View Full Version : reloading

11-11-2014, 10:12 PM
hi, could someone explain would be gratefull, the iptv is something i only veiw now and again,when i go to veiw films they keep on reloading every couple of minutes, is this anything to do with my router or broadband, been having this problem for ages, any body give me a answer, thanking you,

12-11-2014, 06:07 PM
well as expected,

12-11-2014, 06:43 PM
YOu need to give more details than that. Re-loading as starting from a start again or just buffering? What box or program are you using to view the IPTV etc..
No point getting upset because nobody knows what your problem is. If you car brakes down and you call the AA you describe what happened, and not just say 'my car broke down how do I make it run again'

12-11-2014, 08:43 PM
hi roadrunner, i am using 6000spiderbox, whats happening is that the programme starts on iptv for a few minutes then everyother 2 mins it keeps coming up reloading i have had the same problem for months,

12-11-2014, 09:17 PM
You still didn't answer the question re re-loading. If its buffering I would have thought that your line speed is to blame. Check yor speed here:

http://www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk/ a
nd report back. If its low you can look at several options. One would be contacting your broadband provider to put you on a faster profile, other is to stop turning the router off when not in use and give it some time till it stabilises at optimal speed (If you keep turning it off the line management system thinks there is something wrong on the line since the router reports loads of disconnections so it reduces the line speed increasing the SNR margin for better stability. There are a lot factors that can be at play here. Try changing from wireless to wired for starters and work your way through till you find the fault. And for God's sake provide ALL the info in one post ;)

12-11-2014, 09:24 PM
hi roadrunner, i am using 6000spiderbox, whats happening is that the programme starts on iptv for a few minutes then everyother 2 mins it keeps coming up reloading i have had the same problem for months,

It's somewhat strange that you are just reporting this now, if you have been having this problem for months as you say, and as Roadrunner says it is probably down to your broadband connection.

12-11-2014, 09:44 PM
hi both, i did mention on site a couple of months ago sorry to say didnt get any reply,i am using ethernet cable and 2 plugs one to my reciever downstairs the other to my computer upstairs which i am told makes a circuit around the house,as you state it is buffeting every other couple of minutes, the speed test i got is, ping48ms,download speed is83mbps,upload speed is0,35mbps. thanks

12-11-2014, 09:52 PM
Can you go into more detail re your plugs? Also your speed seems rather odd? Only .35mbps up with a mighty 83mbps down?
As for the plugs I gather you have 3 in total? (one plugged into the router and the other two into your PC upstairs and SPiderbox downstairs) is that correct? Is your Spiderbox Plug connected directly into the wall socket or are you using and extension lead?) If you are using an extension lead try plugging it straight into the wall socket and see if it helps.

12-11-2014, 10:11 PM
hi roadrunner, my spider is connected downstairs,plug,straight into wall socket,i have just 2 ethernet plugs the other is straight from my router into the other ethernet plug thats straight into the wall socket upstairs,and when i downloaded speed check the figuers i gave you is what it said,thanks

12-11-2014, 10:24 PM
I got it wrong the first time round because you said that you have one connected to your computer and one to your spiderbox (so there had to be another one plugged into the router) so ok One to your router and one to your Spiderbox and the speed is defo 83meg and not .83? ( if so then the speed is not an issue)Can you watch HD content from say BBC Iplayer on your computer without issues? (trying to rule out the connection issues still) In the meantime try going back to wireless on your Spiderbox an see how strong the signal is on the spiderbox? (if it works then fine if still no luck try replacing the ethernet cable between the plug and the box before turning back to wired (to rule out the faulty cable)
YOu are defo on Fibre broadband with those speeds right?

12-11-2014, 10:29 PM
ok roadrunner, i will try that option, thanks very much for your help, i will get back as soon i can,

09-12-2014, 10:04 PM
hi roadrunner, sorry taken a time to get back to you, the issue seems to be that my provider does not do fibre broadband ,seems the area im living in hasnt come around to it,you would swear im living in the australian outback, and the trouble with that is you sign up a contract that your in for a year or more, sounds like s,y, catch 22 ,

10-12-2014, 01:30 AM
thread was in the wrong place

moved top the spiderbox 6000 forum from iptv forum