View Full Version : On and Standby Loop

15-10-2014, 11:03 AM
morning all' for some unknown reason my spiderbox has stuck itself in a constant loop when i switched the unit on this morning was fine last night' tried unpluging everything from the unit and just power running to it and its just the same just get - - - - then on then standby cycle.

15-10-2014, 11:24 AM
First try disconnecting the LNB cable from Spiderbox and retry, if same and you are not able to repatch with latest F/W you will need to use the recovery method.
Recovery Tool > https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164187-Recovery-instructions-for-HD6000
Recovery Video > https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?165432-Spiderbox-6000-HD-Recovery-film

15-10-2014, 12:05 PM
First try disconnecting the LNB cable from Spiderbox and retry, if same and you are not able to repatch with latest F/W you will need to use the recovery method.
Recovery Tool > https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164187-Recovery-instructions-for-HD6000
Recovery Video > https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?165432-Spiderbox-6000-HD-Recovery-film

yes mate still does the same without lnb cable, without any cable plugged in anyway just power.many thanks

15-10-2014, 12:49 PM
try the recovery tool and factory firmware etc (using a null modem cable from xp pc) , then do a factory reset from the menu

then load the aug 2013 firmware if successful and factory reset it again

then load july 2014 firmware and factory reset it AGAIN

then load channel list etc and test it


TYPO corrected, thanks to cannydo spotting it :)

15-10-2014, 02:18 PM
Echelon should that not be July 2014 firmware??

15-10-2014, 09:09 PM
had to send the unit back guys' must of been a manufacturing fault' lets hope replacement will be fine fingers crossed.wish i just kept my f5s now :(

16-10-2014, 09:03 AM
I think I'll ask you that question in about a fortnight m8 hehe you'll find the Spiderbox much superior to an F5. You've just been unlucky enough to have a faulty box once you have a fully working one you'll not look back.

16-10-2014, 11:10 AM
I think I'll ask you that question in about a fortnight m8 hehe you'll find the Spiderbox much superior to an F5. You've just been unlucky enough to have a faulty box once you have a fully working one you'll not look back.
which is the best way to patch the box when the replacement arrives' with the last unit i just done a factory reset first' then installed the latest patch then done a factory reset once more' is this fine or do i need to install a earlier patch first before latest.many thanks

16-10-2014, 11:18 AM
As instructed in post for of this thread by echelon m8 you need the old patch first.
Post 4

16-10-2014, 12:27 PM
As instructed in post for of this thread by echelon m8 you need the old patch first.
Post 4

what date should i be looking for' before flashing over new patch.cheers

16-10-2014, 12:41 PM
As the post m8 Aug 2013 then factory reset check info on box make sure it reads Aug patch. Then the latest patch again reset and if you have a channel list install now there are channel list for spider in this forum.

16-10-2014, 12:48 PM
ok many thanks cannydo cheers bud

16-10-2014, 12:54 PM
You can patch it via usb as well easier in fact Software Update here's the link to the channel lists.


16-10-2014, 01:01 PM
You can patch it via usb as well easier in fact Software Update here's the link to the channel lists.


thanks matey' this is the first august 2013 patch i could see 06/08/2013

16-10-2014, 01:04 PM
You can patch it via usb as well easier in fact Software Update here's the link to the channel lists.


16-10-2014, 01:05 PM
its 30/08/2013 , factory reset and check the date in the menu, then its the LATEST patch after that, which is currently 24/07/2014 , followed by another factory reset and again check the date in the menu once more

it should go without saying that if a new patch comes out then its that one you install and not july 2014

16-10-2014, 04:55 PM
thank you very much guys' just need to set my zone 2 dish at a sat now still not sure wot to point it at though wots best with iks thnx

16-10-2014, 05:03 PM
13e or 19e IK does not open 28.2e. If you check the channel lists you'll will see what suits your tatse.

16-10-2014, 05:12 PM
i see mate' got 28.2e sorted:respect-048: just set up a little zone1 for that sat with a 2 way disecq switch so i can run the zone 2 now and have a little play about with the euro side' should get 13e on it shouldnt i its 80cm x 60cm

16-10-2014, 05:55 PM
They are two very strong sats m8 you could probably pick anyone of them up with a saucer hehe.

