View Full Version : Stream your movies from HDD on laptop to VU+Solo2 in Windows 8.1 ?

21-11-2014, 07:26 AM
Is there a way to stream the movies I have on the HDD of my laptop to my VU+Solo2,I am running the latest BH image?

Thanks in advance

Dark Cloud
21-11-2014, 08:59 AM
I am sure there is because You-Tube have an add-on that I can send to the box.

21-11-2014, 12:05 PM
I'm not sure about streaming it, but you could just transfer the file to the HDD in your solo2 (if you have one fitted)

21-11-2014, 03:12 PM
you can use vlc on pc to stream to your solo2

or you can use Mount Manager on solo2

i write how to a bit later

its easy to setup takes just a few mins

21-11-2014, 03:41 PM
stream from pc to solo2 with Mount Manager

pc setup

create a new folder on PC - call it share
right click the share folder and tick share this folder on the network
put your films in the share folder

go to the control panel on pc and
create new administrative user
call it solo2 and the password solo2

Vu+ solo2 setup

menu > setup > system > Network > Mount Manager
Add a new network mount point

Active yes
local share name mypc
mount type CIFS share
server IP 192.168.x.xx (use pc ip)
mount options rw
server share /share (make sure you include the /)
use as HDD replacement no
username solo2
password solo2

click ok

go to your mediaplayer plugin
you will see mypc
select that and then you will see your films
select a film to add it to the playlist

press menu
switch to playlist and play your films

21-11-2014, 05:57 PM
stream from vlc on pc to solo2

pc setup

start vlc on pc

then go to
Tools -> Preferences -> All -> Interfaces -> Main Interfaces -> Select Web -> save

now go to

Tools -> Preferences -> All -> Stream output

in the box

Default Stream Output Chain


#duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mu x=ts,dst=:8902/tv.flv},dst=display}


find the vlc short cut on desktop
right click
find target
find the folder lua open it
find http folder open it
find the file host
open the file host with wordpad or notepad
enter your vu solo2 ip address


ftp to

edit playlist.e2pls and paste this in

change the blue bit to your pc ip address

4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// mypc

save and exit

now play a movie or a stream with vlc on your pc

go to the mediaplayer plugin on your solo2
switch to playlist and select mypc
and you will see what ever is playing on vlc on your pc
is now playing on your solo2

thats 2 ways of streaming from pc to solo2
takes just a few mins to setup
easy :)

21-11-2014, 08:54 PM
Cheers guys, will try later...

21-11-2014, 10:08 PM
Hi ozzsurf...when I got to this point:-

find the folder lua open it
find http folder open it
find the file host

I did not find a file named host.
BTW using Windows 8.1.

22-11-2014, 10:51 AM
from the vlc wiki

Since 2.1.0, the HTTP interface no longer uses the hosts file

in the latest vlc they have removed the host file
i have just tested this without the host file
and it works so try without the host file

22-11-2014, 12:08 PM
from the vlc wiki

Since 2.1.0, the HTTP interface no longer uses the hosts file

in the latest vlc they have removed the host file
i have just tested this without the host file
and it works so try without the host file


cheers m8, worked fine without he host file. Thx.

22-11-2014, 12:51 PM
hi ozzsurf, im sorry to jump on to this thread. by following your excellent instructions on streaming to a solo2 i am a lot closer than i have got before. i can now see mypc in my media players bh version and ts media but i am unable to see a saved file in mypc in the playlist folder so when i play a film with vic it plays on my laptop but not on my solo. i hope that makes sense and again sorry for jumping in. if you or a member could advise i would be gratefull
cheers chippy.

22-11-2014, 03:05 PM

your using the vlc way ?

i am unable to see a saved file in mypc in the playlist folder ?

all you need on the solo2 side is

ftp to

edit playlist.e2pls and paste this in

change the blue bit to your pc ip address

4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// mypc

might be different for blackhole
try changing the 1 for a 0
like this

22-11-2014, 03:17 PM
Hi ozzsurf . Yes to all , and I have done everything (I think) I need to I'm obviously missing something simple. Thank you chippy

22-11-2014, 03:38 PM
have you pressed menu and switched to the playlist
then select mypc

see pics

22-11-2014, 04:05 PM
Sorry for delay ozzsurf , I'm at work at the mo , I have switched playlist within the menu option but I haven't tried changing the 1 for 0 , I will get back . Again thank you

22-11-2014, 09:23 PM
Hi chippy just to try to help...I also followed ozzsurf's instructions and got it to work on BH image on a Solo2 with latest 2.1.3 in Flash.
When I got to mypc in the playlist, I did not wait to see any saved file therein.
Just pressed the OK button on Remote and waited for about 5 seconds or so after which I was able to view the movie (being shown on PC) also on the TV screen via Solo2.
Hope this helps.

23-11-2014, 08:02 AM
Ozzsurf, there is no playlist.e2pls in my /etc/enigma2/


23-11-2014, 09:40 AM
steve your looking for a file playlist.2epls

23-11-2014, 09:45 AM
im having no luck showing a film. i have now changed the 1 to 0 what i see is mypc in the filelist with ext.epg.dat listed below four times. again thank you for your time mate. many thanks for your input satfoot. chippy

23-11-2014, 02:16 PM

i just flashed blackhole on my solo2

ftp to

put this in

4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// mypc
making sure the ip address in that is your pc ip

started a movie on pc via vlc
went to mediaplayer on blackhole
switch to playlist
pressed ok on the word mypc
and it worked first time

go back in to vlc and make sure web is ticked
and save


Default Stream Output Chain
#duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mu x=ts,dst=:8902/tv.flv},dst=display}

and save


there is a file called playlist.e2pls



see pic

23-11-2014, 06:06 PM
Cheers Ozzsurf all sorted...

23-11-2014, 08:38 PM
ozzsurf. thank you very much, i now have it working excellent guide that mate.