View Full Version : Changing images

21-08-2014, 06:15 PM
I'm on VIX at the moment, but was thinking of giving Blackhole a try. I'm new to linux, and don't what to make a cockup.
I've gone into backup manager and saved on USB.
Do I have to do a factory reset before installing new image? (or do anything)
Is there anything that I must NOT do?
If I go back to vix do I just "restore" off USB and will everything be there, channels, cccam, lines, plugins, etc? (as it is now)

simon 2003
21-08-2014, 06:37 PM
lol your same as me mate never happy always tinkering , but no mate just put new image on usb and flash ,box does the rest, and yea you can run backup from your storage device, worth noting you can an use meoboot and load whatever image you like with BH ,and theres the universes I miss aswell where you can have 3 different setups of the same image different cams ,channel lists ect, im going back to BH myself I think,also ive got a folder on my PC with everything I need when I change image as ive had mixed results with backups ,things like dreambox edit channel sets ect do it in about15 - 20 mins now ,,ive just changed to vix and for some reason the pic quality on vix on my set up is poor ,not as good as my sly box where blackhole was equal if not better than that

21-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Cheers simon. It sound quite straightforward (famous last words lol). I'v no complaints about the picture quallity with vix, it's the RCU/plama tv issue I'm having, so I thought I would try BH to see if that helps.

simon 2003
21-08-2014, 06:58 PM
yea strange that saw you mentioned it ref rcu, I was thinking need to change batteries on my remote but reckon my plasma interfering a bit as well ,gives same symptom as low batteries just sometimes have to press button 2 or 3 times for a reaction,

21-08-2014, 07:05 PM
I followed Lee's excellent guide, for my Duo2, which should be the same for the Solo2,


apart from the Black Hole file, which you should use the latest version, 2.1.1


You will need to load the CCcam files, I loaded the 4 in Echelons post, BH Cams:


21-08-2014, 10:43 PM
Simon. Did you have the same rcu/plasma promlem with BH?

22-08-2014, 12:28 PM
PQ is as a direct result of drivers / kernel, there is nothing in any image that can affect PQ.

As for flashing the image, if you are using ViX you can use the "couch" flash method, simply FTP the image to receivers HDD or any mounted storage device, then go to the Image manager and use the restore option (after first selecting the location you saved the image to). and you dont even need to extract the image from it's .zip archive either as the image manager can handle compressed and extracted images.