16-10-2014, 06:05 PM
sky it seems to be slowing coming back:respect-013:

05-02-2015, 06:31 PM
hi lads taken from post one
for some unknown reason my spiderbox has stuck itself in a constant loop when i switched the unit on this morning was fine last night' tried unpluging everything from the unit and just power running to it and its just the same just get - - - - then on then standby cycle.

i,m atm trying to run the program which ive downloaded along with the navi for later/however after plugging in my null modum cable and advancing i have a choice of com ports to choose [see pic] i may annoy a few by revealing im on vista but did manage a 900hd some time ago question is which com port do i select62331

06-02-2015, 03:03 PM
Williamtell how did you get on with your spiderbox problem ie box stuck in constant loop !

06-02-2015, 09:27 PM
Well, just got handed to me another `constant loop` spiderbox 6000 !

About 10 seconds green led, 10 seconds red led.

Wonder if this isn`t a corrupt channel list issue?

`Williamtell`, had you a 28deg channel list or some other one?

06-02-2015, 09:59 PM
Anyone had any joy with this Hyperterminal?

Not sure about this part

"7. Press space on HyperTerminal every 0.5 seconds (half a second) from the time when turn on STB,"

where`s the space on Hyperterminal?

Any luck Williamtell? Btw i had only a choice of two comports.

I have Win7 only so maybe an issue?

06-02-2015, 10:08 PM
" where`s the space on Hyperterminal? "

The space refered to is the Space bar on your PC, if you have windows 7 Ultimate it should work OK

06-02-2015, 10:16 PM
Yes, i put the cursor inside the Hyperterminal window as well but no joy - maybe a cross-over cable instead of a null modem?

06-02-2015, 10:31 PM
Yes, i put the cursor inside the Hyperterminal window as well but no joy - maybe a cross-over cable instead of a null modem?

It may be an RS232 straight Null cable, as opposed to the Cross Over Null Modem required.

06-02-2015, 11:28 PM
thanks for the replies, no joy i,m afraid i tried all ports and it did seem connected as a timer was running but i couldn`t
get the picture up despite tapping my spacer momentarily just a few@ @ i,m going to try xp to eliminate the vista stigma, re post 24 yes i did have 28e channel list but was deleting satellites when it crashed [not me but a friend who i,m trying to rescue] ps my cable has 2 x 9 pin females one either end purchased for this problem and has worked before, tia

06-02-2015, 11:38 PM
For those who have had the problem with the standby loop, I had the exact same thing a few days ago. I ended up replacing the power supply and this sorted it. May have been a fluke, but worth a try!

06-02-2015, 11:58 PM
yes i did have 28e channel list but was deleting satellites when it crashed [not me but a friend who i,m trying to rescue] ps my cable has 2 x 9 pin females one either end purchased for this problem and has worked before, tia

This is what happened here exactly, it was a motorised channel list - tried to delete some of the satellites off.

Maybe if there was an alternative to this Hyperterminal, possibly something like the rescue software used for the Openbox/F5S boxes would be better??

07-02-2015, 11:22 AM
I'm really just checking if you's have read and watched the sticky's and posts on this subject? There are some issues that seem to be coming up that have been covered before?
If you can't make contact with the box then check your cable then check it's connected to the port in the box. ( one of the footnote link in the recovery film)
space in hyper? this is in film and show's that you need to read and watch sticky's again?
Other issues that have been pointed out are short's in the dish cable and in this thread , replace power unit?
look at the recovery film again and part 2 again and the footnote link's
Hope you get back up and running soon...
the recovery film part 1 and 2 and link's to a cable issue..

08-02-2015, 10:36 AM
thanks for the replies, no joy i,m afraid i tried all ports and it did seem connected as a timer was running but i couldn`t
get the picture up despite tapping my spacer momentarily just a few@ @ i,m going to try xp to eliminate the vista stigma, re post 24 yes i did have 28e channel list but was deleting satellites when it crashed [not me but a friend who i,m trying to rescue] ps my cable has 2 x 9 pin females one either end purchased for this problem and has worked before, tia

tried xp with one connected port [no luck] going to read/view hiantas film again

08-02-2015, 11:40 PM
Ok, after fighting for hours with this very user-unfriendly Hyperterminal i finally got it to work!

