View Full Version : full backup

21-08-2014, 07:30 PM
HI t0 all Ihave a solo2 box with BH how do you save full backup on to usb thanks

21-08-2014, 07:45 PM
I use 'BackupSuite' a plugin by Pedro_Newbie
although I'm running OpenPli I have used it on BH too


22-08-2014, 01:19 PM
HI t0 all Ihave a solo2 box with BH how do you save full backup on to usb thanks
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it's very easy with the blackhole images first use stick you know the box recognises then follow this info just be aware this is for blackhole images only.
put the stick in the front port under the cam/card reader cover, a small panel opens saying no displayable files on this medium found. that just meens the stick needs mapping, you do this in the following menu's first press exit to remove the small info panel next press blue button twice and on the BH extra settings panel scroll down to device manager>ok now you will see usb flash memory stating not mapped. next press the red button and then clicking right with the ring around the ok button until you see /media/usb then you click the red button to save this setting. a small panel will open stating you need to restart your box to save the device change,click>yes. when the box reboots,click>menu>scroll to>backup menu>ok> now you have three choices>click>ok on blackhole full backup,now you return to the set up panel where you press the red button> backup now just wait until it does the full back up and says finished before you exit and remove your usb stick. just remember if your ever going to share on a forum or with friends your backup images to remove any lines you have in the cccam con fig file before you make a backup for general use
by making a full backup it saves everything from your bh image. channel list/satellite settings/skin/picons/etc: and if you decide to test other team images that after flashing you dont like then you full backup will return your box to full use from the usb stick flash and save you from making any settings in the box menu's.