View Full Version : OpenSPA 3.2 Azbox HD & Me

04-09-2014, 01:40 PM
OpenSpa 3.2


Vuplus drivers:
uno, ultimo y duo2 - 20140808
duo, solo - 20140715
solo2 - 20140829

Vuplus kernel:
uno, duo, solo, ultimo - 3.9.6
solo2, duo2 - 3.13.5

- New receiver support: VisionNet Marvel 1.
- Best support in USB-DTT, now based in Media Build. If USB-DTT is a compatible tuner, it will be automatically installed, and it will be shown in config menu as one more tuner.
- Added: a selection of different key controllers for RC buttons in config menu to prevent install of SpaQbutton. User can choose which style of predefined keys to use (neutrino, openspa, ect)
- New enigma.po translation to use spanish language.
- Multiboot in Azbox HD.
- New TVWeb 1.0.15.
- New InfoSignal.
- New drivers & kernel in VU+.
- Updated spzWheater & new AudioSelection.
- Fix minor bugs in Mytube & HbbTV.
- Some new features in spzCAMD.
- Added OpenVPN.
- Added FanControl2
- Added "Mount again" network shares in Extensions menu.
- Fix GSOD when initiate HDD.
- Fix screen config using MediaCenter menu.
- New Bootlogo (Thx to Edu1971).
- Minor changes in AzInfo.
- Fix screen config in spzTimeshift.
- Fix SpzMosaic.
- New AudioSelection.
- Fix skin adjust to use with new audioSelection & other minor bugs (basic,basic_extra,blackmodern).
- Fix spzWeather: wrong icon in current weather.
- Fix unexpected change of favourite's list when changing channel by prog.
- Fix audio change in Azbox.
- Some spzCAMD changes: we can config camstart when system boots, and camd autorestart in case of failure.
- Added upnp support in MC.





- OpenSpa Menú: horizontal menu to allow access all features of the receiver
- TVWeb: TV on demand for spanish services
- Panel Info: plugin to show advanced information of the receiver (network, store, tuners, camds, etc)
- EPG MHW2: automatic 7-day MHW2 EPG downloader (C+)
- Download Panel: download plugins, skins, picons, camds, ect directly from receiver.
- File Explorer: to find, move, copy, ect all files of the receiver, which allow install IPK's & other packages.
- USB DTT Manager: plugin for automatic installation of different USB DTT's
- Camd Manager: Camds/Emus manager
- OpenSpa Meteo: plugin of meteorologic & weather info built-in the skin
- Mediacenter + IMDB: video, audio & images player with IMDB information access.
- Installed Plugins Selector: to select which plugins to install in the receiver as "factory plugins". Reccomended to use in low-features receivers (as AzBox).
- Virtual Keyboard
- Backups
- Crond Manager
- Swap Manager
- Key mapping
- Historic (zapping
- Add IP Channels
- Flash Online
- & much more...

Thanks to:

Morser: Git, Enigma2 & Plugins
Darkmantk: Git, Kernel & Enigma2
Mpiero: Skin & Plugins
Pe.tardo: Languages
Sergiri & Evox: maintaner OpenSPA plugin's server
Nasky: Compiling
Yersi, Oscar_fl, Abdelsat, Mecha, Madoss, Kaspita, and all testers & all those who reported bugs & suggestions.

All those who donate to keep OpenSPA forum and server online

Available to download in OpenSPA's forum

13-05-2015, 12:12 AM
ciao a tutti

07-11-2015, 08:01 PM
ciao a tutti

29-02-2016, 07:24 PM