Just a couple of things i done differently this time,

The cable ends at both the PC and Spiderbox i screwed up tight,
When the Hyperterminal box comes up and you get nothing or a couple of funny characters\symbols, keep pulling the Spider power lead out and in and it will progress, don`t close the programme... (keep tapping the spacebar)
I also disabled my anti-virus (though can`t see that being an issue)

In conclusion i think this is a user problem, ie messing about with the channel and satellite list. I checked the list when the box was up and running again and a lot of the channel names were full of those greek type letters and symbols. Also i noticed the Firmware was well out of date, SW Version: 01.08, Date: Aug 1 2013.

Thanks to all in the thread for guidance!

09-02-2015, 03:46 PM
i,ll get tapping then satscene:banghead::banghead:

09-02-2015, 04:33 PM
i,ll get tapping then satscene:banghead::banghead:

Can you tell us how far are you getting? The forum has given a tried and tested way of recovering the box. Don't use vista, check cable and the hyper- settings.

Going by this film- when you plug the power cable back into the box do you see a continuous flow of info on your screen? when the box red light come on there will be a pause in info and then the green light comes on the info starts again?
In other words, are you connected with the box?

09-02-2015, 09:18 PM
update/no joy whatsoever, been tapping and pulling out/inserting power supply from mains and receiver/no constant flow of updates just the odd character/tried tight cable and anti virus disabled to no avail/can i just ask why no vista? from a previous experience with a receiver the greek stuff in the channel list[not hyperterminal] could be the memory chip failing as i did have one replaced many years ago on my old echostar3600ad!/think i,ll give up the ghost they are very cheap these days as opposed to the echo days and even spiderbox9900hd at a few hundred/bit cheesed off though like to mend stuff!

09-02-2015, 10:04 PM
update/no joy whatsoever, been tapping and pulling out/inserting power supply from mains and receiver/no constant flow of updates just the odd character/tried tight cable and anti virus disabled to no avail/can i just ask why no vista? from a previous experience with a receiver the greek stuff in the channel list[not hyperterminal] could be the memory chip failing as i did have one replaced many years ago on my old echostar3600ad!/think i,ll give up the ghost they are very cheap these days as opposed to the echo days and even spiderbox9900hd at a few hundred/bit cheesed off though like to mend stuff!

no vista - other members have not been able to connect with this os.
I would have to say that different box's do have there own recovery set up's . So it is very important that you follow and check off the points as you go through it?
It does sound to me that you have NO connection with the spider? I had a problem with the rs232 port on the spider as I have pointed out in the film. I also stated that I tightened up the screws and it made no difference, so the only thing I can suggest to you at this stage is-
Take the top off the spider , Take the port out, ALL WITHOUT POWER TO THE BOX, connect the cable and start the recovery again?
I could have said test this and test that but the quickest way is take the port off the box. this way you can test the pins and of course push the cable into the port more?
If you have made a connection the info / data will scroll on the screen just like the film. If not connected or only few pins connected then you get silly things come up that make no sense ( %p// )
So you must first confirm that the null modem cable is connected to the port.
As for the small memory of the box, It's well known and most work with the pc channel editor ( take out the sat's you don't want)
hope this is of some use for you..

09-02-2015, 10:14 PM
Indeed, very possible that all the pins aren`t making a connection, i pressed down on the cable terminal at the box end, thats when the programme began to start.

That Hyperterminals gotta be replaced with something a bit more up to date and easier to use - reminds me of old Win98 vintage

10-02-2015, 11:02 AM
the pins are "home"its all very new in there, i,m going to have one last try with a new laptop with a 15 pin adapter to my null modem see if the hyperterminal kick starts thanks to all/will report end product if any

10-02-2015, 11:39 AM
the pins are "home"its all very new in there, i,m going to have one last try with a new laptop with a 15 pin adapter to my null modem see if the hyperterminal kick starts thanks to all/will report end product if any

Sorry you having so much trouble. If you did connect the cable to the port wile you had the port free and you did run the recovery set up again, (giving the connection a wiggle) and you tested the inside port pin to the free end of the cable? then it has to be your pc set up? It works ok on the recovery guidelines- the os, null modem cable and hyper terminal. Just remember that if you are connected and you push the power cable back into the spider- the info / data will start on the screen.
Any way good luck and hope you get it sorted.... (could you take your spider and cable and that to a friend who has a xp, 7 or 8 computer, tower?)

got to go out now but something just hit me? probably wrong and mixed up since am in a rush to get out lol... is 15 pin port not the wrong port, its not a com port? man I feel like the white rabbit .... am late am very very late ..........

