View Full Version : spider box 7000hd missing channels

07-09-2014, 02:38 PM
Hi all, i used to get all channels, but i have lost a few, tried a scan but they are still missing, took it to a friends house to scan but still missing channel, any help would be grateful, [thanks in advance]

07-09-2014, 02:40 PM
what channels are missing ?

what satellite ? what transponders ?

is your channel list full ?

have you backed up your channel list and tried a recent new one instead ?

if you want to try a new list, do not use the 6000 ones , use a recent 7000/9000 list

07-09-2014, 04:04 PM
hi, i had all sky channels 28.3. channels missing are bt 1 & 2,sport, nat, g o wild, box nation plus a few others, are there any new updates, i think i have full channel list as i had them before, i did a factory default, then a scan without back up [i am new to this and a bit green], not sure about new channel list is this something you have to download and put on the box,

07-09-2014, 04:50 PM
A channel list is from someone elses Spiderbox 7000 HD, you load this to save you manually scanning in the channels yourself, it will automatically overide your channel list.
Are you sure you're scanning them in correctly?
Try going into the menu, select manual scan, and enter
Astra 2 28.2E
Frequency 11604
Polarity Vertical
S/R 29500
FEC 3/4
Modulation DVB-S2 QPSK

Please report back with the results, especially the signal quality readings, and check how many channels you currently have scanned in, as Echelon asked, you can quickly fill up a channel list if you scan in all the channels, from various satellites.

07-09-2014, 04:53 PM
a lot of those channels swapped to new transponders over the summer , plus you wont decode many of the HD ones either

perhaps you need to scan in manually as mickha says

or learn to use your box, backup your list and put a new one in that is more up to date

try king of sat or lyngsat for the new transponders

07-09-2014, 06:59 PM
A channel list is from someone elses Spiderbox 7000 HD, you load this to save you manually scanning in the channels yourself, it will automatically overide your channel list.
Are you sure you're scanning them in correctly?
Try going into the menu, select manual scan, and enter
Astra 2 28.2E
Frequency 11604
Polarity Vertical
S/R 29500
FEC 3/4
Modulation DVB-S2 QPSK

Please report back with the results, especially the signal quality readings, and check how many channels you currently have scanned in, as Echelon asked, you can quickly fill up a channel list if you scan in all the channels, from various satellites.

hi, tried above started search still no joy , signal 74% , quality 88 %. channels scanned 568 tv 85 radio, quality went up to 98% when scanning,

07-09-2014, 07:07 PM
you seem to be auto scanning instead of manually scanning one transponder like you were told to do

if the transponder isnt in your total list of existing transponders , it will never find them and you are wasting your time and ours until you actually add the new transponders - you cannot scan what it doesnt know is there

you have not said yet how many channels are actually on the 7000 in all satellites

check both tv and radio, add them together, should be less than 10k

also, you have not yet said you have backed up your channel list nor tried a new list like the brand new ones (august 2014) by billybits or compass in the channel lists section of the spiderbox forums here

07-09-2014, 08:37 PM
hi, went through everything again changed FEC3/4, s/r 29500, scanned again and got missing channels back on, [thanks to you & mickha] for your help,

07-09-2014, 08:46 PM
excellent, repeat for any other missing channels by rescanning existing transponders and also by adding and scanning any new ones

then back up your channel list to a usb stick formatted to fat 32

13-09-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi just followed Echelon's advice and got all my lost channels back. many thanks

25-09-2014, 08:14 PM
Hi just followed Echelon's advice and got all my lost channels back. many thanks

I live down the road from Redcarlo1 & I lost them too (we suspect meddling kids!! :)) when we followed the above advice again, Freq 11604 wouldn't come up. Instead 11603 did. Does this matter or is it near enough? We're the blind leading the blind really. All brand new on a steep learning curve. Thanks

25-09-2014, 09:57 PM
It doesn't matter, you can often change the frequency, slightly, without a problem.