View Full Version : TM5402 M3 - where are we? (December 2014)

10-12-2014, 12:27 PM
I'm perhaps a bit behind with this, but do I gather that there was recently a 123p patch which was subsequently withdrawn?

My 5402 is doing pretty much everything I could wish for, however I seem to have lost TF1 and France 2 from the TNTsat package (all the others are working fine, don't understand why it's just those two) and additionally we haven't had for a while the HD channels from that same package (ie TF1 HD, France 2 HD, and M6 HD) - it would be nice if Phantom could restore those, although I wonder if they're more tightly encrypted?

Any guidance as to where we are gratefully received, along with the transmission of a big thank you to Phantom for keeping us up to date.

11-12-2014, 01:44 AM
Assume you are discussing TNT Sat on 19E when using patch 123P with latest softcam mate (as some of these still open ok on other sats!)?
I agree some TNT Sat have gone off, including TF1 and France 2 - yet others ARE still opening ok! Not sure if they were opening with 122P & earlier though as rarely watch them - sorry!)
ORF SD & HD on 19E still opening, plus remaining Irdeto 2 channels from Buls*t on 39E (including Nova Sport), plus a few CSLink channels (no HD or even some SD ones work though) on 23.5E, plus quite a few SD channels from Digitur* on 7E still opening fine!

11-12-2014, 03:12 PM
Thanks holmroad. Pretty much confirms that I'm not missing much without 123p.

It is odd that some TNTsat stuff has fallen over when so much still works.

Still, let's hope Phantom finds a solution.

Thanks again.

12-12-2014, 01:17 AM
Well I'm finding 123P is in MY opinion the best M3 patch yet mate - everything much more slick, 8281, recording, softcam coverage (ok except TNT Sat 19E, but presume that's same with all patches!), signal in %/dB great, picture quality, etc etc!!
So if you want to try it please let me know mate!

12-12-2014, 09:22 PM
Thanks holmroad. Pretty much confirms that I'm not missing much without 123p.

It is odd that some TNTsat stuff has fallen over when so much still works.

Still, let's hope Phantom finds a solution.

Thanks again.

nothing to do with @phantom... @kyng team have the hack but rumours are saying via 3.0 has been pulled off some of the channels. just a case of wait and see i guess but 7east has a fantastic choice of channels. regards mdt

13-12-2014, 02:16 AM
I THINK I understand all that mate!! lol!!

13-12-2014, 02:27 PM
Thanks holmroad. TBH I may as well wait for the new 123 or 124 as everything I need is working, but I appreciate your kind offer!

13-12-2014, 02:29 PM
Thanks mdt. I guessed that it might be that older versions of Viacess were being retired. After all, that's why TNTsat have a four year rolling card swap-out system in place.

Luckily I have both a TNTsat box and a Fransat box, I just like being able to watch (and record) on a non-proprietary box....

13-12-2014, 04:05 PM
Thanks holmroad. TBH I may as well wait for the new 123 or 124 as everything I need is working, but I appreciate your kind offer!

No probs mate, but offers still there - espec as ALL seems to be working great for ME with 123P, I mean ALL!! lol!!

14-12-2014, 12:09 PM
Thanks! Well if it's really no trouble then that would be great holmroad....

Actually I've got a funny problem on another front. I'm trying to update the BISS keys for ahem the 27.5 deg W "service", but certain of the figures just DO NOT want to save. I've tried over-writing various "lines" in the 8280 menu, and they input fine, until that is I press EXIT and choose "Yes" to save the changes. Then two or three hexadecimal figures jump back to their original values, always the same ones, and of course the channels don't clear. I'm repeating the line of figures twice on the same line and both "error" fields jump back to the same values whatever I do. Anyone else having the same problem?

I should stress that this is purely out of technical interest, I don't "need" the feed, just annoyed that I can't make it work since the codes changed a couple of days ago....

Laters: right - this is really strange. I have over-written a complete line in the BISS table with 00 00 etc, and that saved fine. I now re-write that same line with the new codes, and YET again for some reason although they enter correctly, when I come to exit and save they get corrupted. To be specific the 81 pair becomes F2 every time. WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON??!!

(Hope that mentioning that small part of the key doesn't constitute publishing something I shouldn't - mods please mod me if necessary)

14-12-2014, 12:42 PM
I think I'm going to need to do a full reset. It seems to be the fourth and eighth pairs (and therefore the twelfth and sixteenth as well) in any line in the BISS tables that won't save, letters/figures chosen at random don't over-write what's there already. The only over-write that works (as far as I can see) is that putting zeros in those positions saves OK.

If I put in loads of 9s (ie 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99) then it saves as 99 99 99 CB 99 99 99 CB etc. It's weird....

Am I going to need to do a complete reset I wonder....?

Or is there a way of clearing out the BISS tables?

14-12-2014, 01:44 PM
Ah - thank you manic01. That seems to be the answer - I didn't realise that the keys could come in more than one form.

Much appreciate your help and quick response.

14-12-2014, 06:59 PM
Thanks manic01!! lol!!
(I also had same probs as moulin with first file!!)