View Full Version : new android phone user question

01-09-2014, 02:43 PM
had bought a phone app for mobile phone (slingplayer) but due to sim problem/new sim ,phone had to be rest to new to enable web set up to new sim,this wiped out apps,now to enable slingplayer do i have to buy the app again,or is there any other way.:eek:

01-09-2014, 05:05 PM
had bought a phone app for mobile phone (slingplayer) but due to sim problem/new sim ,phone had to be rest to new to enable web set up to new sim,this wiped out apps,now to enable slingplayer do i have to buy the app again,or is there any other way.:eek:

So long as you log into the app store with the same username you do not have to pay again just look under myapps