View Full Version : This is damaged. Please contact your seller.

The Man From Delmote
05-09-2014, 09:46 PM

a friend has bought a spiderbox from Goldwafers and it keeps throwing up this error after the box has been powered on for 5-10mins. This happens when the ethernet is connected or disconnected.

Is this a config issue or does it sound like the box is Donald Ducked?

Cheers in advance,

Man From Delmonte.

05-09-2014, 09:56 PM
and he hasnt contacted goldwafers because ????????????????????????????????? ??

The Man From Delmote
05-09-2014, 09:59 PM
and he hasnt contacted goldwafers because ????????????????????????????????? ??

he has via website but its the weekend so wont be open till 10am monday ? dude whats with all the question marks ????????????????????????????????? :)

Wasn't sure if this was a known issue with out of the box firmware ?

05-09-2014, 11:01 PM
he has via website but its the weekend so wont be open till 10am monday ? dude whats with all the question marks ????????????????????????????????? :)

Wasn't sure if this was a known issue with out of the box firmware ?

That does not mean that Lee will not contact him by email tomorrow for further details of the problem that he has encountered.

The Man From Delmote
05-09-2014, 11:07 PM
thanks guys, got contacted by lee who asked me to do the 2 stage flash then if that didnt work the recovery tool. Tried both TNA feel a bit embarrased to be honest as I reccomended him to use goldwafers so he didn't get a copy box and he ends up with a DOA box :( luck of the draw I guess. I just hope it doesnt cost him anymore money. My dad got a box from there worked straight away though unless its a dodgy batch. Packaging was terrible though no bubble wrap just a plastic bag with a label on, that normal?

05-09-2014, 11:09 PM
it was important to say that he had contacted the shop, if he has done so

cant understand why you would not put that crucial bit of information in the opening post, hence all the question marks

in future, supply all information when asking questions, especially like this

frankly, all the info supplied over the 2 posts should have been in the first post , and as the box is under warranty people would be reluctant to advise you about doing anything else, my point being that he should contact the retailer like the message says, doing nothing in the interim

if there were any known issues, they would have been written about already on here , but I read the post and thought WTF !

it is such a strange happening that in my opinion nothing should be touched or done until this owner has contacted Lee and that Lee has the first opportunity to comment about it or deal with it , weekend or not, its no excuse for impatience

wait for the retailer to contact the owner, out of respect for the retailer if nothing else

edit, looks like our posts have crossed at the same time

if you look on our forum there was an issue with the box mrdude received, so yes I was also thinking it may be a bad batch which is unfortunate for Lee but glad to see that he has now been contacted

I have no idea how these boxes are packaged at the moment, but normally they come in a cardboard box

05-09-2014, 11:15 PM
I seemed to remember this being posted on the forum before, a quick search brought up this thread:
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?167011-6000HD-problem-saying-damaged-box&highlight=This+is+damaged.+Please +contact+your+seller

05-09-2014, 11:27 PM
thank you mickha

due to this nand flash problem or whatever it is happening every now and again, I would recommend that people with that message do exactly what it says !

'this box is damaged contact seller'

so if it says that, please do so and wait for the retailer to contact you

bear in mind there may be other problems with the box and no message like the above may occur too , so vigilance is the watch word here

06-09-2014, 12:12 AM
I have no idea how these boxes are packaged at the moment, but normally they come in a cardboard box

My Spiderbox 6000 Receiver came in a cardboard box, measuring 290mm long x 212mm broad x 55mm deep, and it had a cardboard inlay for the Reciever, Cables & Remote + Batteries.

terry l
06-09-2014, 07:22 AM
I don't think the man [f-d]..Meant lee sent him a box wrapped in a plastic bag..[cause lee wouldn't do that]..it would have been sent to him in a cardboard box with the content's properly packed..I think you'll find he meant the cardboard box was not bubble wrapped..Some supplier's do..[though not really needed]..

