View Full Version : Usals malfunction

22-12-2014, 11:15 PM
Hi all,:mad:
Had my vu a couple of weeks now.First go at E2
Running BH.2.1.4. CCcam_2.1.3. Catseye settings full motorised.
Usals set up with correct long. & Latt. Config mode "simple" mode " positioner"
Can only get 28.2 to work. Get every thing I need out of that.
When I try to move to another sat ,dish doesn't move ,full channel lists show for sat.
I have been known to have made silly mistakes re following tutorials in the past , maybe this time as well.
Hope you helpful people can sort me out.

Regards ,

23-12-2014, 12:49 AM
Have you set up the other satellites in the tuner configuration?

Taken from Lee's guide, from Goldwafers:
2. Setup Motor (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Motors-and-Positioners/)ised Dish using USALS
First get your longitude & latitude info from _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

Enter your post code into satsig.net and you'll get the correct LON & LAT info for your location.

Example if I enter the following UK postal code: SE1 6JZ into _http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm

I get the following LON & LAT:
Longitude: -0.1042°
Latitude: 51.4979°

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select Service searching Press OK
Select Tuner configuration Press OK
Select Tuner A Press OK

Configure Tuner for Motor (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Motors-and-Positioners/)ised Dish using USALS.
Use the < > buttons on remote to select Simple.
Use the down button to select mode and use the < > buttons to set to Positioner.

Configuration Mode: Simple
Mode: Positioner
Longitude: 0.104 (Make sure you enter your own Longitude settings here)
Latitude: 51.497 (Make sure you enter your own Latitude settings here)

Press OK to save.

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select service searching Press OK
Select Positioner Setup Press OK
Select goto 0 Press RED Button

Dish should now goto 1w.

25-12-2014, 01:22 AM
Thanks Mickha,
Sorry I couldn't get back earlier.I've done a factory reset and started again with better results .
I think my problem could have been caused by me trying to rush things .I didn't want to miss the footy,so I put a few channels on Astra 2 .This meant that I then attempted to follow the tutorial ,from a different start point,and finished up the creek without a paddle.
I've got several sats working on Usals ,still a lot to learn though about other aspects of the box.Its Whole new ball game.


25-12-2014, 10:25 AM
Getting started is surprisingly easy, given some of the horror stories, I read, before buying my VU+ Duo 2, from Goldwafers, and it was my first venture into Linux based receivers.
Thanks mainly to Lee's idiots guide.
Even setting it up, with my v-box II, was easier than expected, although the automatic scan option, scanning all the satellites, programmed in, took longer than expected, I failed to realize that it would scan nearly everything, automatically moving to the satellites, I had stored. Every other receiver, I owned, had limited channel storage, so scanning satellites like 19.2E, 13E and evn 0.8W, quickly filled the memory.
Now that I have set up all my Bouquets, and backed everything up, any updates are easy, and I haven't experienced any problems, as of yet, that required a factory reset, or re-loading the image.
Checking out all the available plugins, and options, will take forever, but it is definitely worth it.
Happy viewing.