View Full Version : New VU+ Solo SE arrived

16-09-2014, 11:44 AM
Hi all,

After about a week, my new VU+ Solo SE box has arrived with me out here in Madrid. Thanks to Lee at Goldwafers for answering my questions and setting it up before sending it :bow-004:

Got it up and running much quicker than I thought I would, as it does seem a lot more "technical" than my Openbox S10. But in the end I just followed the "Beginners Setup Guide" here, and I was browsing all of the channels that I used to have on the S10 in no time. I still having some figuring out to do, but all is good so far.

The interface is much nicer (running BlackHole), and much faster than the S10. And having EPG to easily see what's currently on each channel is worth the additional cost over the Openbox alone! Not sure how I lived without it for the last few years.

It is A LOT different to the Openbox though, so I already have a few "beginner" questions. I am not sure if they belong in this section, or a general VU+ section .. but it seems the SE section of this forum needs a few threads :302:. I've tried searching for answers to these questions, and there are a lot of references/guides about them, but I think that maybe they are so simple that they either haven't been asked, or I can't find them.

1. CAM's - As I understand it, it's necessary to install an additional CAM program in order to read any lines that you may be using in a .cfg file. On the Openbox, you just load the line on via USB ... and that's it. Have I got that right? As I said, I followed some guides, and I somehow got this working already using the old line I had for my Openbox, so that part seems fine. What I don't understand 100% is why there would be a need to have more than one CAM program on the VU+ box. It seems that I have 4 of them already loaded onto the box with BlackHole, but I am not sure what the difference is between them, or why I might need more than one? Is it just personal preference, or do some work better at reading the lines faster etc?

2. Images - Is there a way to install multiple images on the SE so you can flick between them when you want, or can you just have one on there at a time? I have Blackhole pre-installed on there now, and it seems great compared to what I am used to on the Openbox. But I know me, and I know I will want to check out the others to make sure there isn't another one that I like more. Not something I will do until I know the box better, but I know I'll want to try them at some point!

3. Bouquets - Is this basically just another way of saying "Favourites List"? For example, I am watching most Italian TV off Hotbird 13e (because of my location), and when I browse "Favourites" I see all of the channels (including UK etc from different satellites) split up into things like "Italia Entertainment", "Italia Do***entaries" etc. Are these what's being referred to as "Bouquets" in this instance? I am used to manually creating my own favourite lists on the S10, but I actually like the way that the channels are presented to me on the SE as it's much closer to what I see on the first-party boxes.

Sorry if these are really basic questions, I'm just getting to grips with it all!. As I said, I see all of these things talked about a lot in threads, but I can't find much "newbie" information as to what exactly they are!

Thanks for any help,
Cheers, Ori

16-09-2014, 12:58 PM
various cams may be used for various purposes, like using softcams and biss keys, or for other reasons , hence you can have a multiple choice and each cam will give some similar features but also other features that they may not all have

I suppose you could say its like cars, why not have one car that does everything, but many types exist for various reasons

for lines etc, you may decide you only need cccam , but for other duties something like mgcamd or oscam may fit the bill

there can be methods of using multiple images from usb drives or the hdd, but generally the flash mem can only hold one image at a time

bouquets are channel lists with favourites within them , so you get an ALL CHANNELS somewhere, then the bouquets (favourites) are used to separate out the genres, like movies , sport , kidz , music , news etc

you can add your own favourites lists into the main list as well if you wish , and copy and paste the channels you need into your own list or lists , leaving the other ones there, or adapting or removing them, do as you please really as there is no limit (unlike on bespoke boxes)

the point with these boxes is there is no one simple answer, its generally about multiple choice, same as cars , and even cars come with multiple options in their specification packs , diesel or petrol , satnav or no satnav , sunroof or air conditioning , some may have options you dont use, others you adapt for yourself, others may be wanted but not there so you add them later

its basically a box running the linux os system, of which many flavours exist , then you add and adapt your own ingredients to the mix, so no 2 boxes will be the same

16-09-2014, 03:49 PM
Perfect, thanks very much for the reply.
That helps to explain a lot of my questions so far ... also confirms that I haven't done anything monumentally wrong ... yet :D
Thanks again!

Cheers, Ori

01-10-2014, 09:45 PM
Top tip before you do any playing do a full back-up.
Blackhole will allow you to do that, if you go wrong you have a return position to start again from.