06-09-2014, 08:51 AM
Without bubble wrap these boxes maybe getting damaged in transit hence the problems. The Royal Mail and others and not the most careful of handlers.

06-09-2014, 09:05 AM
standard practice nowadays is to take the cardboard box (or boxes) and wrap them in what appears to resemble a thin black plastic bin liner and seal with sticky tape , then place the postal labels onto the black bag, sometimes in a see through plastic wallet, other times simply stuck to the black plastic itself, then post by courier or parcel force etc

I would think this saves on postage costs and also is due to the lower profit margins generated by the downward spiral in box prices over the last few years

the same applies to other modern items like tablets etc , although I agree that sometimes the retailers still use plastic bubble wrap around tablet and phone boxes or other similarly sized items

having checked the forums again I find that the thread I alluded to has been deleted (the one with pictures of the new base on the spider that now has no labels at all) but it was good of Mickha to remember the first instance we had of this problem and to post the link too. Most of the people involved are thinking a corrupt namd flash causes the errors we have seen recently, but as to if its a bad batch ? that remains to be seen by more feedback

my point in all of this is a simple one

a new box comes with a warranty, so should be referred to the retailer as soon as a problem occurs, nothing else should be done until that retailer contacts the buyer and decides what should be tackled prior to any return of the unit (no matter what the "unit" actually is) and if that retailer is closed for the weekend then it should be left until they are open and a dialogue started asap following the weekend

this happened to me recently with a DOA samsung galaxy tab 3 that was a present for a family member , as soon as I realised it "wasnt me" and the thing was dead I double checked the charger and usb lead were ok on another tablet (nexus 7) , packed it all back up and contacted the retailer , who eventually gave me a freepost returns address and R.M.A. for it

my advice to anyone with a new item that appears to be "faulty" is - do the same, and have patience and wait until monday if the weekend is intervening , although in this case it appears that Lee went beyond his "shop hours" and tried to deal with the issues here which was commendable

hope it gets sorted out, hope we get a definitive answer to those error messages etc, but it would not surprise me if the importer just swapped them out , which causes loss of earnings due to high postage costs due to the returns

06-09-2014, 09:23 AM
I agree with you wholeheartedly echelon but from a sellers point of view I would of thought it cheaper to include cheap bubble wrap. Rather than lose all profit on a return or replacement I suppose it all comes down to profit I have every confidence the promblem will be solved. I do hope there's a post referring to what the cause of the problem was for future reference

06-09-2014, 10:09 AM
Knowing Lee's service on several occasions I have every confidence that he will solve it fully if he is responsible - I, like many others have found him very helpful and involved. Cheers - Brain

06-09-2014, 02:13 PM
I ordered a spider 6000 hd box from lee (goldwafers) on 1/9/2014...i received it on 2/9/2014
i was so delighted with the purchase...speed of delivery...packaging...customer support
it promted me to post a praise to our sponsor post on 2/9/2014
my spider from lee (goldwafers) came in its box,this was wrapped in black plastic..and sealed
my box itself had no external stickers on it...ie mac address
i took box...patched it with latest patch...put in my long and lat..scanned in the sats i wanted...
connected ethernet cable...and for me...was plug and play

06-09-2014, 02:33 PM
all the recievers i have had through post have always just been plastic wrapped protection inside the box is usually good enough, never had any damaged.

The Man From Delmote
08-09-2014, 09:08 PM
First off, thanks for all replies.

YES definitely the supplier should get first refusal on support. It was a late friday night, I checked his opening times on the website and noted he wasn't open until monday morning. I had no idea he would reply so quickly (on the plus side I've had practice doing a recovery now so all good experience). Box is being swapped out so all gravy.

Didnt mean to jump the gun guys but I just felt crap for the lad getting a DOA box when he'd looked on other sites and I told him to stick with a reputable supplier. Wasn't sure if there was a software fix I could have tried, hence the post.

