View Full Version : Is it possible to have two picon folders?

12-12-2014, 03:37 PM
I am interested in creating a personalised set of picons for my Duo2, but I would like to create two sets, one for the EPG on the main screen, and one for the LCD screen. I don't even know if this has been considered by other people, which would explain why I can find no information about doing it. Or the more probable reason would be that it just isn't possible.

The idea behind having the two sets, is that I could design them to always display at their native resolution, so there would be no scaling involved. This would ensure that they are as clear as possible. Being a computer artist, I'm a tad picky when it comes to image clarity.

For example, my proposed picon for the LCD is going to be approximately 300x180 pixels, but that would be too big for the EPG display. I could of course just turn off all picons in the EPG and channel lists on the main screen, and just have the picons display on the LCD. I would just like to find out if my other ideas are possible before opting for the easier solution.

12-12-2014, 04:07 PM
Doh! Had I put a bit more thought into this, I would have answered my own question. I have just noticed that in LCD4Linux, there is an option for Picon Path 1 & Picon Path 2. That means I can have a /picon/ folder for the EPG and a /piconlcd/ folder for the LCD. I will test this out by changing the picon for BBC One in the /piconlcd/ folder and make sure that it only displays that picon on the LCD.

It was actually using the picon manager programme that made me wonder, as it seemed to have lots of picon folder locations listed.

Now that's sorted, I can begin the creation process... cool!