View Full Version : slow buffering

25-11-2014, 11:37 AM
I got an XBMC fully loaded TV box and while I am enjoying finding out about by trial and error I find the buffering getting a film is slow (two to three hours) now maybe this is the way those box's work or maybe it's something I have or have not done,thanks in advance,Knacker

25-11-2014, 12:30 PM
have you installed a maintenance addon and inside this will have system tweaks in particular a Zero Cache setting which aids the buffering problem.

But just to let you know the buffering can still happen even on the fastest machines as at the end of the day it all depends on what the server is like you are connected to which is another factor, So slow server still means buffering.

I get the odd occasional one on mine and i have Kodi installed on an Intel Haswell NUC i5 machine which is rapid but if the server is crap then expect slow downs, Its a well do***ented fact in the addons community

25-11-2014, 04:01 PM
Many thanks Digi,I will try to find a maintenance addon and install same,I saw a post next door giving some addons with an address I will try some of those,I may have to look for advice to make sure I am doing everything as it should be done,again thanks,regards Knacker

25-11-2014, 05:12 PM
if u using the small android box it is very common as alot of addons come preinstalled some of which u will never need try to disable them in services.also geniscis and naxi x i find the best plug ins to use.

29-11-2014, 12:46 PM
I tried some of the advice given and am grateful,it helped I think but I am over cautious that I might make a cockup for I must confess I am playing catch up with all this technology I seem to master something and find I have fallen back any a question how do I or can I put say sports channels into favorites from Navi-X in easy to understand terminology,many thanks for the patience given to me and others looking for help.