Echelon you need to chill out mate, talk about jumping down peoples throats over something simple. It's not exactly condusive to creating a friendly community is it mate? I know you're probs peed off with people wanting everything done for them but I searched the forums and nobody had experienced this error so wasnt sure where to go with it especially since id installed YOUR firmware and wasnt sure if the supplier would have liked this or not.

As for the packaging yes a cheap black plastic wrap but I'm sure everyone would rather pay a few extra quid and get a sheet of bubble wrap round it? also delivery £9.99 and I note from the royal mail sticker it cost much less than that so no excuses really for sticking a 20p sheet of bubble wrap round it is it?

Regarding the firmware the out of the box menu looked different to the normal menu, icons were diff so its either a more modern box with a different revision pcb or even a clone dare I say? doubt it would be the latter but does anyone know of any different revisions of the boxes acting like this with the latest firmware?

Cheers for all your help guys.


08-09-2014, 10:32 PM
First off, thanks for all replies.

YES definitely the supplier should get first refusal on support. It was a late friday night, I checked his opening times on the website and noted he wasn't open until monday morning. I had no idea he would reply so quickly (on the plus side I've had practice doing a recovery now so all good experience). Box is being swapped out so all gravy.

Didnt mean to jump the gun guys but I just felt crap for the lad getting a DOA box when he'd looked on other sites and I told him to stick with a reputable supplier. Wasn't sure if there was a software fix I could have tried, hence the post.

Cheers for all your help guys.


totally agree with you , when you try helping people it fails and you feel guilty, but when something like this is new and under warranty you should involve the retailer and if they are closed for the weekend you wait a few days until they are open again , giving the retailer chance to sort it out and doing NOTHING in the meantime so that NOTHING invalidates any warranty and the retailer may know stuff that isnt on the forum as he is the first call for any problems with new boxes

Echelon you need to chill out mate, talk about jumping down peoples throats over something simple. It's not exactly condusive to creating a friendly community is it mate? I know you're probs peed off with people wanting everything done for them but I searched the forums and nobody had experienced this error so wasnt sure where to go with it especially since id installed YOUR firmware and wasnt sure if the supplier would have liked this or not.


firstly, it is not MY FIRMWARE, I do not supply firmware to anybody at all , never have , never will

normally the firmware is uploaded by black devil afaik, so its his firmware or comes from HIS contact, nothing to do with me

it was actually a problem first posted about in may 2014 as mickha correctly pointed out here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?167011-6000HD-problem-saying-damaged-box&highlight=This+is+damaged.+Please +contact+your+seller

a similar fault was being dealt with off the forum for another 6000 with a slightly different issue and unknown to me the thread was deleted by the OP I believe, so you would not have found that one if not looking at the right time and it may have seemed different too, although I think the cause was the same issue

as for chilling out, I make no apology for telling a new box owner to do nothing at all with the box until the retailer has contacted him (or her), It is standard policy and I will always insist on the new owner having patience and allowing the retailer time to reply and sort the box out , so far from chilling out I will always insist that the owner or his mate contact the retailer and until its done I will actively prevent them from seeking other remedies through this forum. my allegiance is to Lee first and foremost and has been for almost 15 years now too , which also means new owners and new forum members must give Lee the chance he deserves and will be told to do so too in no uncertain terms , so I make no apology for my firm stance on "contact the retailer and wait for a reply" as its the code I live by and will bluntly tell people this in no uncertain terms; and had I received a pm about it I would have contacted Lee on this persons behalf (or yours) to try to get something done over the weekend, but I received no pm at all , just this narky stuff on the open forum ( a polite pm asking me for help and advice as regards contacting goldwafers and it being bad timing due to a weekend was all that was needed)

As for the packaging yes a cheap black plastic wrap but I'm sure everyone would rather pay a few extra quid and get a sheet of bubble wrap round it? also delivery £9.99 and I note from the royal mail sticker it cost much less than that so no excuses really for sticking a 20p sheet of bubble wrap round it is it?

its the way its done nowadays m8, the low profit margins mean its a fact of life with a lot of deliveries now , I understand what you are saying and can sympathise but it is what it is and something we have to live with in this day and age , every penny seems to count since technology has plummeted in price and I have noticed it happens a lot over the last couple of years with all manner of deliveries

Regarding the firmware the out of the box menu looked different to the normal menu, icons were diff so its either a more modern box with a different revision pcb or even a clone dare I say? doubt it would be the latter but does anyone know of any different revisions of the boxes acting like this with the latest firmware?

