View Full Version : ftp to mbox m8

24-12-2014, 03:44 PM
Can anyone tell me the username and password to ftp to the mbox m8
Thanks in advance

24-12-2014, 06:30 PM
you talking minix m8 ? if so there is not 1 there left blank.

24-12-2014, 08:56 PM
Don't know mate, its a TT TV Box 4K if that helps

24-12-2014, 08:58 PM
Have you tried username: root and leave the password blank?

24-12-2014, 09:08 PM
i cannot remember the ftp program i used on the x7, but thay was just blank, you put in ip of your box and port 21 and thats it. i used flash on pc.

24-12-2014, 09:27 PM
is this what you want FTP go into google playstore. and install it.and this is how you set it up.

Now click Settings in the top right and change some of the following :

Network Interface : I set to Ethernet as my machines are connected by cables but if you are using wifi leave it where it is.
Port : Leave alone.
Passive Port : Leave alone.
Anonymous User : Ticked.
User Name : Leave alone as we have anonymous ticked above and it will let anyone in. You can untick anonymous above and enter a username and a password if you really want to but as this is all local there is no need to really.
User Password : Same as above.
Home directory : By default this will be set to the internal Sdcard but because you want to use your usb hard disk change this to Custom Folder.
Custom Folder : When the popup appears browse to mnt/usb_storage/USB_DISK0/(name of your hard disk)/ and then click select to accept that folder. This will be where your ftp client on PC will connect to by default.
Read Only : Leave alone.
Show Hidden Files : Ticked.
Energy Save Mode : Leave alone.
High Priority Service : Ticked.
Show Server Details : Ticked.

Now come back out of settings and click the big red power button to start it. It will tell you what the IP is and the port for you to type into flashfxp. It will also tell you a username and password but you can ignore them as anonymous user is turned on so all you need to enter into flashfxp is the IP and port.

hope this helps you thats how i done it.

25-12-2014, 10:42 AM
Thanks for the answers lads hda5 tried that, did not connect, seagate1 I'll try leaving it blank (never thought of that) if that doesn't work I'll read through your post and try it thanks.

In the end I have cracked it, found a video on Youtube (made it a bit more complicated than it was) finishing up I just had to go to system > settings > video > acceleration > then change the decoding method from Hardware to Software when I went back and tried a channel - Bingo the picture was there straight away.