View Full Version : 28.2 scan help

dave d
01-12-2014, 08:04 PM
i have just done a blind scan on 28.2 and seems to be missing a lot of channels ,all the ones that don't work i.e hd channels are there , but the corresponding channels which are not hd, are not there i.e sly sports 1 2 3 4 5 , mutv etc
can anybody tell if these channels are still available and what do i need to do to get them :respect-061:

cheers dave

01-12-2014, 08:18 PM
It may be a faulty lnb by the sounds of it to me.

01-12-2014, 08:48 PM
TRY retuning your box on another dish

01-12-2014, 09:36 PM
try loading the compass hd6000 channel list 23.11.14 ,in the file section,it sorted a similar problem for me...

dave d
01-12-2014, 09:54 PM
try loading the compass hd6000 channel list 23.11.14 ,in the file section,it sorted a similar problem for me...

tried that and most of them don't work . i use a motorised dish and getting the channels that are there ok apart from the sly hD that dont work 85% and and 65% so no problem with the dish and lnb

01-12-2014, 10:01 PM
Unless there is further advise it maybe a faulty box best to wait a little longer perhaps Blackdevil will see your post and suggest something.

01-12-2014, 10:16 PM
Are you actually stating that these channels aren't scannied in, on your receiver, or that they aren't opening?

dave d
01-12-2014, 10:17 PM
they are not scanned in , the blind scan didn't find them ,

01-12-2014, 10:34 PM
Try to manual scan them

01-12-2014, 10:42 PM
When I do a blind scan any new channels are tagged on to the end of my list. If the blind scan finds existing channels I'm pretty sure it doesn't put up duplicate listings, so not sure its possible to know really if it found them or not, unless they were previously deleted and then re-found. This sounds like an LNB issue to me at least.

02-12-2014, 12:48 AM
The only way it could be a LNB issue is if the receiver were only scanning in Horizontal, or Vertical channels.
It would help if you provided more detailed information, including some Horizontal, and vertical, polarity channels, you can view, and the signal quality readings.
Try manually scanning in the Sky sports SD channels, as others have mentioned:
11914 H 27500
12110 H 27500
12148 H 27500
12207 V 27500
12285 V 27500

dave d
02-12-2014, 10:15 AM
The only way it could be a LNB issue is if the receiver were only scanning in Horizontal, or Vertical channels.
It would help if you provided more detailed information, including some Horizontal, and vertical, polarity channels, you can view, and the signal quality readings.
Try manually scanning in the Sky sports SD channels, as others have mentioned:
11914 H 27500
12110 H 27500
12148 H 27500
12207 V 27500
12285 V 27500
i will try that this afternoon cheers dave

02-12-2014, 12:02 PM
Check :
Menu-Satellite Settings
lnb type --> = 9750/10600 - Universal

02-12-2014, 12:24 PM
there ok apart from the sly hD that dont work 85% and and 65% so no problem with the dish and lnb
You will only get the HD channs with an official sub card.

02-12-2014, 03:01 PM
You will only get the HD channs with an official sub card.

You can get the channels named, but as jbvid has stated you can only clear those channels with an official Sly subscription.

dave d
02-12-2014, 03:12 PM
i have all the hd channels , thats the problem none of them work , its the none hd channels i'm after :)

02-12-2014, 03:40 PM
If blindscanning on top of previous channels you have likely max channels in the box (6000 chans max) on a 6000hd. Try deleting some then try the Mickha rescan frequencies.

02-12-2014, 03:42 PM
OK..out of curiosity i have just factory reset my box
and now going to scan 28east in
this is what i see on scan page
satallite = ku-astra 2A
22k tone =auto
i have not touched anything
now i put in my long and lat and click save
now i have stored position
i now only scan for tv channels
blind scan
single satallite
now i scan
a total of 768 channels...both hd and sd
hope this helps in someway

02-12-2014, 04:32 PM
i have all the hd channels , thats the problem none of them work , its the none hd channels i'm after :)

Do you have a Sly subscription to clear those channels, if not then they will not clear, the spiderbox 6000 clears some Sly Deutschland & Sly Italia, but NOT Sly UK HD or SD unless you have an official subscription, and I did state that fact in my previous post.