Cheers for all your help guys.


as mickha alluded to in the thread he linked to , and as I alluded to in the now deleted other members thread from last week , there seems to be a few issues with some boxes and its possibly a faulty nand flash but nobody seems sure as yet, certainly no feedback on the actual problems, there was also talk of clones due to pics being posted of different bases and missing mac codes, but my own opinion is they changed the design and not everybody seems aware of the changes , perhaps this is the reason why the price has dropped recently , who knows ? I dont as I am not a retailer

I am sure that the case design has subtle changes like missing stickers and different vents underneath , maybe in manufacturing these new cheaper units other corners have been cut , who knows, but remember these 6000 boxes are a third the price of the 9000 I bought a few years ago , so the quality may not be the same but neither is the price

the factory firmware is not the same as any of the patched firmware on here, never was on the 7000 or 9000 or 9900 or 5000 either , and the current patched 6000 firmware looks nothing like the ones from 18 months ago either

08-09-2014, 11:41 PM
Echelon you are 100% correct and newer members would do well to read your post and inwardly digest the info contained in it and act accordingly should they encounter any problems with the receivers purchased from the forum sponsor.

The Man From Delmote
09-09-2014, 06:13 PM
Echelon, thanks very much for the well info'd reply :) I shall be more patient in future lol

And don't worry I still love ya mate lol ;)

Sent from my LG-E900 using Tapatalk

09-09-2014, 06:58 PM
thank you

no animosity from me, but I have to protect the forum sponsor when you think how loyal to his customers and members here he has been

all I ask is give him a chance when things go wrong, he really will go the extra mile to sort things out

anyone with a genuine issue will get help no matter what day it is, but I am sure that like the rest of us he likes his time off too

I also hope your friend enjoys his new box when its all up and running, that is the ultimate aim for all of us

The Man From Delmote
09-09-2014, 07:07 PM
Yeah Lee seems mustard :) don't think he would have got the same support if he'd ordered via *******. Got a response from him 22:30 on a Friday night! Don't think many business' can boast that level of customer service :)

Appreciate where your loyalty lies also, apologies if it put you in a tight spot.

Am sure he will be like a dog with two c###s when he picks it up from postman pat.

Cheers buddy ;)

Sent from my LG-E900 using Tapatalk

09-09-2014, 07:13 PM
Ppl we need to be careful making a post on the forum,I had an issue that I could not sort I contacted Lee by email that evening and his response next morning corrected the problem my point is when everybody with tuppence was not looking for his worth and causing confusion,in general most of us know if a problem is serious and as with any serious problems we contact the supplier,some of the previous posts border on the miffy with a suggestion of innuendo thrown in remember stupid is as stupid does and we are responsible for what we post,regards Knacker

09-09-2014, 07:17 PM
if anybody pm`s me with a genuine sponsor problem that needs sorting, if I am able to do so I will contact goldwafers asap and give them the members contact details, name , whatever it takes and I am sure Lee will get back to them in a reasonable time frame, which I would have done in this case except obviously Lee was on the ball and tried to sort it out even though it was late at night :)

09-09-2014, 09:16 PM
100% behind echelon and 100% behind Lee. This thread has reached a happy ending and should not be dragged into anything else ? All members respect the knowledge and wisdom from senior members and if they don't? They should go and join SKY :smilielol5: they will keep you happy there :coolgleamA: