and it tells you all about the item , in various languages etc

anybody know what the apps are called to translate these boxes and signs ?

at first I thought they may have been braille but apparently not , its like bar codes but needs an app to act as a reader ?

no idea what they are called so hoping somebody recognises the descriptions

3) are there android apps for printing to printers ? (like say wifi printers by epson and canon etc) ?

20-08-2014, 07:46 PM
1. Not sure how to sign out but should look in to it.

2.The box's are QR's or quick readers, you use the bar code scanner on your phone to get the info from what ever you are looking at.

3.Yes there are apps for printing normally from the manufacturer of your printer.

20-08-2014, 08:23 PM
My Email to my ntlworld.com and Gmail accounts stay active as there as far as I know no way to log off. The QR codes differ I went to Cragside in Northumberland and the normal QR codes didn't work but that was a couple of years ago. Android 4.4.4 has cloud print but as yet I haven't tried it.

20-08-2014, 09:10 PM
There is no log out button/link in the Yahoo Mail for Android app. In order to log out of an account on the Yahoo! Mail app for Android, you must remove the account from your account list.
however it isn't a smart way to sign out.
Try this. Don't delete your account but create a new one and whenever you want to sign out, just uncheck the box for your primary ID. by doing this, you switch to your new ID and will protect your privacy and also it wouldn't be easy for others to find out.
Then check mark the box for your primary account and you will be automatically signed in.

27-08-2014, 12:33 AM
I use Auto Process Killer on my Galaxy Note 3, so for instance when I'm in Skygo which always fails to log out, it does seem to after running APK, so I've also assumed it does my Email app!

27-08-2014, 06:27 PM
Why would you want to log out of your email?

Other then that your Google account is linked to everything you do. Searches. Maps. Signing out would mean disconnecting everything .

27-08-2014, 07:29 PM
I thought it was obvious seeing as you do it on your pc or laptop or any other account

you login , do the business , and logout when you have finished, with some sites performing an auto logout

when using for the first time, they ask for name and password and then let you login, but there is no signout

now on a phone or tablet or laptop etc, if it was to be stolen or lost you would not want it all logged into your various accounts which is the whole reason for putting in your username and password, same as here on satpimps

now in win 8 metro they prefer people to use their MS login when logging into the laptop, so its online all the time, but I use manual login and dont allow it to login using my hotmail account (outlook.com account) at all , using a browser login instead, as and when required, logging out after

so the same should apply to tablets and mobile phones, that you login, check your emails etc, then logout

cant see how its so hard to understand when its common practice on tens of millions of pc,s around the world

maybe you have a different view , but I didnt ask for an opinion on whether its a good idea or not, just how its to be done if needs be , when I want opinions then I will post a poll with the options , but if I want to know how to logout of an email account on my tablet, I dont want somebody telling me that I should not be doing so , not when I do it dozens of times a week on my laptop or on a pc on various sites

I havent been to the moon or the bottom of the sea either, but I dont stop anyone finding out how its done or watching others do so on tv or asking pertinent questions about the process, or pitfalls

frankly, it seems to be a glaring omission on the part of outlook, yahoo etc on tablets and phones, yet its their on my laptop right this minute , I can click on my name and sign out is at the bottom

so cant see the problem in wanting the security of knowing its been logged out and cannot be logged into by anyone else whilst we are not looking, or if its lost or stolen

the last thing you would want is your phone or tablet to be nicked and then find they can access eb*y, paypal, bank account , national lottery , skyGO , EMAILS etc

to be frank, it should not need explaining on a technical forum like ours !

that reply doesnt even answer my questions, unlike the replies by sonic1 , bob and traveller etc

rant over (my thread , my rules)

ps:- I do not think a task killer will log you out of your email account , meaning the login is stored on the tablet in the app , so launching it auto logs you in AFAIK

28-08-2014, 12:28 AM
My a*l email account tends to log ITSELF out every 24hrs after originally logging in on my lappie!

28-08-2014, 03:14 AM
I thought it was obvious seeing as you do it on your pc or laptop or any other account

Well no. Some of us are old. We've been using computers for a long time. I never logged into my email account on any Unix machine in my life. At least I don't remember. I've never logged out of it either. Or for that matter any other program . You log into your overall account and that's it. It was like that in the 70s.

Like I said you need to log out of your Google account if you want to log out of your Gmail account. Just like it was 40 years ago


If you're worried about security you encrypt the device. Android has supported that for quite a while. Your password is already too late. The hacks shown a week or two ago should prove that.

28-08-2014, 08:16 AM
still does not answer the questions and I did not ask about any recent hacks nor wish to debate it or be patronised either, never mind insulting my intelligence

all you are doing is offering an opinion where you think you are correct and everybody else is incorrect , , your replies are obtuse and dismissive

I did not actually mention google or google mail, I asked about outlook and yahoo , and the logout methods which are present in the pc versions and not present in the android apps , specifically in outlook and yahoo

I was actually asked this question by my wife who has a technophobe pensioner friend (who is old too, and useless on computers) who sold her laptop because she did not have the knowledge to maintain it , bought an android tablet and is paranoid about logging out of yahoo mail and outlook.com mail. I then found it could not be done using my own email logins on my own tablets so decided here was the best place to ask about it, thinking I would get sensible replies , which I did for the most part

yet your answer is typical of microsoft with the "we know best attitude because we have been doing this for years" , like removing the start bar and access to programs and lack of boot to desktop in win8

I did not ask about unix either , but having spent over 20 years using windows and logging in and out of accounts on a daily basis I fail to see why its a "dumb question"

if you cannot answer the actual questions asked by people , then stay out of the threads , because I am not interested in what your personal opinion is on how I should encrypt my devices or anybody elses , not everybody is a stephen hawkins yet you will always get one person like a college lecturer or headmaster who thinks they can mark down every body else from their lofty perch as if they are marking a newbies homework

the question was simple

how do I log out of my hotmail and yahoo apps on android THE SAME WAY I DO SO ON MY LAPTOP in windows , if the logout button (sign out button) or option is missing then what is the best method of ensuring a logout of the signed in identity in android , forcing the identity to log back in again with their username and password in affected apps like the ones already mentioned ?

if you havent got the answer to that actual question, do not post any more replies !