View Full Version : vintage tv

24-12-2014, 02:13 PM
Hi folks,

i have searched on web today lynsat etc but no success finding the new frequency for this channel,is it still active?i have tried a few i found without success ,thanks all Merry Christmas

24-12-2014, 02:19 PM

24-12-2014, 03:56 PM
28.2 East
11261 H 27500 Fec 2/3 DVB-S [ SD ]
MPEG 2 - 4:2:0
Vintage TV

VPID - 0x090a ( 2314d )
APID - 0x090a ( 2315d )
PCR PID - 0x090a ( 2314d )
PMT PID - 0x0112 ( 274d )
TSID - 0x08fd ( 2301d )
ONID - 0x0002 ( 2d )
SID - 0xcbd4 ( 52180d )


24-12-2014, 04:29 PM
cannot seem to pull it in , do i have to enter vpids etc havn`t done that for years ps im on spiderbox

24-12-2014, 04:38 PM
nope just manual scan the freq posted ,
if no signal then your LNB Skew maybe off a little perhaps or dish alignment might not be quite correct ?
This is one of the more weaker Transponders so you need dish precise in order to obtain a good lock on that Transponder .
Good luck : )

24-12-2014, 04:40 PM
thanks Barney gonna have a tweak

11-10-2015, 09:12 PM
tuned in to this recently on holiday in my hotel room in the canaries
/ hence on return tried the frequecies on the web but no go on my satellite sb9000hd
had a tweek but nothing there /seems odd my buffer is ok anything i,m missing guys

11-10-2015, 09:25 PM
Now listed on Astra 2G, similar frequency, 11265 H 27500 DVB-S QPSK.
I haven't checked it, as I'm currently recording, on 19.2E.
Same frequency as The Horror Channel.

They also state that they are broadcasting on Freeview, but their website is out of date, as they still list Eurobird 1, as the satellite, they're broadcasting from.

11-10-2015, 09:32 PM
entered but no go? my set up states astra 2a/2d any significance?

11-10-2015, 09:34 PM
Shouldn't be, I haven't updated my Spiderbox 9000HD, for ages, since I got my VU+ Duo 2, but it still managed to scan in channels on the new Astra satellites.

11-10-2015, 09:38 PM
thanks all the same/ nice clear night pulls stuff in on v on that freq but not h? may be lnb on way out?

11-10-2015, 09:40 PM
Just tested it, using my old Spiderbox 9000HD, and a temporary dish.
Strangely I am getting 82% quality, on other channels, but only 48% on the Horror Channel, and Vintage TV, which I just scanned in, on 11265 H 27500.

11-10-2015, 09:43 PM
yes it is a weak tp as post 5 maybe i,m just unlucky tonight i,ll tune to vh1:woohoo-022:

11-10-2015, 10:12 PM
incidentally i have horror channel booming in at 80% on 11934v 27500 if you need it?

11-10-2015, 11:17 PM
28.2 East
11261 H 27500 Fec 2/3 DVB-S [ SD ]
MPEG 2 - 4:2:0
Vintage TV

VPID - 0x090a ( 3214D ) no it should be 2314d
APID - 0x090a ( 2315d )
PCR PID - 0x090a ( 2314d )
PMT PID - 0x0112 ( 274d )
TSID - 0x08fd ( 2301d )
ONID - 0x0002 ( 2d )
SID - 0xcbd4 ( 52180d )

I agree with the IDs except there is a typo for the VPID.

11-10-2015, 11:35 PM
28.2 East
11261 H 27500 Fec 2/3 DVB-S [ SD ]
MPEG 2 - 4:2:0
Vintage TV

Still Fine Signal Here even with Rain :respect-048:

11-10-2015, 11:40 PM
incidentally i have horror channel booming in at 80% on 11934v 27500 if you need it?You'll find thats Sky SciFi / Horror channel on 11934 v 27500...Not THE Horror Channel which is still on its same old TP
28.2 East
11261 H 27500 Fec 2/3 DVB-S [ SD ]
MPEG 2 - 4:2:0
Horror Channel