View Full Version : wits end trying to get dish etc working again

05-12-2014, 05:00 PM
hello all I recently posted about no signal from dish to sbox

I recently acquired a long scaffold pole to remount my moterised set up

pole is vertical I downloaded a new channel list (hotbird news fta only)

I am sure the dish is pointing roughly at hotbird, using my ******s sat finder meter, the 13v light is lit, the meter needle and tone are at there peak.

but I still have no signal, there are no loose bits fouling the f connecters lnb is new also tried sbox 900 with same result,

I have no idea what the problem might be.
connecting the sat cable direct to lnb still gives the same result,

thank you all

05-12-2014, 05:17 PM
you tried pointing dish at another sat, perhaps 28.2 also could your meter be faulty? just a few thoughts.

05-12-2014, 05:17 PM
I am sure the dish is pointing roughly at hotbird

`roughly` doesn`t quite cut it, you could be lined up on an adjacent satellite which will fool your meter.

If the meter needle and tone are at their peak do a scan and see what channels are being found.

05-12-2014, 05:49 PM
`roughly` doesn`t quite cut it, you could be lined up on an adjacent satellite which will fool your meter.

If the meter needle and tone are at their peak do a scan and see what channels are being found.

The dish could be pointing to 10 East or 16 East, and as previously posted scan the location that you have stored and see what channel come up, then check to see which Sat those are on.

05-12-2014, 06:04 PM
Not sure of your location or if you are motorised but for UK try Astra 28e first, you should be able to get a good idea of direction and elevation by looking at other local fixed dishes, most of them will be on 28e which has a good strong easy to find signal.
Set your dish likewise to receive a strong signal on your meter then do a scan and report back as satscene/Aldo states with the channels found, this will tell us where you are pointing

05-12-2014, 06:34 PM
a faulty lnb can still give a good signal reading ,,with no picture.
you should start with a fta channel on 28.2 east,

05-12-2014, 07:15 PM
"" I recently acquired a long scaffold pole to remount my moterised set up ""

When you set this motorized system up did you zero the motor to your nearest due south satellite first, and fine tuned that sat. before scanning the rest of the arc?

If your due south sat. is hotbird please disregard this reply.

05-12-2014, 08:08 PM
thanks all with previous set up signal quality was 60% rather than 70% befor things went pear shaped.

I did not zero the dish, and forgot to take into account the (new pole) would not be in the exact same position.

I have the lead from lnb direct to receiver, as I am trying to rule out if there is a problem with the internal electrics of moter.

I did a factory reset and blind scaned the 3 sats the appeared in the menu.

it has found some channels ie al Jazeera bulkans sd and picture quality is not to bad, I have found that my dish is on 16e and not hotbird,

so at least lnb and sat cable would appear to be ok.

assuming my moter is ok and able to move dish whats the method of getting it back on track.

do I input a c list/go to zero/and what sat to send it too location 51.6 n lat long 0.4w

hope I can setup running for xmas

thanks again

05-12-2014, 08:52 PM
If you are in the UK, zero your motor, then move the dish around on the pole to face South/0.8deg West of South to find Thor, this is the highest Satellite in the arc. You can use your Sat meter, then scan for BBC World News on 10778H, 24500 FTA on Thor then lock the dish up to the strongest signal.
Then follow the Satellite setup section in the Guide below.

05-12-2014, 09:28 PM
thanks jbvid for info I thought I was getting somewhere but have noticed that only higher frequencies seem to found by blind scan on 16e, and only 3 channels are viewable fta 50% quality others quality 5%? so still not sure whats amiss will swop over lnb tomorrow

re setting up dish if I recall from a few years back set to zero then point to the sun around 12 noon for approx. location of thor, you reply has just reminded me of this.

the markings on back of stab moter the pointer is at about 10 rather than 16 not sure if that's revelant I am on 16e

05-12-2014, 09:41 PM
Forget blind scanning especially on 16e, this is one of the weaker Satellites viewed from the UK. Concentrate on setting your dish set up correctly using Thor as your reference Satellite then you will get the maximum motor travel East and West of Thor. Then think about scanning when you can locate each Satellite.

06-12-2014, 02:01 AM
forget motorised set up until you get a fixed setup working on 13/19e, then move on, you can try to jump too many hurdles at once.

do the basics first.

06-12-2014, 07:43 PM
thank you all I have finally got everything up and running ok