dave d
02-12-2014, 05:17 PM
I have tried all thee above same results . only 279 channels most of the sky sd is not there

02-12-2014, 05:22 PM
check you are on 28e and hopefully you are in the uk

check the TOTAL number of radio and tv channels in your box (add the 2 totals together for the actual TOTAL in the box)

make sure this TOTAL is less than 6000 channels as that is the maximum for your box

test it on an actual sly box feed direct from a uk sly dish (one that a sly box works ok on)

elimate all the possibilities until you find the fault

also try backing up you channel list to usb stick, then install the latest compass channel list from here for testing again too

dave d
02-12-2014, 06:11 PM
check you are on 28e and hopefully you are in the uk

check the TOTAL number of radio and tv channels in your box (add the 2 totals together for the actual TOTAL in the box)

make sure this TOTAL is less than 6000 channels as that is the maximum for your box

test it on an actual sly box feed direct from a uk sly dish (one that a sly box works ok on)

elimate all the possibilities until you find the fault

also try backing up you channel list to usb stick, then install the latest compass channel list from here for testing again too i cleared all the channels its was empty . did a factory rescan , selected 28,2 e again , set my location ,,did the blind scan again , and got just over 300 channels with the radio , 279 tv channels when i go onto sky 2 i have 80% signal and 65% quality on most channels , im in Merseyside area ,i try the channel list again ,

02-12-2014, 06:39 PM
dave d, I am also in the Merseyside area. PM me your location and I will try to help you!

dave d
02-12-2014, 06:42 PM
i have just update over the web with black devils channels list , all the channels are there but from all the sports channels , sly 1 2 3 4 5 bt 1 bt 2 etc only sly sports hq is getting a signal the rest have 80% signal 0 quality ,

02-12-2014, 06:43 PM
try a different lnb or different sly feed

sounds like you either have an lnb or cable fault

or you havent got universal and 9750 / 10600 set for lnb with 22khz tone on auto

dave d
02-12-2014, 06:47 PM
the box was working fine has been for over a year on all the channel so can;t see it being lnb , i will change it tomorrow i have a spare , cheers

02-12-2014, 06:50 PM
Can you please psot more information, regarding your system.

Do you live in the UK?

Do you have a fixed, or motorized, dish?

What size dish do you have?

Please post some of the channels you can view along with their frequencies, polaity, S/R, and the signal strength/quality readings.

If you try another factory reset, and load the patch, please do not do a blind scan, instead try manually scanning in a few channels, from the link, and post the results:

02-12-2014, 09:47 PM
the box was working fine has been for over a year on all the channel so can;t see it being lnb , i will change it tomorrow i have a spare , cheers

and I cannot see it being a box fault , but can see the problem being either lnb related, or a damaged or wet coax cable or some other problem like this

its rare for a box in a house to go faulty, compared to the damage the weather does to dishes and lnb,s and cables on the outside of a house, never mind vermin damage etc

this was why I said stick it on a known to be working sly box feed , either in your house or a friend or relatives house , to eliminate your lnb , dish and cable all in one go , in my case I would stick it on a spare sly feed from my sly dish which has a self fitted sly octo lnb on it , just to prove if it was the box or not

ie:- if the box is faulty, it would fail in 6 houses on 6 different dishes with 6 different lnb,s , easily tested to identify where the fault is

also ensure your box has july 2014 firmware installed too

dave d
02-12-2014, 09:54 PM
cheers for that echelon, i change the lnb tomorrow only take five mins and see what happens . thanks to everyone that has replied

02-12-2014, 09:56 PM
check the connections are ok too, and put vaseline around the outside one , making sure its tight and sealed and no stray strands etc

dave d
03-12-2014, 01:45 PM
right guys i have sorted it , turn out to be the dish had moved ,must have been all the high winds we had the other month ,anyway i give it a full revamp while i was doing it new cable , new lnb connectors etc. im in a bungalow so only had about 20ft of cable to fit ,thank you for all the help and suggestions much appreciated

regards dave d

03-12-2014, 05:30 PM
Glad you have sorted it out!

04-12-2014, 11:21 AM
Glad you're sorted