View Full Version : Connection problems

31-12-2014, 04:36 PM
Hello, neighbour with 7000 seems exactly the same as mine even the non latest upgrade. My box with his info in connects and stays online fine this is in my house. His box with same info drops connection every 15 mins or so for 30 to 60 seconds before reconnecting this is in my house. So it has to be the box any ideas welcome.
Anyone come across this

31-12-2014, 06:51 PM
Is it a Netgear Router

01-01-2015, 09:45 PM
Hi satpaul, Happy New Year, no it is a BT homehub we both have the same setup. Hard wired. I called in today and turned off a couple of things I had not noticed yesterday and it was better not loosing the info completely but still glitching every 5 to 10 mins for 5 to10 seconds so a bit better. Switched all off and on including modem.
I have a old dm500 and tomorrow I will put his info on this in his house to try and solve the mystery. I wont hold my breath.
I put his box through my router yesterdat and it stopped and started whereas mine with same info was fine. Only one with same info on at a time don't want to annoy supplier.
It would be nice to try another cam but not pos with spider. ta

08-01-2015, 12:37 AM
Just a update. Having turned of Ethernet and Newcamd his box has recovered and a day later all is excellent. So to recap Ethernet was somehow causing his box to glitch and lose the connection. hmm