10-02-2015, 12:01 PM
no problem hianta not your fault, incidentally i have tried xp tower at a friends, just thought of 15 to 9 pin modification gadget so i can use lappy but as you suggest maybe not a com port?

10-02-2015, 07:12 PM
no problem hianta not your fault, incidentally i have tried xp tower at a friends, just thought of 15 to 9 pin modification gadget so i can use lappy but as you suggest maybe not a com port?

I hope your lap top is not vista? :001_07:
did you see this? I think it worked?

10-02-2015, 07:37 PM
15 pin blue port is a VGA port to connect to a pc monitor or an older lcd tv with vga input

its not a com port, the modern day com port is a different colour (green) and only 9 pin (used to be 25 pin many years ago but changed to + pin in the mid to late nineties)

most laptops have either a vga port or a hdmi port for external monitoring, if they have anything at all

very few laptops have a com port (I have an old HP XP lappy with 9 pin com port - green - and 15 pin vga port - blue)

only an absolute fool would try to connect anything other than a monitor (or a tv with 15 pin vga port) to a laptop , just think of the damage such an idea would cause if actually tried , the cost of the damage alone is unthinkable :)

I also WARNED people about this 2.5 years ago here in post #4 https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?158068-Com-port-setup&p=926346#post926346 so clearly people do not read the file or tools sections properly

10-02-2015, 07:51 PM
Anyone had any joy with this Hyperterminal?

Not sure about this part

"7. Press space on HyperTerminal every 0.5 seconds (half a second) from the time when turn on STB,"

where`s the space on Hyperterminal?

Any luck Williamtell? Btw i had only a choice of two comports.

I have Win7 only so maybe an issue?

if its win7 being used then you need to try win 7 pro or win 7 ultimate , not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP

10-02-2015, 08:02 PM
if its win7 being used then you need to try win 7 pro or win 7 ultimate , not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP

I can confirm that it works on my win 7 home premium ? (64bit)

10-02-2015, 08:20 PM
Finally worked on mine with Win7 Ultimate (32bit), i have a very old board in mine kept for this purpose.
William, did this cable work ok for you before, it`s not a cross-over by any chance? Both ends should be female.

I had spent hours with this and was ready to bin it until i read hiantas bit on tightening the cable, that`s what got it started for me.

11-02-2015, 10:29 PM
For those who have had the problem with the standby loop, I had the exact same thing a few days ago. I ended up replacing the power supply and this sorted it. May have been a fluke, but worth a try!

I don't think it was a fluke,as I have done the same today, thanks to your post. It's good that you don't need to open the box to change the power supply

14-07-2015, 07:46 PM
i seem to be having problem with my 6000hd stuck in standby mode,iv followed instructions
(if not exists in your PC's windows: Start****All Programs****Accessories****Commun ications****HyperTerminal)
2. Turn off STB
3. Connect RS232 Cable to STB and PC and execute HyperTerminal (use a null modem cable)
4.Make new connection - make name
5.Select Com port
6.Set Speed and other (115200 – 8Bit – No parity – 1 StopBit – No HW control)
7. Press space on HyperTerminal every 0.5 seconds (half a second) from the time when turn on STB,
8. When HyperTerminal shows the below picture on PC, then stop pressing space.
9. It shows to ask to select one of menu from 3 menus.
10. Select “2. Upgrade Application with Xmodem”
11.. Select menu->Transfer->Send File in HyperTerminal
12. Set protocol Xmodem and select “navi_s_326su.flash.gz.gro.s tp” and press Send button

read this thread for hints and links about using the correct tools and leads and windows

but the hyper terminal says stopped working when i go to send the NAVI file HELP pulling what hair iv got left out.

Thanks in advance

Weston Calling
06-11-2015, 07:35 PM
My HD6000 froze when I tried to upgrade to the latest IKS firmware. I've taken on board all the tips on the various relevant threads, but I don't seem to be able to get Hyperterminal to connect. I'm running XP on a tower PC and have bought a new null modem cable, but all I get is the text below when I connect and can't do anything more. Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome.

L2 cache Init Done

Boot start

SPI Load Code done

CPUfreq 400000 DRAMSize 1024

BootManager V1.7

**** Pressing <space> key enter boot-menu.

**** Load code from SPI...

**** Check image parity...

Image Parity Fail0x332E8EC6 / 0x74CF708F

!!! no app. or bad app. in flash !!!

