View Full Version : Navi X gone

01-01-2015, 11:22 PM
Hi all, firstly let me say I am completely new to this MX box and I somehow made a cockup and all XBMC /NAVIX I cannot get, it happened after I had a sort of dark screen come up and I tried to sort it but I seemed to have made the problem worse I hope I have explained this as I would not be up to speed with I T terminology I tried to add stuff on but gave up for fear of doing more damage to the box than was already done, I would be grateful with any help, regards Knacker

01-01-2015, 11:44 PM
your supplier may have rescue files in order to reprogram it from scratch (assuming you didnt do a backup of your own when you received it)

otherwise, try here for a new image to flash it with _http://forum.androidgadget.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=55

and then try installing xbmc , the new fusion update may help you too

so treat it like you would a pc or a sat box

ie@- make sure you have the os files for reinstallation from scratch, and any other programs or plugins required to make it work

the MX usually have an os from either july 2013 , or oct 2013 , or may 2014

then they have either frodo , gotham or maybe some other version of xbmc installed

when the site is back up, you can see about fusion from here _http://forums.tvaddons.ag/forums/96-FUSION-INSTALLER

02-01-2015, 02:09 PM
your supplier may have rescue files in order to reprogram it from scratch (assuming you didnt do a backup of your own when you received it)

otherwise, try here for a new image to flash it with _http://forum.androidgadget.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=55

and then try installing xbmc , the new fusion update may help you too

so treat it like you would a pc or a sat box

ie@- make sure you have the os files for reinstallation from scratch, and any other programs or plugins required to make it work

the MX usually have an os from either july 2013 , or oct 2013 , or may 2014

then they have either frodo , gotham or maybe some other version of xbmc installed

when the site is back up, you can see about fusion from here _http://forums.tvaddons.ag/forums/96-FUSION-INSTALLER
Many thanks echelon I have tried some of what you suggested but no joy I fear the worst when I turn on/>go to xbmc all it keeps telling me "no path" or error,when I go to he addons there is no add that I recognize and truth to be told I don't know what I am doing and no doubt it may be simple but to me it's a monster I cant deal with,I will continue trying get it working or get somebody to fix it for me but at the price they are it would not be feasible if the cost were to high,again thanks for the assistance and a happy New year to you and yours and all on our forum.

02-01-2015, 02:14 PM
if you turn the box on and it gets to the desktop ok, then I would think the OS is ok

check the settings ABOUT and it should have the image version and date (this is the one you would download to reinstall it)

if XBMC is corrupt you would need to reinstall from a backup if you made one, or if your supplier can supply you with the xbmc backup or installer

as I said earlier, your supplier may have rescue files you can download to reinstall the os or xbmc , or both (many sellers do)

otherwise , you will have to pick the bones from what I told you and obtain your own files to install it again, but you never said which version of xbmc it was running (nor the OS come to think of it)

find out the os and download it

try and find out the xbmc and version number and download it too

then reinstall whatever is required (sounds like it needs xbmc reinstalling to me)

when its sorted out , back it up !!

02-01-2015, 05:12 PM
do a factory reset,,,,,then reinstall xbmc from an sd card or usb flash drive,,,,
your box probably came fully loaded,,with a pile of crap on it. ......most of it you never use anyway ......so dont be annoyed at loosing any apps.......

for your mx box download the arm version of xbmc,,,,,,,,,as for the release version that,s up to you as they all have there fair share of issues....

here is a link to a few apps


03-01-2015, 03:13 PM
echelon I did not back up on a usb stick and never said the version nor anyinfo on the O S,I will google and chase all those suggestions and voyager whose suggestions now make sense to me and if I can recall I did a factory reset,I will search for all the info as you stated and feel that I might be get this going again with a little help,again many thanks for all your patience for a golden oldie,happy New Year to all.

03-01-2015, 04:11 PM


03-01-2015, 05:52 PM
I have been working on the box and found a number XBMC 13.2git I don't know if they have any relevance that will help I could find the O S,I also can get opening screen and all apps,then I opened the XBMC from Local apps short cut and got Netflix-xbmc and U Tube blueish screen with Pictures submenu add ons-Videos sub menufiles and addons-Music with submenu files and add-ons and programs no submenu System with submenu's settings-file manager-profiles-and system info and submenu's also I got pop ins "unable to connect to host" and "error"regularly,I found when I pressed the back button I could not and had to pull the pluc I hope that will give you some info that might help me,regards Knacker

03-01-2015, 07:58 PM
try downloading , unpacking , and installing the gotham 13.2 one then , seeing as its the same number

you still havent told us the name of the os and its date (in device - info from the settings menu)

you need to learn to give more specific info if you need specific help

ps:- you may still need to install fusion to make it work properly (afterwards)

03-01-2015, 09:07 PM
Sorry In hope I have it would it be Linux #SMP pr.compt thu Nov 21st 10.52,if I could ask how do I instal Gotham 13.2 do I go into add source or download onto P C and copy and paste, again thank you for your patience, regards Knacker

03-01-2015, 09:09 PM
download to pc, unpack , (as I said earlier) , copy to stick and install using the file manager app on your box

03-01-2015, 09:22 PM
Many thanks echelon I will do it tomorrow as I must go and collect my Grand-daughter from work and it's a bit away,regards Knacker

03-01-2015, 09:59 PM
Sorry In hope I have it would it be Linux #SMP pr.compt thu Nov 21st 10.52

that doesnt seem correct to me if this is an MX, MX boxes use android as their OS, not linux

I certainly have no android images that have those details in them , so if its not android then dont use the android installers

04-01-2015, 01:45 AM
The mx box can be flashed with a linux image which is designed and built around xbmc so xbmc is the os the box boots into,,,,,i have never done it ,and dont plan to,,,,,although android is linux based......the android image is more flexible ,and has more potential.

The best bet would be to reflash the box back to android 4.2.2

05-01-2015, 06:37 PM
Hi all,I got my box nearly sorted,I have Navix and many other addons,I tried to install thru Usb stick but could not so I went into browser on MX box and downloaded and followed instructions and via the file manager I got fusion,went back into system and addons,while I have not got all addons I have enough for the minute and will add more when required,again thanks for echelon and voyager without their suggestions I would not have got to where I am with the box,happy New Year to all.

05-01-2015, 09:56 PM
here is a few xbmc repo links which will get you alot of addons,,,,,

07-01-2015, 11:41 PM
Hi back again,after all the doing on my M X box I was not happy with how the addons were so I decided to do a factory reset ,all the apps on the opening window are ie Google,Skype ect but no xbmc nor navi ,I have another M XZ box, can could I copy a backup from one and put it on the other with a Usb stick and if so how do I do it,again many thanks.

08-01-2015, 11:27 AM
Another good repo is


08-01-2015, 12:21 PM
Hi Knacker.

Go over to YOU TUBE "how to install and set up KODI (XBMC) into your box mine is MINIX and you should find some very useful info there. I got a lot of info from you tube and there is video's that take you step by step through each item. Try it out you will enjoy and don't forget we learn more from our mistakes. the best thing about You Tube is you can learn at your own pace. Good luck.