View Full Version : IPTV reloading

30-08-2014, 08:17 PM
Hi Guys
I've received 3 phone calls so far from mates having problems with IPTV Movies keeping loading going so far then reloading. As is turns out I have the same problem and I wondered if it was a server issue or a provider issue in this area. I have checked service reports for my area and all is fine so I assume it's server related so I just want to know if this issue is in other areas please?

30-08-2014, 08:53 PM
Same problem here in Ireland and it's been happening on and off for some time lately.

31-08-2014, 02:14 PM
I ran some test on other media on IPTV Dubia Sports seems to stream ok but the likes of Arena Sport does'nt even kick in. The Alb UK is pixelating which is nothing to do with stream so leads me to definitately server issue. I have of late recommended this box but if this is going to be a norm I will no longer be, I think what makes it worse is nobody seems to be reporting work on the server or perhaps they have reached the limit of the server who knows.

31-08-2014, 03:38 PM
All IPTV movies new and old will not load for the last few days!!! tries but stops every few seconds, but note, the series seem to load and work as normal.?
Any ideas.

31-08-2014, 03:39 PM
First there is nowhere referring IPTV function in the receiver's specifications.
For your knowledge the IPTV function added in patch (and not in original software) after some months of it 's release.
Also, we added this function for anybody wanted to add his own links where ever he finds them.
We added a lot of links of channels - movies - tv series because we wished it and we wanted to show members how to use this function !
In fact the only 'gift' of these receivers is the 'IKS' after patching them and not the IPTV links if somebody sells them in this way or somebody has misunderstood !

*Anyway we are working to add some links and fix the problem with the existing !
We appreciate the feedback but not your complaints !

31-08-2014, 04:43 PM
First thanks for all the hard work that you have done for us owners of the 6000 you turned a good box into a great box. Next I must be lucky with my choices from the excellent content on the IPTV chans you have made available, as I have always got through my choice no problem. For others it may be glitches on their BB and that gives problems who knows. Also as you rightly say these additions are a bonus for us users as before your work there was no IPTV nor any of the other bonuses we now get. So I would just say to those that post about their problems with patches and subsequent issues surrounding them please be appreciative of the work done by BD and try to phrase any concerns with a little more consideration for the work done and time that he has been spent to give us these additions. The choice is yours to use them as is, or don't, if you want a guaranteed viewing go buy the dvd. Thanks again BD

31-08-2014, 06:25 PM
I totally agree with Learning, there are some people who are never satisfied with what they are given, they always want MORE, spoilt children springs to mind, " I want, We Must have, the wife wants ", and invariably those same people rarely if ever acknowledge the work done by the Team providing them with the IPTV Channels, just my opinion of course, but I get the feeling that it is the same as many other users of the Spiderbox 6000.

31-08-2014, 07:12 PM
Well I am most appreciative of BD work it can't be easy keeping the multitudes happy. Although I appreciate his work I do not use it myself I have had the Spider 6000 from it's release which should tell you it was not bought for IPTV. Neither do I require the IKs although I do use this facility. I bought the spider purely because I like the tuner which is superior to other boxes I have had. I have never made a request for any movie and have no immediate need to make a request. So keep up the good work BD but I have to say you will not keep them all happy.

Regards Cannydo

31-08-2014, 08:21 PM
Hi Blackdevil, thanks for the feedback, may I also say that i for one fully appreciate the effort you and the team have made in providing the additional that this box has the capability of providing.
I only wanted to provide you with feedback on current position re problem with films not "loading" as they have been fantastic for many week s.
I realize that "the links" can come and go but it is only in the last batch of additions that "loading " has been an issue and I thought you would appreciate the feedback.
Thanks once again for all provided.
Kind Regards,

02-09-2014, 03:53 PM

Was just about to complain about the reloading of films.

Im sure those who did the good work to make us enjoy IPTV are aware and are working on it.

If IPTV was ok in the past it will be ok in the future.

We can forbear for a few days.

We commend those who toil for us. We should say thanks more often.

dave d
02-09-2014, 10:20 PM

Was just about to complain about the reloading of films.

Im sure those who did the good work to make us enjoy IPTV are aware and are working on it.

If IPTV was ok in the past it will be ok in the future.

We can forbear for a few days.

We commend those who toil for us. We should say thanks more often.well said ,totally agree ,

08-09-2014, 09:42 AM
just to add i'm well thankful for the iptv function, but am having issues as well ,the channels stream fine but series and on films ( tried list 1 , 2 +3 ) reload after a couple of seconds also having issues of sat position's staying store on the box using diseqc but thats a different thread just wondered if was my box playing up cheers