1. Upgrade Application with FUM
2. Upgrade Application with Xmodem
3. Leave and Continue boot

06-11-2015, 09:33 PM
Did you read this info in post#45

" if its win7 being used then you need to try win 7 pro or win 7 ultimate , not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP "

Weston Calling
07-11-2015, 01:44 AM
Did you read this info in post#45

" if its win7 being used then you need to try win 7 pro or win 7 ultimate , not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP "

Thanks for replying.

I did read the link, but I'm not sure it applies to my situation. I have a totally up to date version of XP Home and I've also tried an older version. The bottom line is that I'm not making the proper connection. I can't really see that using the pro version of XP would make a difference, but perhaps I'm wrong.

07-11-2015, 02:37 AM
Yes you may have read that post, but it does categorically state: not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP "

as the Pro version will contain additional firmware/software that the Home Version( Basic Version) does Not, no matter how up to date that version maybe, and I'm sure that echelon would not have posted that info had it not been factual.

Weston Calling
07-11-2015, 08:37 PM
Yes you may have read that post, but it does categorically state: not the lesser versions like home premium

similar scenario with Vista, or XP pro if trying XP "

as the Pro version will contain additional firmware/software that the Home Version( Basic Version) does Not, no matter how up to date that version maybe, and I'm sure that echelon would not have posted that info had it not been factual.

Okay, fair enough. I don't have a XP Pro machine to try it with, so it looks like I'm stuck.

08-11-2015, 09:59 AM
@Weston Calling
May be worth a try, I can remember reading somewhere on here about a comunications problem someone had and it was about making sure that both the 9 Pin Null Modem cable plugs were pressed in well with the securing screws (if they have them) tightened well.
I assume you are really sure you have a Null Modem Cable? worth a recheck unless you have used it before sucessfully.
Pins 2-3, 3-2, 5-5.
If not you need the correct O/S, a relation, neighbor, friend, workmate?

Weston Calling
08-11-2015, 11:38 AM
Thanks for this. The cable is new and the pack was marked SL-901, which confirms it's the right one. And I've screwed the plugs in tight. As you say, I'll have to try to find someone with XP Pro.

08-11-2015, 11:46 AM
Thanks for this. The cable is new and the pack was marked SL-901, which confirms it's the right one. And I've screwed the plugs in tight. As you say, I'll have to try to find someone with XP Pro.

Another alternative maybe found in the info in the following thread: post# 5


Weston Calling
25-11-2015, 10:17 PM
Just to say that using a process of elimination, I established that the problem with my set up was the com port on my PC. I bought a PCI Serial Port Card and was able to connect and update by box with Hyperterminal. Now all is fine.

So, if nothing else, I can confirm XP Home works with Hyperterminal just fine.

26-11-2015, 01:10 AM
" So, if nothing else, I can confirm XP Home works with Hyperterminal just fine. "

Surely that was confirmed in post#6 in this link: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread...-Recovery-film

Weston Calling
26-11-2015, 08:49 PM
" So, if nothing else, I can confirm XP Home works with Hyperterminal just fine. "

Surely that was confirmed in post#6 in this link: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread...-Recovery-film

I can't see any such confirmation on that thread. Anyway, post #45 on this thread (which you highlighted) suggested XP Home might not work with Hyperterminal, so I'm just clarifying the situation.

28-11-2015, 03:03 PM
There are some references to this in earlier posts but just to be sure.

You do know that there are two types of Null Modem cable.

The "c" refers to cross-over with one pair of wires crossed over inside the cable. This allows for two way communications

Having not tried this procedure on the Spider HD6000 I can't be sure but I suspect you need the RS232c type cable.

This would then mean that your computer can send a message saying, "I've got some data, are you ready to receive it."
Your box would then send a reply saying, "I'm ready, start sending."

If your computer does not receive this "start sending" instruction it will just sit there waiting.

Weston Calling
28-11-2015, 03:40 PM
Yes, you need the crossover null modem cable and that seems to be by far the most common null modem cable on sale. I got the right cable the first time, but to be sure I got another one from a popular UK electrical retailer for £1.89 - Serial Null Modem (reverse) wired serial cable. Code: L71BT.

The trouble with the recovery procedure for the HD6000 is that there are a number of factors to take into account, so it's not easy to identify the source of a problem if it doesn't work. However I do at least now have first hand experience of cracking it.