View Full Version : More advice regarding network Mounts please

25-09-2014, 08:14 AM
Firstly may I say a thank you for all the guides and advice regarding this subject on here. However I am 'missing' something and would like a bit more help please.

I have a Windows 7 PC that acts as a media server (it runs Logitech media server for my Squeezeboxes). I now want to have any area where I can rip my DVD box sets on to and then watch on my TV. So I have created a Windows share and setup a user name and password with admin rights. I can scan and see the server through Mount management on my Vu+ Uno but when I try and expand the selected source it waits an eternity then doesn't come back with anything. I know the share works as I have accessed it on other devices.

I can also set the share up use Mount manager and get a green tick (I think that is what it is) but as of yet I have not been able to access any of the content on it.

So, given I am trying to access a Windows share, can anyone advise me please. Do I need to use another method?

Also once it is working what is the best media package to use to watch ripped DVD's. It will be in VOB format as its ripped using AnyDVD.

Apologies if this is covered elsewhere

I'm using the latest Openvix image by the way