View Full Version : New VIX image

28-08-2014, 06:09 PM
I see there is a version 026 available. Has anyone upgraded to this? Is it worth doing? I've read elsewhere that yoiu can't restore your setting from a 024 or earlier version. You have to manually load all your "stuff". So unless there are advantages I'm a bit dubious about upgrading. It's all still a bit new to me.

28-08-2014, 06:37 PM
It's been true since 025 but what you can do is backup your channel lists to PC in the usual way to reupload post flash. What you can't do is use onboard back ups (Software Mgmnt based saves/restores).

I did a complete rebuild when I did 025 and must admit it was long overdue to clean up my stuff.

My personal opinion is there's no real 'edge of your seat changes' that I can honestly say makes an upgrade imperative but being a geek I like to keep up with all the latest.

Oh BTW once I finished play I went back to using ATV anyway. :D

Quote from Phoenix:

"Please note that OpenViX Apollo builds 025 and 026 are on a different OE core (OE-A 2.3) from build 024 (OE-A 2.2) and many receivers have undergone Linux kernel and driver updates.

It is very strongly recommended that you do not perform a online update if you are currently running any image from OpenViX Apollo 024 or lower as this will cause multiple issues, Instead you need to perform a FULL REFLASH with NO settings backups used. "

29-08-2014, 09:54 AM
I tried 026, loaded saved channel list from pc and noticed that when I went to pip (blue>blue) the sound muted. Don' know whether it's a bug or I did something wrong or missed doing something.
Anyway, I've gone back to 024.

29-08-2014, 11:47 AM
It's a pity that the online update cannot check what version you are on and then issue the 'strongly recommended that you do not perform...' warning if it finds a potentially non compatiable image installed.

I tried doing the online from 24 to 26 yesterday and my Vu_ Uno would not load afterwards. I'd done a full system backup first so it wasn't an issue to restore.

29-08-2014, 12:45 PM
I read this on another forum.

But allow me to comment about the difference between the two non-USB methods of updating
[A] Using Image Manager
[B] Using Online Update

The clear message is that for an Apollo 024 > 026 update method [A] is ok but method [B] is not ok

29-08-2014, 12:55 PM
since they changed from the original vix they have had problems after problems, ATM the best image about in my opinion is Atv

31-08-2014, 07:31 PM
I went for 24 to 26 by doing a complete reinstall and had load of problems like test card showing as back ground so reverted back to 24.

Just done a complete reinstall of 28 which has just been released (what happened to 27?) and this has worked fine.

Im using a Vu+ Uno

01-09-2014, 01:36 AM
since they changed from the original vix they have had problems after problems, ATM the best image about in my opinion is Atv

seconded that. The very best at the moment ...

01-09-2014, 09:29 AM
since they changed from the original vix they have had problems after problems, ATM the best image about in my opinion is Atv

Funny you say that, because of all the images out there ATV is the closest related to ViX, in fact it is based directly on ViX and even uses the same ViX core. On the other hand ATV have several coders working on their images for bug fixes etc, where as ViX only really have Andyblac.

01-09-2014, 09:38 AM
I might give Atv a try.
Is this the file to use? "OpenATV 3.0 UK Ready VU+Solo2 Backup By Ten Below" Do I just flash this file?

01-09-2014, 09:49 AM
personally I would rather do a full fresh flash than use so called "backup" images released by others. you simply do not know what people have included in those backups and this user has a sketchy history of theft if the stories on certain forums are to believed.

01-09-2014, 10:00 AM
that's a really old version (4.2 is the present one) and probably you should start from scratch. Mind you their images don't come with any softcams pre-installed nor you can download any from their feed. You'll need to find them elsewhere which is easy anyway. Just do a google search for openATV softcam collection.


01-09-2014, 10:02 AM
that's a really old version (4.2 is the present one) and probably you should start from scratch. Mind you their images don't come with any softcams pre-installed nor you can download any from their feed. You'll need to find them elsewhere which is easy anyway. Just do a google search for openATV softcam collection.


ATV is a decent image but they have no Quality control what so ever, they do not even reply to bug reports from their own beta testers, and only have access to under half the receivers they write images for, so no way to debug issues or test fixes etc.

01-09-2014, 10:16 AM
I tried OpenATV after having issues with 26 OpenVIX. It's very similar but I am happy to stay with OpenVIX because I liked the more integral softcams.

Let's be honest its personal preference. I was happy with Blackhole for months and certainly would not criticise it. I only looked elsewhere when the latest Blackhole image had problems trying to get the Metrix skin to work (it wouldn't). Just fancied a change and liked the slimlineness (is that a word) of OpenVIX. and the HD-Night skin. I'm keeping the config simple (just put TSmedia and IPTVuploader on and that's it).

01-09-2014, 10:32 AM
ATV is a decent image but they have no Quality control what so ever, they do not even reply to bug reports from their own beta testers, and only have access to under half the receivers they write images for, so no way to debug issues or test fixes etc.

Fair enough phoenix but to be quite honest never had any real issues with ATV. I do a daily image update from their feed and all my personal backups come up loud and clear not to mention the odd full reflash every two weeks or so. Also their MyMetrixMOD skin is absolutely brilliant and much nicer than the one you can get with Vix I'm afraid.


01-09-2014, 11:16 AM
Fair enough phoenix but to be quite honest never had any real issues with ATV. I do a daily image update from their feed and all my personal backups come up loud and clear not to mention the odd full reflash every two weeks or so. Also their MyMetrixMOD skin is absolutely brilliant and much nicer than the one you can get with Vix I'm afraid.


I am not discounting that, but they have a track record of making changes without testing the results. for example in ViX Andyblac spent months updating and upgrading timers, in one fell swoop ATV have just removed all those changes and reincorporated the original timers plugin into the git which has broken every single update and upgrade Andy made rendering it pretty much useless.

01-09-2014, 11:40 AM
I'm on vix apollo 024, and am quite happy with it, so I will stay with it for now.
I was just thinking of trying something else just to make a comparison.
I'll update to 028 when I pluck up courage.

01-09-2014, 11:46 AM
I'm on vix apollo 024, and am quite happy with it, so I will stay with it for now.
I was just thinking of trying something else just to make a comparison.
I'll update to 028 when I pluck up courage.

several issues with timers and auto timers in build 028 at the moment due to the issue I referred to above, where ATV's coders have removed a years worth of work on timers without thinking about the ramifications. we have reversed this commit and it should be fixed in build 029 and above (providing they dont mess it up again).

05-09-2014, 04:26 PM
several issues with timers and auto timers in build 028 at the moment due to the issue I referred to above, where ATV's coders have removed a years worth of work on timers without thinking about the ramifications. we have reversed this commit and it should be fixed in build 029 and above (providing they dont mess it up again).

I see build 029 is now out. Have the problems been solved? Should I upgrade to it?

05-09-2014, 04:31 PM
since they changed from the original vix they have had problems after problems, ATM the best image about in my opinion is Atv

i agree, i had vix for years, but then problems, all started with crossepg update, then i had random lockups, gave up on vix and use openatv on all my boxes now, xtrend, azbox me, and azbox premium!